View Full Version : Upland bird choke

09-05-2008, 05:54 PM
Ok, I've hunted upland game birds before but this is the first time I'm hunting with a shotgun with removable chokes so, what is a good choke for grouse? We're going for "forest" grouse which includes blue, ruffed and another one I can't remember but I can't imagine they will be much different. My other shotgun is, I think, a cylinder bore but as long as I can change out the choke I'd like to make sure I'm giving myself the best chance to knock a bird down and make sure it stays down. Meaning, when he drops he's dead and not flopping around all over the place. So, what's the best choke? Thank you.

09-05-2008, 06:14 PM
I guess fpr the close shooting I would use the modified one.

09-05-2008, 07:36 PM
I would try an improved cylinder choke along with the modified if you are getting close up shooting. Early in grouse season shots are pretty close due to the foliage.

09-05-2008, 09:16 PM
I'd go with improved cylinder.
If I was super rich and could own 2 O/U's for upland birds like grouse, I'd have one choked cylinder/improved cylinder. I'd use that gun as long as the leaves were on the trees. When the leaves fell, I'd go to an improved cylinder/modified set up.
Another factor is whether you hunt over a pointing dog or not. If you are hunting with a pointing dog, the bird often is within a few feet of you when it flushes- and you can't have a choke that's too open. Cylinder would be perfect.
If you're hunting without a dog, or with a flushing dog, the birds will be a bit farther away when they flush. Under those conditions, improved cylinder or modified would be best, IMO.

09-05-2008, 10:19 PM
Well, I have the "MOD" so I think I'll take my chances with that until I have the $$$ for some more. Unfortunately, gas prices have me planning my hunts a little different than before. Thanks for your help and advice. I'll try and let you know how things go tomorrow

09-06-2008, 10:59 AM
I wouldn't use anything tighter than modified. Modified is what I use for all my dove hunting, and some of those shots are out at 40+ yards.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

09-06-2008, 05:55 PM
We see a single bird. We did get in some scouting, though and we may have found a decent spot to deer hunt. Lots of fresh tracks and one urine puddle that couldn't have been more than an hour or 2 old.

Dan Morris
09-06-2008, 07:11 PM
When up a couple of days early for Elk, I always carry a 12ga with IC...funny, I've never shot one with it.....always wind up doing head shots with a 357!!!!!Have killed quite a few this way.
357 is on hip from force of habit.