View Full Version : Sarah Palin

08-30-2008, 05:58 PM
The Republican Base must be energized beyond belief
Palin Validates McCain
Christian Right Now Supprts McCain
Gun Owners Rejoice over Palin pick
Women have something to be proud of
She's a true blue reformer to the PERIL of all in Washington... including entrenched Republicans....
Hockey Mom ....
Called Sarah Barracuda ... will she be cutting bait with Biden?

I love it... what do you all think aobut it.... :)

Aloha... :cool:

Dan Morris
08-30-2008, 06:43 PM
Alaskan/Idaho stock....known to be self sufficient breeds. NRA Life, nice looking family, proud of America, has put a severe dent in Alaskan politics n good ole boy clubs.
She, from what I've been able to learn, stands for every thing I believe in! Should she ever have to become POTUS, I firmly believe that she is capable of taking the torch!
Darn good choice in my opinion!


08-30-2008, 07:09 PM
My Opinion also..... :)

Aloha... :cool:

08-30-2008, 09:00 PM
What's not to like?

08-31-2008, 01:41 AM
So far so good!

08-31-2008, 08:26 AM
Dems have got to be sweating. Everything I have heard so far is positive. Woman hunts moose. Good Lord,if she can split wood we need to get behind her and see that she goes to Washington!


08-31-2008, 11:28 AM
Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuum! Lets see here.

Devoted Wife
Dedicated Mother of Five
Former City Council Member
Former Mayor
Governor of Alaska, Biggest piece of real estate in the U.S.
She Hunts
She Fishes
Shes Attractive
NRA Life Member

So whats the downside here and whats not to like?

There is one dark side here. The Dumocrates are already jumping on the band wagon to impeach her over an incident called "Troopergate" in which she fired her Public Safety Director because he would not in turn fire her former BIL when he made threats against Palins Sister and their families. A loose Cannon.

She really has no Baggage other than that.

Unlike Ferraro and hildabeast, they would have had to go through a car wash to get ALL the dirt off. Obinbamma is no better. His wife is so Socialistic she makes Stalin look like a conservative. She is the most hateful looking woman? I've ever seen. She has a real axe to grind.

As for Sarah and Biden debating, she will have him popping his hair plugs and they will go sub orbital ballistic into apex.

Regardind Sarahs "executive" experience, as a former City council member, Mayor, and governor she has more "executive" experience the Obinbamma and Biten combined. Obinbamma has 140+ days as the absent Senator From Illinois and from a group of people who have a whopping 6% approval rating. This makes George Bush look really good!

Time for my Pepcid. Oh! One other thing, has anyone checked out Obinammas citizenship ranking lately? Last I heard he is only a naturalized citizen and is not eligible to be President.

Can't wait for November. This is going to be fun.

Sawadee Kup.

Best wishes, Bill

08-31-2008, 02:09 PM
Couldn't have said it better, but two things...

I listened to an interview with Larry Kudlow about the trooper thing. 1) By the time this came about, this trooper had been divorced from her sister for several years at the time of this incident. 2) The reason for his firing is she wanted someone who would do the job requested, and it was more of competance issue. She has welcomed the investigation and they are going to embarrass themselves with it, from what you hear about it.

As for Obama's citizenship, I don't think there is anything there. As long as He was born in Hawaii and his mother was an American citizen, he is an American.

But I'm pumped... my son, who has NEVER voted Republican, called me and sayed he is voting this year for McCain/Palin... and there may be others.

Just remember, Obama/Biden will wreck the economy. Consider this, Congress runs things. Bill Clinton had a republican house and senate, thats why things were so well run during his years. When George Bush came on board, we had 9/11, and someone who was a pretty wild spender himself, and the Congress went along.

Further consider, that Democrats have been totally in charge for the last two years. Gas prices have almost doubled and THEY complain that the economy is failing (through growing 31/2% over the last quarter). What have they done to address it? They will come out every four years and WHINE, that is not leadership and Palin, with her executive experience will have action plans, not blame rosters like the Democrats have.

Aloha... :cool:

Dan Morris
08-31-2008, 03:19 PM
Funny, wife and kids (closet democrats) Have all voiced a switch to Rep!

