View Full Version : Is anything more satisfying?
09-08-2008, 10:15 AM
Is anything more satisfying than a new box of shotgun shells? I own rifles pistols and shotguns, and NOTHING seems to compare for me to the sheer joy of a new box of shotgun shells. It's like being a kid at Christmas time for me.
Maybe its just me.
09-08-2008, 11:39 AM
Only thing better is smelling the powder burnt up after ya paste a Pheasant in the moist early morning air.
That is sensuous.
Almost as good as "Chanel and gunpowder in the morning".
Best wishes, Bill
09-08-2008, 12:43 PM
Yeah but thats what I am talking about. That box holds all the promises of a mornin full of pheasant, dove, quail, and squirrel sooting all in one tiny cardboard package. It holds an infinite number of possibilities from a good single bird, to a double. From a fat fox squirrel to taking a pair of cat squirrels with one shot while they are mating. It holds the sounds of a thunderous explosion from a flurry of quail, and the quiet cooing of a dove as the light breaks.
Ah man. Now I am itchin to go rummage through my shells again.
09-08-2008, 02:41 PM
Is there a difference in the smell of paper hulls as opposed to plastic? Especially on a cold Dec. morning.
09-08-2008, 10:30 PM
Great thread. Thanks GOB.
09-09-2008, 08:29 AM
paper or plastic. . . . isn't that always the questions? :D Anyway I think that so long as it is a good box of shells there will always be that memory of a good hunting past, and the hope of a good hunting future.
09-09-2008, 10:19 AM
If women were really trying to attract a real man with perfume they would bottle the smell of freshly fired paper hulls or Hoppies #9.
My spell checker changed Hoppies to Hippies. Bad spell checker.
09-09-2008, 10:35 AM
Hehe yep and a good call for me would be rattlin half a box of shells!
09-09-2008, 06:11 PM
Dog Yeller has it right. Ain't NOTHING smells just like a fresh fired paper shell. Nothing..cept maybe a good smellin woman. Heck even fresh baked bread only comes a little close:D An' comin in to the house Bout noon on Thanksgivin day with all them wonderful smells after ya been huntin all morning. That is pretty good itself. But ya always remember that smell of a fired paper shell. Specially rabbit or quail huntin. I used to save my fired 410 shells just so I could smell 'em again later..:D Only bird I ever shot with that ol Win 37 410 was a goose. Thanksgiving morning..bout 10:30 1959 Nov 26. 9 days later I shot my first deer. I walked on clouds for a month. Duck season came in at noon on the 13th .......But I didn't get to go.:( I hadda go to school. Bleh!:D
BTW Lilred..if yo read this I been trying to email ya and it keeps returning.
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