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von pck
08-08-2008, 12:26 PM
Trophy FisHunt World

“ Backyard Mexican Bassin ”

Always wanted to make, that dream Mexican Bass adventure, you and your angling partners have read about, seen on TV, and discussed time after time. This excursion, south of the border to one of these famous Mexican Bass lakes is not the normal bass fishing trip back home. This is due to the unique advantage of casting your favorite lures not just for numbers of 3 to 5 lb.Largemouth Bass, yet the opportunity of reeling in Monster class, wall hanging Trophy-sized Bass in the 10lb. to 15lb. range.

The reasons why Mexican bass sport fishing has established itself, as the premier destination worldwide are: the phenomenal growth climate with warm temperatures, extended seasons generally not found elsewhere, and the lack of fishing pressure put on these fish in boat traffic alone. Mexican bass typically on average, grow at a rate of ½ to ¾ lb. per season with the bountiful shad and tilapia forage base- available to them throughout these impoundment type lakes- mainly utilized for irrigation and flood control purposes.

Only Mexico can offer great Bass fishing with Gulf-side Lake Guerrero [south Harlingen,Tx], the Pacific coastal inland impoundments of Lakes Baccarrac, Huites, and historically the always consistent top producing Lake El Salto with numbers of 3-5 lb. and trophy class 8 to 14 lb in Sinaloa- just 1 hour north of Sun & Fun Mazatlan. Bass anglers can only imagine numerous explosions, never having encountered the repeated explosive eruptions with topwater lures demonstrated by these frenzied Mexican largemouth bass daily. Mexican bass lakes with a 9 months season are known for daily catches of numbers and several potential 10+ LB. World-Class Trophy Bass: affords no excuses for any and all bass fishing aficionados having not journeyed to a Mexican bass lake destination by experiencing, then returning home with the great stories and memories amongst your angling group with the yearning to return repeating it again next season.


Phone: 708-481-6467