View Full Version : Anybody in this storm's path?

09-01-2008, 02:58 PM
Just checking to see if all was ok..

09-01-2008, 08:41 PM
NO problems up here in Michigan. Just wish that they would share a LITTLE of that rain with us. Dang dry up here. Some of the corn looks like it is harvest time it is so brown and that should be 6 weeks away.


Watch your back side there is another one of those hurricanes headed up the east side of Florida

09-02-2008, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by multibeard
NO problems up here in Michigan. Just wish that they would share a LITTLE of that rain with us. Dang dry up here. Some of the corn looks like it is harvest time it is so brown and that should be 6 weeks away.


Watch your back side there is another one of those hurricanes headed up the east side of Florida

Oh honey I am weavin and dodgin as we speak..:rolleyes:

Rocky Raab
09-02-2008, 11:19 AM
Well, we had A storm this weekend. A real doozie, BTW. It was the first significant rain since June, and we got almost 15% of our annual total in 24 hours. SW Wyoming got something like 25% of their annual. There were 77 mph gusts everywhere. It hit 98 degrees Saturday, and the high yesterday was 65. There were frost warnings for some high locations last night.

It also (as usual) effectively ended the dove season the day before the opener. I've lived here for almost 25 years now, and we ALWAYS get a major storm on or about Sept 1. The day before, doves aplenty. The day after, nada.

09-02-2008, 11:45 AM

I thought that only happened to me about the Doves. We had 96° then yesterday a high of 52°. And buckets of rain which we needed. It was drier than popcorn flatulence here.

The downside, I'll have to cut grass in a few days.

Well no Doves but Grouse and Partridge opens on the 13th. It'll probably snow.

Best wishes, Bill

09-02-2008, 12:57 PM
Not anymore I ain't. I was until it slammed on the breaks yesterday afternoon.


Brother Rockeye
09-04-2008, 12:16 AM
I was in the path of a wicked one Sunday mornin,but I saw her comin and hid in the shop :D

woulda made the plow wind that came thru last week look like a breeze :p

09-04-2008, 06:10 AM
Now thats funny I dont care you ya are...

09-04-2008, 11:57 AM
We actually got some rain this morning with more to come tonite.

Set up silo goose decoys this mornig and forgot my drill. I had to set the stakes in the cracks in the rock hard clay. Got soaked and only saw one goose. Bring on the migrators.

09-04-2008, 04:58 PM
Doctor said I was fine and now packed and ready to rescue you lol

09-05-2008, 03:55 PM
Well Val, here we go again. I never did like Ike......
We was doing our best bobbing and weaving act on the last two, the first was a big rain that ran over us, then the second just dropped another pile of water as it went by. Ike looks a little serious though.

It is the dry season up country but the farm is a soup hole of red clay mud.

09-05-2008, 07:56 PM
Yea I am walkin with ya..we got news cast 24/7 thinking Ike might just be the one. I bought a new commerical charbroil grill today, I know I'll have to feed my neighbors. Stocked up on plenty of gas for the generator and filled the cars up. It was an hour getting into the Pumps at B.J.'s...but a list of open gas and grocery stores are out with generators, so we should be ok in that aspect. I have lived thru worst case scenario and I can run with the big dogs. My son has a job up in Crestview, he's leaving Sunday to try and stay ahead of it...till then stay out of those southern red clay holes...

09-06-2008, 07:50 AM
Well now; Just saw the latest, Ike now predicted to run up LA way. But there is our dreded cold front coming at a 45 degree angle. Every time we get one dropped in our lap it is the angle that catches it and it runs up the front right into our back pocket.

Our farm is 27 miles north of Crestview. The tractor dealer is in Crestview and my tractor is there right now, getting its 50 hour scrub and flush. The Boy is coming to God's country huh. Good on him. But it will be quiet for a young man from down Miami way. He just might meet one of those sweet young Crestberg girls and never come home.:D They stick to a young man like an Alabama bride.

Have him drop me a PM and I will try to meet him, if the Ike does not blow us away.

09-06-2008, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by Rapier
Well now; Just saw the latest, Ike now predicted to run up LA way. But there is our dreded cold front coming at a 45 degree angle. Every time we get one dropped in our lap it is the angle that catches it and it runs up the front right into our back pocket.

Our farm is 27 miles north of Crestview. The tractor dealer is in Crestview and my tractor is there right now, getting its 50 hour scrub and flush. The Boy is coming to God's country huh. Good on him. But it will be quiet for a young man from down Miami way. He just might meet one of those sweet young Crestberg girls and never come home.:D They stick to a young man like an Alabama bride.

Have him drop me a PM and I will try to meet him, if the Ike does not blow us away.

I sent you a pm..oh I have one brother who found himself a bride in Andalusia, he is on the Conoco Phillips rigs in the gulf...I rented a room to a hygenist from Crestview, Burma something was her name....talk about a beauty...Burma was gorgeous. She walked into a room and it stopped...Burma was the bait and I was the hook when we went out.:D Gosh that brings back memories...two southern single girls tearing this town apart..

09-06-2008, 10:45 AM
Just called him and he said he was painting some firestation up there????

09-07-2008, 07:30 AM
I will give him a jingle and make sur he is doing OK. Course you know we have a shortage of working folks in this part of the country and just about every business is looking for help. If he is a worker, he should be just fine, mom :)

09-07-2008, 10:27 AM
Yea poor thing, he is working 7 days lately...but it beats the alternative..