08-31-2008, 05:03 PM
:D :D :D Aint it funny though what she done brung some apple pie to the party... .... :D :D :D

08-31-2008, 09:47 PM

That was something I forgot to mention.

Unlike the Chilldabeast she bakes cookies.

Hildabeasts "we loathe the military" and her cookie statement sowed me up on that administration.

She and Michelle Obambam are the two most hateful/hate-filled women I have ever seen.

Another lady who is stellar in my book is Cindy McCain. Read her bio sometime and compare it to Michelles and see the difference. Which person would you rather see as "First Lady".

Cindy has donated gobs of money to Orphanages around the world that are multiracial.

Meanwhile Michelle had run her big fat racially insensitive mouth. She would make David Duke look like an angel.

Best wishes, Bill

09-01-2008, 02:29 AM
it is instructive to compare these people to each other in their real lives. Obama talks about equal pay for equal work, yet in his campaign women are paid less than their male counterpart. In McCain's, they are actually paid more. This is the real life.

Obama squandered 100 million dollars while in service with william ayers, a terrorist, on what was supposed to be money's for the neighborhoods.... but instead went to radical groups who as we all know are 100% american... and on top of that there was self dealing involved... and this is all outlined in a book called the case against obama...

The McCain family squanders millions on orphanages and the self dealing they are guilty of is the pride of knowing good deeds.

Yes... it's funny how the villified are the patrons and how bereft of good deed or intention are the villifiers....

I'm voting for the real guys ... yup... :) :D

09-01-2008, 08:12 AM
Besides liking Palin overall (mother of 5, one of which is in the military) I think she was a brilliant choice for one MAJOR reason.

Had Obama been voted in it would have been a historic election because it would have been the first black president in history (even though he is 95% arab) and people would have voted for him JUST to make history. I know it sounds stupid (and honestly it is) but believe you me I see that kinda stupid on a daily basis on college campuses. NOW it will be a Historic election EITHER way. We either have a black arab president or a woman VP. personally I pray daily that it is the woman VP :D


09-01-2008, 03:02 PM
So Far Maybe not so good?????

ST. PAUL, Minn. - John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin said Monday that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant.

A statement released by the campaign said that Bristol Palin will keep her baby and marry the child's father.

"Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents," Sarah and Todd Palin said in the brief statement.

"Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family," they added.

Senior McCain advisers said the Arizona senator and his top aides had known about Bristol's pregnancy before offering Palin the No. 2 spot on the GOP ticket.

McCain's campaign and the Palins asked that the media respect the couple's privacy.

(I dont think they knew...I really dont...hey I could be wrong and all but somehow this isnt going to go over well with many of the right..)

09-01-2008, 04:25 PM
Hey .. Chanel #5 and gunpowder.... :D :D

Even the best of plans can get disrupted from time to time, so lets make lemonade out of lemons. One is that no one was discussing abortion in that family. The family is supportive of her misfortune, remember, Obama said he didn't want his daughter saddled by their mistakes... meaning abortion is entirely ok for him. Besides, unlike the many unwed mothers that RockObama is pandering to, this girl is going to marry the father of this child. Do the right thing.

Democrats who try to make anything of this I think are really going to get slammed and they'd best be on their goodest behavior, because their way has proven to be a loser for the individual, the community, and sucks them into entitlements.. some record.

Nope... nothing bad about this at all, just american theater and shows that good overcomes evil once again.

Aloha... :cool:

Dan Morris
09-01-2008, 05:32 PM
JMO, our kids don't always make good decisions....it is time like this that parental support is needed. I'm still satisfied with her!

09-01-2008, 07:08 PM
I think it just shows that this woman is not the typical politician trying to sweep it all under the rug. She is supporting her children, and her children after having made mistakes are living with them not just running to an abortion clinic.


09-02-2008, 12:57 AM
Ya know, Kids are funny creatures, all their lives you teach them right from wrong and all you can do once they reach a certain age is pray and hope to God they have a flash of brilliance and remember what you taught them.

You can't be there with your finger on the button and make a decision for them, they have to make their own choices.

