View Full Version : Sporterize 91/30

jon lynn
09-10-2008, 07:01 PM
I ordered my stock and bolt handle and Weaver style base, and found a smith in OKC who will do it for $25.00 He said he will work the trigger for me and fire lap the barrel, and crown the muzzle. The total cost would be in the 50 range. I think that's more than fair.

Now, what I am wondering, how bad would it be if I have him lop off a bit so I have a simple 24" tube on it? For those who have read my post over the years know I never use open sights any way.

Lemmie know what you think. And I am sorry to report I could care less about the historic value and stuff like that, it is strictly a deer/hog gun.

Tall Shadow
10-21-2008, 03:23 PM
Go for it!

There were millions of them (Mosin Nagants) made, and made as fast as they could, most times.
Now if it was a Fin M39 or some other (better made) one, I'd let it be.....but the one you are looking at...Go for it!

I would have the barrel cut back a little & recrowned, as they are known to have poor muzzles from the conscripts poor cleaning practices.

The 7.62x54 is a nice round and should make a heck of a hog gun for you.

Make sure to say "HI!" to them for me, with your new rig! ;)

If I can find it, there is a site about doing just what you are talking about...on the cheap....If I can find it I will post it here.

Post Pics when you get it done!

Take Care & Have Fun!

Tall Shadow