View Full Version : Current Conditions for Elk in NW CO

09-02-2008, 01:26 PM
Did a campout / scouting trip over the long weekend checking on the elk where I'll hunt in Oct. The area I hunt is west of Steamboat Lake SP. The weather has been hot and the elk are up high so far. It's been wet in my area and the weeds are high. However, leafy vegetation that the elk were munching on last year has been untouched as the elk are up in the cool dark timber / aspen mix. There was no bugling and the elk didn't seem to be moving much. Places lower on the mountain where they were in July last year have no sign except a few individual tracks.
I did a long hike up the mountain and jumped quite a few - so they're still in my area! The ones I jumped and saw were all cows - maybe the mature bulls are in the high deep dark timber? But seems to me that maybe they haven't started herding the cows for rut. The elk were in small groups.
This could all change in the coming weeks as the weather changes, but that's how it was over the weekend.


09-02-2008, 01:34 PM
I'd like to go scout my elk area but gas prices may prohibit it:mad: Now we're trying to figure out if we want to take the chance and just head up for a week or scout/hunt closer to home.

Dan Morris
09-02-2008, 03:43 PM
Not sure... I was riding shot gun with a deputy friend Sunday
evening...up above Green Mountain Res.....heard a lot of whistling!!!!

09-02-2008, 04:08 PM
Just bought a Cow permit for this season. Don't care if I even see a Bull. Got a whole bunch of us ol guys and gals going. Think they want me to go cause I can cut the critters up. Did see a nice Bull moose comin over the Bighorns last week. Spooky devil.. Think the wolfies are getting 'em spooked. Killed a really large coyote last week too. Walked by at just about 30 yds. Banged him with my 45 auto. They really aren't scared of ya if you don't have a bang stick in your hands. Elk are hurting in the regions near the Park. Too many wolfies and grizz. Calves have almost no chance of living to 6 months old.

09-02-2008, 06:29 PM
Bow season started Sat. west of I25. You might have heard hunters unless it was after dark, but maybe...


Dan Morris
09-02-2008, 06:39 PM
Dusk...colda been hunters but I don't think so.......
we'll see

09-04-2008, 02:04 PM
It's getting cooler in Colorado! It was in the 30s at my house near Elizabeth this morning. Nice!

Cow for me this season too. But my new hunter buddy has an either sex so tag we'll look for a bull for him, at least for the 1st couple days.

Moose are getting more plentiful in Colorado. They've transplanted quite a few from other states to the Grand Mesa where my in-laws live. My wife and I have both seen some. I ran into a young bull last year while hunting - got a picture of him from a distance.

Dan Morris
09-07-2008, 03:02 PM
Dang, 38 days til we go for first combined season. Cool nights
and a crisp mornings........think I'm coming down with the dreaded Elky fever!!!!! Too hardheaded to go to doctor, only cure is smelling burnt powder and camp smoke.....I'll just suffer!


Moose....Mike you wanted a picture, you should have been with me a couple of years back up on the Gore when guy that was with me screamed "cow elk"....couple of days early, was in camp....
I bailed around some aspens with a Moose Head in one hand and a sandwich in the other......face to face with a medium bull MOOSE...the look on my face would have made a good pic...
did a quick escape....

Dan Morris
09-14-2008, 07:19 PM
Looking at Mt Evans yesterday.....23 miles west of me, It was solid white!!!!!I've had some lite powder mixed with rain down here.