Best wishes, Bill

09-02-2008, 06:40 AM
Obama says families are "off limits" when it comes to politics and campaigning but I'm sure someone will figure out a way to use this against McCain/Palin. The media is sure keeping it in the limelight

Mil Dot
09-02-2008, 08:09 AM
I may have this wrong but wasn't Obama the product of a trist between a Kansas girl and African national or were they actually married?

Palins' daughter may be carrying a future president!

Update: They were married for two years, thank you google.

09-02-2008, 09:35 AM
I haven't until this point had a single speck of respect for Obama. I now have ONE count it ONE speck of respect for him for telling his people he would fire them for dragging peoples families into this. Do I think he did it out of the kindness of his heart? No I think he did it to help his chances at becomming president. I still respect it.


09-02-2008, 11:53 AM
:D :D :D

09-02-2008, 01:32 PM
So far, the only ones making a big deal out of it are the media.

09-02-2008, 02:16 PM
A nervous young McCain staffer took it upon himself to explain to Palin the facts of life in a national campaign, the intense scrutiny she'd be under from the media, the viciousness of the assault that she'd be facing, etc.:

Palin: "Thanks for the warning. By the way, do you know what they say the difference is between a hockey mom and a Pit Bull?"

McCain aide: "No, Governor."

Palin: "A hockey mom wears lipstick."

09-02-2008, 02:48 PM
Sarah Barracuda can take care of herself.

The MSM wil simply die tired by wearing themselves out.

And as far as Binbamma is concerned his "lets leave families out of the politics" is just a statement of "fluff" to attempt to give him some luster. He's praying the MSM and junk yard dogs minions take this to the max.

If he told me it rained in New Orleans yesterday I wouldn't believe without checking.

Best wishes, Bill

09-02-2008, 02:51 PM
I love that.. I be thinking that she's going to do just fine.... Lipstick.... hahahahhaa

Aloha.... :cool:

09-02-2008, 08:18 PM
As far as the 17 yr old pregnant girl goes....
since when are the Dems suddenly concerned about morals????
Wow...a shocker...like the other million or so preggy teenagers runnin round protestin guns, jobs and anythin else hard core American.

Here they are pushin fer gay marriages, abortion etc etc and they got their bloomers in a bunch over that??
Even us "old-timers" dont find that as exasperatin as a gay marriage...at least I dont. Yeah, it aint the brightest thing to do with your life, and I dont agree with it...but that dont change the situation none and it surely dont make her mama at fault.
If that girl takes care of that baby insteada leavin it in a dumpster somewhere like most do, I'll have much more respect for that kid than I do now.

Mil Dot
09-02-2008, 11:26 PM
You have to feel kind sorry for the kids, with a Mom like this lady you can kind of picture the boy locked in a crab pot out on the Bering Sea, with Dead or Alive playing in the background.

Life is all about choices .....

You have to like it when her Alaskan constiuents are complaining because she is Abandoning them to go to Washington.

09-03-2008, 03:39 AM
And her daughter is going to marry the father... and fer crying out loud, girls were mothers and wives at 13, 14, 15 in days of the covered wagon.... sheeeeesh.... I mean come on.... it aint like they aint biologically becoming able to be a mom at them ages in God's eyes...

Aloha... :cool:

09-03-2008, 12:42 PM
One of the keypoints of the DNC I thought was the absence of John Edwards because he cheated on his wife.

Meanwhile two of the most immoral pieces of human trash were there, ie: Clinton and Kennedy. Talk about double standards and hypocrisy, it goes to show what the Dems really are. Puke!

And, oh my goodness let us not forget Sarahs husband got a DUI 22 years ago.

Did he also kill his pregnant girlfriend and leave her to drown in his car? This guy, Kennedy, is a real hero. He is and was a bloated fat "POS" COWARD.

Personally I'm glad he never served in the Military, he would have been a hindrance to the people he served with.

But I'm sure he would have submitted the correct paper work for his Awards and Decs like a certain other hypocrite we all know and love.

Most, not all Dems are morally bankrupt. They have no heart, no soul, no conscience and no remorse.

