08-09-2008, 09:40 PM
I don't know how many of you are in the Idaho area but if you ever get to the Sun Valley area make sure to bring your fly rod along. I just spend a week fishing there and it's a great time. We fished the Wood river, Trail Creek, Warm Springs and the Wildhorse creek in Copper Basin and the fishing was fantastic in all areas. We had a fish fry on Wed with about 30 trout and brought home 20 more to fry and a date TBD. Some were hatchery brookies (kinda small) but most were cuthroat/rainbow hybrids between 10 and 14 inches. Basically, I had the time of my life. If you're ever in that area get your fly rod out and you'll have a great time. I'll post some pics when I have time. Gotta work