View Full Version : !@#$%&+ rats!

09-09-2008, 12:41 PM
we had rats in my storage building.

my wife and i are preparing to relocate.

in the process of "trimming down" what we're going to take with us we discovered a pair of rats that had set up housekeeping in one of our outbuildings.

after some doings, i was able to isolate the smaller, female in the rafters and proceeded to plant a .177 in the rear portion of her head from my beeman R-10.

i used a benjamin domed, diabolo, 7.9 gr pellet and driven from the powerful R-10 rifle, it made a mess of her.

i did have to put two more pills into her before she expired, though...doggone rats are tough to kill...

the male was twice her size and made a run for it before i could shoulder the rifle to plant him.

i'm gonna lay an ambush for him at nite...ain't no rats gonna stay in my place...

once again, the beeman comes through.