I think Ronald Regan put it best when he said referring to Liberals, "It's not that they are not intelligent, it's just that they know so much that isn't so". Or something to that effect. Sorry I can't quote verbatim.

Best wishes, Bill

09-03-2008, 01:12 PM
That remark about the hockey-mom and a pit got me to wondering what that would look like.

09-03-2008, 01:42 PM
Hahahaha..... so when did our VP start wearing contacts.... :D :D :D

09-03-2008, 10:47 PM
Whatever you may think of Guliani (I happen to like him) he gives a great speech. Funny guy, too

09-03-2008, 11:22 PM
Mrs. Palin's not too bad, either. I don't know much about her but she seems like my kind of people. McCain IS my kind of people. I know how I'm voting

Edited: Plus she was born in Idaho where I've live for the last 11+ years

09-03-2008, 11:55 PM
Seems like Sarah delivered!

Ol` Joe
09-04-2008, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by DogYeller
That remark about the hockey-mom and a pit got me to wondering what that would look like.

Love it, I hate to admit it, but I gotta steal your pic.

09-04-2008, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by Swift
Seems like Sarah delivered!

She not only delivered she knocked the ball out of the park.

I loved her comeback where she said she had actual responsibilities versus Binbamas duties as a Community Organizer ie: rable rouser.

Also her opponent has never had one bill introduced to the Illinois senate and passed.

He has been in the senate roughly 2 years and has been campaigning for the Presidency for 1 1/2 years of that time.

Sarah Barracuda looked great tonite. Bring on Bimbo Biden. He's dead meat.

Did you notice she spent very little time looking at the teleprompter tonite. That leads me to believe that speech was from the heart.

Best wishes,Bill

09-04-2008, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by Tater
Whatever you may think of Guliani (I happen to like him) he gives a great speech. Funny guy, too


The only rub I have against Giuliani is his Second Amendment stance. Other than that he is a coservative.

He knew he would be blown out of the water for that stance and that was why he withdrew from the race.

Best wishes, Bill

09-04-2008, 04:24 AM
I loved her speech tonight and I think she did one thing that the democrats were hoping would never happen and that is, women whether they are into abortion or not, identified with her, and as one california pro-choicer said, I'm not concerned about abortion as much as I am about the rest of the issues... and that is exactly as I thought might happen, if a woman is not going to have any more children (tubes tied etc) abortion is a non-issue... :)

Oh... and worse for democrats... people I think really like her. I think people really trust her. I think that all those that really love her for who she is and trust her, will vote for McCain just because she endorses him.... she validates him... Killer Combo... :)

Right on Sarah.... :cool:

09-04-2008, 07:04 AM
Dumbocrats keep saying vote Republican and more years of the same ...no change..but.......how many years now has the Democrats been the majority?.....as stated somewhere along the line, since they have been the majority, gas prices went up, everything went up...everything has fallen apart...etc etc etc..???

09-04-2008, 05:12 PM
"Dumbocrats keep saying vote Republican and more years of the same ...no change..but.......how many years now has the Democrats been the majority?"
Republicans were the majority party in both the Senate and the House from 2000 to 2006.
From 2006 to the present, the Democratic party has held a majority in the House and Senate. Their majority in the Senate is 51-49, and by Senate rules, the minority party can block any bill from coming up that has less than 60 votes. In other words, the Democrats haven't been able to pass anything through the Senate that the Republicans don't approve of.

09-04-2008, 05:14 PM
Exactly right... Democrats have the proud leadership of the lowest approval rated congress EVER... my goodness... when George Bush has triple their approval we should be begging for four more years.... :)

McCain / Palin Aint George Bush... and you know what... I'm ready for a mid-town mom to run our "household" in 8 years coming or 12 years coming... but right now she validates McCain, and if she likes him so do I... I ain't about to argue with such a pretty pair of lips... no sir.... :D :D :D :D

Aloha... :cool:

09-04-2008, 10:16 PM
I will say this..only got to listen to her once and that was the other night....impressed so far...and has my vote...and...in my opinion...she puts Hillary who spent a lifetime in politics to shame..Just maybe we need someone like her in there...No not Hillary.

