View Full Version : winchester model 70

07-12-2008, 01:15 PM
I have a model 70 in 30/06 that has a synthetic blind box design. I recently purschased a custom stock that did not have a blind box. i contacted the person and he said no one makes blind box stocks for the model 70. what parts do i need to purchase to convert this to the hinged model and i am guessing on this so i can use my stock?? thanks

Joe Boleo
07-13-2008, 08:40 AM
Sounds like you have a Winchester Model 70-A with a blind magazine. You will need a replacement triggerguard and floorplate to work with a standard Model 70 stock. The magazine box and spring should be OK. Places like Gun Parts Corporation may be able to help you. They have a website at www.gunpartscorp.com. A local gunsmith may have the parts you need. Hope this helps. Take care...

07-19-2008, 07:15 AM
thanks joe i will check them out