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08-31-2008, 06:55 AM
I purchased several motorcycles in a small town of Alamo North Dak. up north of Williston and we went up there last week and got some of them. Anyway we saw a few pheasants on the South Dak. border area but the further north we got the dryer the area became and looks like they need rain real bad in that area.

09-17-2008, 09:51 AM
So did North Dakota get any of this rain we've had recently?
have a good one

09-17-2008, 12:29 PM
Rain Report.

The West part of the state from North to South is drier than Popcorn Flatulence, at least thats what I,ve been told.

The Central and East regions have received abundant rain. Usually every thing around here is brown by now, and right now it is lush and green.

I live in the North Central part of the state 50 miles North of Lake Sakakawea. Even the Lake has recovered somewhat from the previous drought. The Lake was down some 20+' awhile back and it has risen considerably. Some of the islands that popped up during the drought are now under water again.

The best Pheasant Hunting is the Southwestern part of the state, South of I-94. As a city boy I tend to look at dry conditions a little differently than an Agricultural Engineer, farmer, or cattleman.

The only thing pressing right now that affects the game population is all the CRP lands that have been lost.

Used to be you could count the number of Corn fields on one hand up here, now they are all over the State. ETHANOL. Otherwise known as "snake oil" is the reason.

I am not a believer in it. My mileage drops whenever I use it.

Now, back to weather, where I hunt , Public Lands and around the Lake, Pheasant numbers seem to be about normal, 'ol Fritz was flushing birds like all get out. Had I been carrying a gun and the season was open, I could have shot several limits in a few hours.

Partridge and Sharptail Grouse didn't fair so well as the Pheasants did, during the Spring Nesting season because of the "Spring" rains, so Fish And Game isn't expecting much of a season for them.

From the latest F&G reports I've read the only problem Pheasant hunting will be the lack of open lands to hunt in. The bird population hasn't changed that much.

Sorry I can't be more concise.

Optimistically, I'm looking for a few birds in the freezer. ;)

'sides that there is never a BAD day spent while hunting.

Best wishes, Bill