09-04-2008, 11:11 PM
As near as I can tell, the only "gun control" issues he has have to do with mandatory gun locks included with firearms and background checks. Other than that he seems to be fully in support of firearms owners. I don't have a problem with gun locks; if they don't come with the weapon I buy my own. Background checks: I have nothing to hide so I'm not worried about that either. The background checks I go through periodically for the military are much worse than the check when I buy a new firearm. If I'm missing something please let me know because I want to be as informed as possible when it comes time to vote. I'll still vote for McCain/Palin but I definitely want know what I'm getting into.

09-04-2008, 11:29 PM
Well I can tell you this, Barack Obama has publicly stated in interviews with John Lott, that Americans don't need guns and that he'd like to see every home free of guns. Not assault weapons, not pistols, not mandatory background checks.... NO GUNS.

That is what you are getting into... someone who supports your rights, where Obama would take them away. And you know once they start, its like feeding a dog red meat.... :)

Aloha... Tom :cool:

09-05-2008, 01:40 AM

I was referring to Giulianis stance on guns. From what I read about him he was not gun friendly when he was mayor of NYC.

As far as McCain is concerned his viewpoint won't make a whole lot of difference as President. He could veto something but he wouldn't be casting a vote one way or the other.

Sarah Palin is another story, She could be called upon if there is a tie vote on a Bill.

Best wishes, Bill

P.S. Talk about being tough to get a Security clearance you should have been me.

I was the first of my family to be born in the U.S.A. There was some relatives here to sponsor my Mom and Dad who had gained citizenship.

Other than that nada. I had to get a TS when I was in Germany because I was the 36TFW Explosive Safety Technician along with being the Nuclear Safety Tech.

I was responsible for Detachments in Belgium, The Netherlands, Turkey and Italy also. Plus my home base was a Wing of F-4E's.

I sweated Blood and Bullets till that clearance got back. I already had 17 years in the military at that time so that helped and had a previous Secret Clearance.

09-05-2008, 08:22 AM
Well I am done with anything and anybody connected with Bush and that goes for Dem. and Rep. It costs me more to drive to work then I make and heating bills will be out of this world this winter.
I liked the old man but this kid is a wreck ! Both sides can blow all the smoke up our butts about health reform and energy and when they get it its the same old junk.
I may just stay home this election and ***** lol

09-05-2008, 08:29 AM
I had McCain on the brain when I did my search.

09-05-2008, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Nulle
Well I am done with anything and anybody connected with Bush and that goes for Dem. and Rep. It costs me more to drive to work then I make and heating bills will be out of this world this winter.
I liked the old man but this kid is a wreck ! Both sides can blow all the smoke up our butts about health reform and energy and when they get it its the same old junk.
I may just stay home this election and ***** lol

Well if you stay home, you aren't doing anything to solve the problems. If you will remember, its been the Democrats in Power for the last two years in Washington and its while they have been in power that gas prices doubled. Its been while THEY have been in power that food, cereals and milk prices have doubled.

09-05-2008, 02:37 PM
It is not just the Dems. its the whole darn works. I realize this is a Republican site and party line is Not what I am talking about. I have never voted a straight ticket in my life and to do so is foolish in my book.
I don't think I would vote for ANY of the incumbants in the House or Senate right now and I could care less what party they are.
I also don't care if the lady can ride a Harley, kill moose with a stick or any of her family problems. I will be looking at what each one of them is going to do about health care, energy issues and the things that effect me.

09-05-2008, 03:27 PM
Give em heck Nulle!

I agree. I have never and will never vote straight ticket.

I like Palin, I like McCain.

SO there bleh :p


09-05-2008, 03:49 PM
What do YOU want out of Health Care Nulle? I pay over $8,400 a year for me and my wife right now and what Obama is proposing scares teh **** out of me... his givaway healthcare is going to cost me a fortune, and is going to cost you the service you think you want. Government can't run anything.

