View Full Version : Your fav recipes

09-09-2008, 03:29 PM
With hunting season right around the corner (already started for some) how bout posting some of your favorite recipes/meals? I really don't have much of my own; breakfast is usually coffee, oatmeal and a piece of fruit, lunch is whateve I throw in my pack (I usually eat on the trail) and dinner is a can of soup and a small adult-type beverage. Not exactly recipes, but that's what I eat. What are some of your favorite meals/recipes?

09-09-2008, 04:17 PM
For breakfast I try to hit the two fried eggs with two stips of bacon and a slice of cheese in a flour tortilla thing (plenty of amino acids to get the day going) For lunch it is whatever is handy, from a burger to beenie weenies if I am in camp. Supper is usually fried squirrel, or the like.


09-09-2008, 04:53 PM
If I'm just camping I usually eat a little better. Breakfast is eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and sausage or ham. Lunch is sandwiches and dinner is burgers and dogs. I have a small breakfast when I'm hunting cuz I usually wake up long before the sun comes up to get on the trail before light. Small dinner cuz I'm usually to beat to cook much. But I do snack quite a bit on the trail: jerky, dried fruit, trail mix, etc.

09-09-2008, 06:17 PM
I was gonna say whatever you was cooking..but if we're hunting..I'm just gonna have ta cook..for me:D :D

09-09-2008, 09:07 PM
Son, ya ain't goona get along if ya keep eatin' like that.

I run out of ideas a lot of times and end up at a burger joint.

The other day I was in Tractor Supply for a new chain for my saw. Saw a Rachael Ray cook book, so I bought it.

Lots of yummy stuff in there, including Rachael. I think shes cuter than a speckled pup.

Anyhoo, her recipes are very quick for preparation time and don't require a lot of fancy goodies to make them.

The downside, the book cost $20. But I think it's worth it.

Best wishes, Bill