View Full Version : Pulled a Skeet Yesterday

Dan Morris
08-10-2008, 09:41 PM
A dude was moaning bout his pistol failed to extract and feed...
I listened and bought an OLD Auto Ordinance 45.....guy threw in 500 rds of Wolf.....brought it home and replaced some springs
and cleaned it. Went to the range this morning and ran 100 rds
through it with out a hiccup!!!!!!!!!All for $100........was a good day!

08-10-2008, 11:25 PM
Not only did you do good..ya robbed the guy!! Not even at gun point either. I also have an auto ordnance gun and the darn thing works great and is one of the most accurate 45's i have. It is my carry around snake gun. It operates with the CCI shot loads. ...
Now I just have to say. I found an old Remington 30S deluxe express for 200 bucks..only thing is no bolt. He said he has it..in his shop(good grief what a mess) and will look for it this fall when it cools off and he ain't so busy. Oh BTW it is a you guessed it 30-06. Where can I find a bolt for one a them??

BTW Dan...way to go. I'm proud of ya:D :D

Dan Morris
08-11-2008, 06:38 AM
No idea as to a bolt, all I have are some peep sights for the 30.
Guy was just tired of fooling with the AO........plus his wife was pressuring to get rid of it.......bore is good and it is tight. This only makes me 3 of them.

08-11-2008, 04:46 PM
I NEVER have luck like that

(psssst: keep an eye out for a Savage 22-250 varmint package)

08-11-2008, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Dan Morris
No idea as to a bolt, all I have are some peep sights for the 30.
Guy was just tired of fooling with the AO........plus his wife was pressuring to get rid of it.......bore is good and it is tight. This only makes me 3 of them.


Wouldn't happen to have an extra sporter stock for a Model 30 would ya.

And what kind of Peeps ya got?

I'm looking for both. Let me know.

Best wishes, Bill

P.S. I just tried a P-17 Enfield in my 30S and it works as far as I can see. Try that one for your bolt problem.

08-11-2008, 07:25 PM
It just barely closed. I really don't want to take it out of the rifle it fits anyway. Gun Parts doesn't have any. Did have a P-14 bolt that was altered to fit P17. How they do dat?? Anyway. I'll look around and try to find one at gun shows etc. I'll carry my go no go gauges. I might be able to use a peep myself... :D

Dan Morris
08-11-2008, 09:11 PM
No wood.......gonna have to look at the peeps n see if they fit
what I think they do.........when I adopted the AO, I knew I had several spring sets.........guy just threw in the ammo...I really wasn't looking for another one!!!!!!! I said old, SN #92XX.....
These have turned out to be real sleepers....most folks shy away from em....the ones I have all shoot well and are darn accurate!