Gas? That is a Democratic problem... they've in control and outof control for the last two years and you want to sit this one out? You sit it out Nulle and you've no basis for complaint... as for being a republican site... don't know how you came to that conclusion, but most of us want to retain our freedoms, and republicans push our freedoms in the outdoors... does that make this place a republican site... no it doesn't it makes us all wanting to remain able to hunt, fish and shoot into the future for our great grand-kids...

Aloha... :cool:

09-05-2008, 06:12 PM
I guess you may say I am an independant seeing as I do not vote a straight ticket.
OK I will vote
I want a health care I can AFFORD = and you ?
Guess I didn't say who I liked for President = maybe neither
The posts stand for themself on the site poll.
Find another sparing partner rattus I am done in this political arena. lol

09-05-2008, 09:10 PM
I think most people on here have long ago drunk the Kool Aid, of whatever flavor.
I think these discussions provide a lot of heat, but very little light.
The name of this bulletin board is HuntChat, is it not? Or is it politics chat?

09-05-2008, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Jack
I think most people on here have long ago drunk the Kool Aid, of whatever flavor.
I think these discussions provide a lot of heat, but very little light.
The name of this bulletin board is HuntChat, is it not? Or is it politics chat?

The name of the board truly is Hunt Chat, But the topic is Almost Anything Goes.

Could be Ice Skating, Hunting, or Intermediate Underwater Basket Weaving.

The topics surely wont shed any light if they are not allowed to be discussed.

I hadn't realized I had moved to Stalin era Russia. After spending 27 years of my life defending my country I feel I have a right to say what I want as long as it is cogent with and not speaking against my country.

Now if things get down to the "your mother wears gym shoes" rhetoric, even I draw the line.

Best wishes, Bill

09-05-2008, 10:16 PM
Now if things get down to the "your mother wears gym shoes" rhetoric, even I draw the line.

Draw the line CRAP. I'm goin huntin. I think we're all mature enough to discuss this stuff here

09-05-2008, 10:55 PM
I am like nulle I Tend to vote dem in a lot of my locals dingal is strong nra and for labor and inviroment.
I have voted rep for pres sense Regan I have yet to see a dem for pres i like.
I happen to feal both sides pull there candidates out of a hat.
It seams to be like i am voteing for the less of the two evils.
I have never been to happy with G.W. and voted for him both times.
Regan was the first press i voted for the rest seam rather shallow to me but i was a kid then.
p.s. my mother does were gym shoes

09-05-2008, 11:26 PM
Or anybody else I guess. I am a kinda strict libertarian. To be really honest I'd like to have a viable candidate other than the two running. Since I don't, I'll hold my nose a bit and vote for McCain. No way I can vote for a man that depises his own country...as does his wife If you all want affordable health care..let me ask a question. When has the government EVER done something (other than govern) better than the private sector? Never you say?? If you say that you are correct. Check out health care in ...say Canada. Better?? Don't think so! What we need to do is get government out of all the health issue. So many regulations to make thiings "better" for us just makes for more expensive more restrictive health care for us. Regulation in health issues works the same way as regulation in guns. More paper work more costs and more government intervention. All the regulations required by OUR government is stifling the doctors in their offices as is all the medical litigation. Sheesh. if a doctor wants to deliver babies anymore they BETTER have lots of insurance....and a whole bunch of people working in their office. Makes costs rise..precipitously. Not blaming lawyers per se..but people just have to blame someone other than themselves for the unfortunate things that happen. Yep...doctors screw up but don't we all?? Don't politicians??..oh sorry..most of them are lawyers:D :D

09-06-2008, 05:28 AM
Managed by the Government, they say they'll give you care
But really what'll happen is your butts exposed and bare
They say they'll give you healtcare, but stand in line and wait
They talk a pretty story, and hope you'll take the bait

09-06-2008, 06:53 AM
If you're not sure who to vote for take this test.

