View Full Version : Have you seen the price of shells?

09-01-2008, 11:25 PM
I went to useless Wal-Mart to get a license and their DNR computer was down. So, I went to Dicks to get a license and while I was there I decided to take a look around. I was astounded to see AA and STS shells selling for $9.00 a box, with a discount to just over $7.50 a box if you bought an entire case. Just a year or two ago I was paying $5 a box for these target shells. Luckily, I have a bunch of shells that should last me a couple more years, but it really did hurt to see those prices.

Now,, I'm going to have to raise my hourly legal rate. LOL

09-02-2008, 06:32 AM
fabs, its not just shells although thy are pretty out of hand, pistol ammo is jumping up there too. a day at the range is costing me over 100 for three boxes of various handgun ammo
Me, i blame the price of gas;)

09-02-2008, 08:36 AM
Yep its nuts. The Remmy 20 guage #6 heavy field loads I paid $3.95 a box for last year on sale I just shelled out (hehe) $6.25 a box for for squirrel season. WHAT THE HECK MAN! SHEESH!


09-02-2008, 12:50 PM
Relaod, Reload, Reload. Then again the price of raw materials ain't cheap either.

09-02-2008, 01:56 PM
It's all Bushs fault. Better buy while they are cheap.

As for Walmart, I'd rather have a sister working in a House of Ill-repute than buy anything at Walmart that is gun related. :(

Or anything else either. Walmart should be in the toilet as far as I'm concerned.

Best wishes, Bill

09-02-2008, 03:44 PM
yeah but since my wife works at wal-mart so I get a discount, and since they are usually MUCH cheaper than anybody else so I would pay less anyway then i will keep buying from wal-mart when they have what I need. That and the fact that other than paying double a box at the two local pawn shops (they buy them from wal-mart) its either wal-mart or travel 130 miles to Houston to get to places that all charge more than wal-mart I am pretty well down to buying at wal-mart or mail order. Mail order costs alot, and the deliveries take a long time to get to where I am.

Wal-mart may indeed be garbage, but since there has not been any place else to buy shells in twenty years in my town . . . . .

GoodOlBoy :rolleyes:

09-02-2008, 10:31 PM
Lucky for me, the Wal-Mart by me carries almost nothing for hunting. About the only thing I get over there is the Mobil 1 oil in 5 quart containers and the Mobil 1 filters. It is just too convenient. They are literally across the street from me. For me to travel to an Autozone that carries the Mobil 1 filters would be over 40 miles round trip. Yes, I hate the Wal-Mart by me, but I'm not going to go that far out of my way to pay more for something that Wal-Mart sells.

09-03-2008, 09:17 AM
Oh don't get me wrong I hate them alright. In fact if it weren't for wal-mart we would still have Otasco stores around and they carried alot of hunting stuff in the back behind the autoparts. In fact when I was a kid they even carried 50 caliber hawken rifle kits. I use to pay $.97 for a box of otasco branded squirrel shells when I was a kid. The shells inside the box where remington peters. I imagine had I kept all those old boxes I could probably get a couple of dollars for them.

Oh well
