View Full Version : 7 mm mag

08-09-2008, 03:19 AM
just got this caliber and have not shot it yet. When it comes time to reload I need your favorite combos ( bullet, powder,primer) so I can get a base line and start tinkering. thanks

Mike Moss
08-09-2008, 07:07 PM
I have shot the 7mm RM for a long time. On deer I have used 130 gr Speer HC's, 140 Sierra's, 140 Partitions, 150 Coreloks, and 160 Sierra BT's and others.

Memory says that the Partition and 150 CL expanded and also penetrated well and the 160 Sierra could have opened faster but things vary.

Back then we had surplus 4831 and it was good. These days I load RL 22 in a 7mm WSM as the RM's are worn out.

Watch out and don't set the shoulder all the way back with the FL die as belted rounds blow it forward. Set the die to make the case fit your chamber.

Make a feeler gage from a wire to check on the inside of each case for an insipiant separation.

08-11-2008, 12:32 AM
I've had really good luck with RL-22, 140 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips, Fed 215 primers, and winchester brass. Start with the minimum load (if memory serves correctly it is 63.5 grains of powder, but check a manual before loading it!). You can work up if you're really wanting a high end load, but even the low end is pretty darn effective...;)


Dan in the Delta
08-13-2008, 09:28 AM
I don't own a 7 mag any more (I've owned several), but when I did the 150 gr. Ballistic Tip was my favorite bullet for it. It was accurate and worked plenty well on deer. Along with H4831sc and Fed215M's in Win. brass I had real good luck.


11-20-2008, 07:16 PM
150 gr nosler partition, 63 grains imr4350 pwder, fed215 primer, bullet set to factory length 3.29 in oal shoots great in my model700bdlss, also i am working on a swift scirroco load to use for longer range, but regular work comes first this 7 day a week stuff gets old , so thats on a back burner, all the rest of my pets , my rem 700mtn in 280 rem and my 700lssin 300ultramag and my old favorite my model 721 in 3006 all use factory premium grade ammo all remingtom loads, they shoot good enough for me , but the magnificent Seven has a special place in my heartso i play and experimentwith it to to make it the best but really no need too best all around caliber out there, and boy will i catch hades for that statement:rolleyes:

12-04-2008, 11:19 AM
I have a few 7 RMs. I have found that the following load shoots in all of them, Rugers, Mausers and Winchesters;

140 Gr Sierra Pro Hunter over 66 gr of IMR 4350 with bullet set to .003 off the lands for about 3150fps. The PH is a flat base bullet.

This is the Ruger #13's group

12-04-2008, 12:13 PM
thats what i like about the 7 its consistent