09-06-2008, 08:05 AM
Now that's interesting.... this might come off better than expected... :)

09-06-2008, 12:32 PM
Managed by the Government, they say they'll give you care
But really what'll happen is your butt's exposed and bare
They say they'll give you healtcare, but stand in line and wait
They talk a pretty story, and hope you'll take the bait

Now all you dirty fellas, would love to see her bare
Seductively bent over, that leather kitchen chair
But that picture of the Gov, is anohter photo fake
She's really got us pumped, and she's surely not a flake

Obama's got a plan to reduce your spending income
He'll also find to tax, investment, death, and then some
Should babies get some help, should the abortion they survive
Is it straight into the trash can, or should we try to keep them live

Now Sarah has a vision, when it comes to childrens futures
McCains daughter has a smile, after thousands of them sutures
See, every life is precious, and deserves a rightful chance
John and Sarah's vision is that everyone gets to dance

09-06-2008, 07:00 PM
I looked at that questionnaire..It is like most slanted questionnaires. Didin't have my answer on many things..especially abortion. They ask questions that are so slanted you can't answer them the way ya want. But I'll get into it here. Just my take on things..I feel that the government shouldn't have any say on abortions or the right to or the wrong things about abortion. It ain't the government's business..nor yours if it ain't your family. If'n it is your 14 yr old daughter..damn right the doctor should call your sorry butt before it is done. Just common sense. I also feel that the government shouldn't have any say on religious freedoms. I also feel the ACLU should shut up about it and go away. The government should have so little say in the medical field that the price would drop big time..if they just left it alone. I also feel short of having a Bradley tank I should be able to have any firearm I so choose..long as I am a law abiding citizen..yep..even a machine gun.(the average guy would find out they be way to spensive to shoot anyway.) I feel that the government should leave us alone and only deal with the necessary things that governments should deal with..That ain't abortions guns medical plans er any other things that affect our PERSONAL lives. And another thing that the government should NOT do is try to legislate morality. Government should only be heard from if'n we gotta fight or help another country in the world. JMO...and with that I'm gonna leave this thread...cause I ain't changin my mind and I doubt if I'm a gonna change yours!! So I ain't arguing:D :D

09-06-2008, 10:04 PM
Skeet... :)

You KNOW it's a slanted questionaire but what does that matter if the representations are accurate? They are hitting hot button issues between the campaigns.

As for abortion... Let me ask you something... Where in the constitution does the right to choose have anything to do with the Federal Government? I mean this in a strict sense, not how the Supreme Court twisted it with an activist group of justices.

This is how the Feds wind up getting into our business. This is a States rights issue and these kinds of decisions are what led to these decisions on Gay Marriage and a host of others. Our country needs to run on the original platform, not some meandering live document that some states rights issue is challenged by some yoyo and throws it into Federal Court because as a minority they feel that their feelings are hurt the majority don't wanna do it their way.

Abortion and Gay Rights, and a host of other issues are not Civil Rights Issues, they are State's rights issues.

Back to abortion. This country gave you inalienable rights. THAT IS IN THE CONSTITUTION. No one has the right to take that away from you. Now abortion.. you give the Federal Government too much power, they will change your life in ways you can't imagine. You'll have food police, speech police, thought police (public radio), you'll have them re-educating your children... http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=305420655186700 Now I don't know how credible investors daily news is, but they are promoting things that are fairly easy to check out... as are Obamas two books.

Back to abortion... This should be a states rights issue rather than a federal one especially on an issue of inalienable rights... you are giving any woman the right to choose... when does conception start? For most of us, I think, life starts with conception... when there is that cateclysmic collision of chromosomes that sets off a chain of events that marvels even the the events of a nuclear reaction and much more sophisticated...

I've been down the abortion path in my lifetime twice, and without getting into the details of these most unfortunate events, let me say I've been there done that and though I was not carrying the baby, there is a lot to beg forgiveness for.

I'm not advocating that we change our abortion laws, but if one was to move to change them I'd support it. It would make our country a much better place where people would have to live with consequences.

Aloha... :cool:

09-06-2008, 10:06 PM
In case you missed it in the above reply to Skeet....


Much Aloha.. :cool:

09-06-2008, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by rattus58
Skeet... :)

You KNOW it's a slanted questionaire but what does that matter if the representations are accurate? They are hitting hot button issues between the campaigns.

Do you like to answer a question when the answer doesn't fit your ideas? I don't

As for abortion... Let me ask you something... I mean this in a strict sense, not how the Supreme Court twisted it with an activist group of justices.

