View Full Version : 45-70 black powder recommendations
08-07-2008, 08:32 AM
Yep I said it. Black Powder. Oh the horror! MY EYES MY EYES. Now that that is done with I am thinking about loading for my new 45-70 HandiRifle with black powder or a bloack powder substitutes. Have considered paper patching, have considered eventually casting my own. For now I will most likely buy precast bullets. I am trying to invesitgate wading, and all of the rest of the above. I am also considering buying the lyman 310 tool for the reloading since it is small and portable.
08-09-2008, 03:14 AM
The obvious reply is to load 70 grains of black powder. You know 45 - 70 ?
In BP cartridges it is important to compress the powder charge with the bullet. If you down-load then seat the bullet deeper.
Gang bang chinese (http://www.****
08-11-2008, 12:42 AM
oohhhbekaybees. Lemme get more specifistic.
loading a 45-70-405 what do you suggest in the way of powder (yes yes I know 70 grains), wading (vegitable? pillow ticking? milk carton?), bullets (hollow base? Solid base? round nose? flat nose?), primer (mangulum? non-mangulum?), etc et etc. Paper patching? No Paper patching? Grease cookie? soft lead? hard lead? Swiss? Goex? Pyrodex? Hoffa? Sports? Killer Squirrels from mars?
Thanks in advance
Adam Helmer
08-11-2008, 07:43 AM
I have used Pyrodex in my M1884 Trapdoor .45/70 rifle. Hogdon's lists RS Pyro data in their reloading manual. I cast a 405 grain #2 alloy bullet and load 50 grains of RS Pyro. I use standard primers and do not use a wad over the powder yet. I have had good results with 2F Goex and 2F Elephant, about 70 grains of each.
Hope this helps.
12-09-2008, 02:07 PM
About wading on this I have head "never have a space between the powder and bullet!" Does this mean if there is space I have to fill it with wads or what? Just need to know, and I have LITTLE BP cartridge experience. I have been read that alot of folks back off to 60 or 65 grains of BP sub.
Lost in BP cartridge land.
04-16-2009, 05:58 PM
black majic powder
Ol` Joe
04-16-2009, 09:23 PM
Look somewhere around pg 11-14. There is data for metalic cartridges with both triple 7 and Pyrodex. I don`t know if they offer Blackpowder loads too or not but I`m sure you could call and they would help.
04-17-2009, 05:15 PM
I load BP cartridges for my Win Mod 1886. You can't get 70 gr of BP into the modern cases - it's my understanding that the old cases had thinner walls and were a little bit bell shaped. Some folks use a drop tube which will get a little more powder in or you can try vibrating the case once you have powder in it. You shouldn't compress black powder though as the burn rate is then unpredictable (unlike smokeless).
I have used duplex loads in the past. Refer to Loading the Black Powder Rifle Cartridge by Paul A Mathews, Wolfe Publishing Co, 1993. Many folks will tell you not to do it; that is, to mix BP and smokeless as they think it dangerous. But the idea is to get a more clean burn so you can make multiple shots without cleaning as BP is inherently "dirty". But supposedly back in the good ole days they were better at making cleaner powder. Anyway, you use only a very small amount of hot pistol powder with your BP or BP substitute. I'm reluctant to put my load here but it worked fine for me. I use Pyrodex BP and Beartooth 405 gr Gas check lead bullets w/ SPG lube. The muzzle velocity is very low. Because I'm using GC bullets and the powder fills the case, I don't use wads or spacing material. I was able to get 6 shots without cleaning.
But my latest BP load for the 45-70 and the one I recommend uses Black Horn BP substitute. Same bullet. For load data, go to My current load is 38.0 gr of BH 209, CCI C250 primer. Chrono'd at 1290 fps muzzle velocity.
Good luck with it! Let us know how you do.
^^ Mike
05-06-2009, 07:16 PM
I made an erroneous statement re compressing black powder. It shouldn't be done when using duplex loads for BP cartridge loads, but is ok when just pure BP or BP substitute. I read on another website forum that a guy was able to get 70 gr of fffg into the 45-70 using a drop tube and compressing the powder slightly. This was with a 405 gr bullet. BTW, if you're going for smoke IMHO I think the real BP smokes most followed by Pyrodex.
05-08-2009, 08:59 AM
Dang it. Make that 65 gr of fffg vice 70 gr, slightly compressed.
05-10-2009, 08:35 AM
Best powder I have used is Reloader 7 and IMR 3031. But H322 will work fine also keep preesure down and Low because the rifle is one of the weaker ones on the market. Unless you like smoke I would not use Black or 777 powder.
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