Being a man..how does the SC decision affect you??

This is how the Feds wind up getting into our business. This is a States rights issue and these kinds of decisions are what led to these decisions on Gay Marriage and a host of others.

Sorry to say this but that decision was reinforced in 1865. There really don't seem to be any State's Rights as the Constitution delineated them. Too Late now. Get a grip.

Abortion and Gay Rights, and a host of other issues are not Civil Rights Issues, they are State's rights issues.

Not any more...see above.

Back to abortion. This country gave you inalienable rights. THAT IS IN THE CONSTITUTION. No one has the right to take that away from you.

Then shut up about abortion. When you are able to have one I will support your decison..whichever way you decide.

Now abortion.. you give the Federal Government too much power, they will change your life in ways you can't imagine. You'll have food police, speech police, thought police (public radio), you'll have them re-educating your children...

We already have ALL of those things you mention. Doesn't change the way I think or do. In fact..the reasons I can not support Obama are contained in that statement. He wants more of the above.

[Back to abortion... This should be a states rights issue rather than a federal one especially on an issue of inalienable rights... you are giving any woman the right to choose... when does conception start? For most of us, I think, life starts with conception...

Well I guess for you that is your idea of life. Many others do not feel that way. To deny a woman the choice to do with her body what she deems necessary is not in your purview..You step on someone else's rights when you do..Something it seems you abhor(destroying someone else's right)

I've been down the abortion path in my lifetime twice,

Sorry you have been involved with that..seriously

I'm not advocating that we change our abortion laws, but if one was to move to change them I'd support it.

Yes you are.Your statement actually says that. You WOULD support it and seem to want to

It would make our country a much better place where people would have to live with consequences.

Sorry but I disagree with the above statement..That my friend is YOUR OPINION. Nothing other than that. If a woman chooses to have an abortion..she is the one who has to live with the consequences...not you. Are you going to deny her any rights? Point the finger?? Or what??

If you ask if I support abortion..My answer is I am a man. Hopefully I will never become pregnant..thank goodness..and I feel I have NO RIGHT telling any woman what she can or can't do with HER body. I really do not want to usurp HER rights as you seem to want to do. Personally I doubt if I could choose that way. Not dissing ya but you can't have it both ways as you seemed to believe in your above post.. And now my friend..I truly am done. As there is no way to win an argument..from either side. It is just too much of an emotional issue..and you know it. So let's leave the issues alone. YOU can not change someone else's mind, I fear. Especially with an argument!

Aloha... :cool:

09-07-2008, 12:14 AM
Hi Skeet... :)

No skeet,, you're playing now with yur own biases and trying to insert them upon me.... and I think you have to look back into the constitution some more.

As for my statement, I'm not trying to change the laws. What I said was if someone were to ask for change I'd support it. There is a huge difference mon.... and I believe that it is a states rights issue as most all of these are... that's basically it.

Aloha... Tom :cool:

09-07-2008, 01:32 PM

09-07-2008, 04:47 PM
I actually sent McCain a check. I swore I would never do that. I like Sarah, but she does not 'validate' McCain. He never was my choice, and if he had picked, say Tom Ridge or Lieberman, I would not have voted this cycle.

09-07-2008, 10:17 PM
She validates McCain to many people... they like her, and if she likes McCain.... "then alright den!" :D :D

In my opinion, that is a far stronger validation than just being a Democrat.

Aloha... Tom :cool:

09-08-2008, 12:29 AM
Wonder when oprah is going to have her on? :D

09-08-2008, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Swift
Wonder when oprah is going to have her on? :D

If invited and I were Sarah I'd tell Orca to go jump in the lake. Fact is I wouldn't go on any shows unless I hand picked them.

I know Sarah can handle herself, but I'd make them beg me, just for spite. Sarah knows those shows are just a set up to make her look bad.

So I would let them stew in their own juices.

Best wishes, Bill

Rocky Raab
09-12-2008, 09:55 AM
Folks, I think we've beat the dirt out of this rug.

Upon request by the original poster, we'll close this thread.