View Full Version : 16 Gauge Question
09-18-2008, 12:23 AM
A friend of mine has a *NEW* Remington 870 Wingmaster for sale in 16 Gauge (a really beautiful gun.) I really don't know alot about the 16 except it was always a good gauge for my grandpa when squirrel hunting.
Would you all recommend getting this firearm? It is brand new in the box and has never been fired other than factory. Is the 16 worth getting - or is it a headache due to being hard to find chokes and ammo? I am looking to dove hunt with this firearm, maybe deer hunt with a slug barrel that remington makes and maybe very little waterfoul hunting.
I just really like the look of this gun and being a 16 sounds fun.
All info appreciated.
09-18-2008, 05:28 PM
Actually a 16 is a good gauge..However..there are very few quality shells made for it can get good ammo..I even have some..but it is hard to find at any stores. Waterfowl loads are very hard to find and slug loads are pretty much limited to Foster slugs. If the price is right buy it..but for 250 bucks you can buy a 12 or 20 870 express new that will be easier to buy ammo for and as much fun to shoot. I really recommend a 12.
Hey we're back up...Uhhh:D
M.T. Pockets
09-20-2008, 05:32 AM
I agree with Skeet. I've got an Ithica 37 in 16 guage and really like it, but ammo is tough to find and expensive, especilly the steel loads. You'd be better off with either a 12 guage or a 3" 20 guage.
If you really want it, by all means go ahead, I'd never want to talk someone out of a gun that they want. Finding ammo is a headache though.
09-20-2008, 10:19 AM
I own three 16 guages: a single shot, a bolt action and an aoutoloader. The average dept store that sells ammunition doesn't usually sell 16 gauge, but my local sporting goods stores do. And, if you get there at the right time, stores like Dunham's clearance them out pretty cheap. I've probably got about 400 rounds of it right now. The problem that I have is the quality of the shell. I can reload Winchester AA's without a problem, but since they don't make a AA in 16 gauge, I have to go with Federal or the lower grade Winchester. After being fired, the ejector dents the brass so bad that it can't be reused.
Gil Martin
09-20-2008, 10:59 AM
I have a number of them and use them for small game hunting. Wal-Mart around here has plenty of 16 gauge Remington ammo as do the gun shops that I visit. I buy just about any 16 gauge in decent shape at a reasonable price that I come across. All the best...
09-20-2008, 12:11 PM
Whether or not to buy a 16 gauge is a question of why you need
it! I had to buy one because I didn't have a Winchester Model 12 in 16 gauge. It is a wonderfully balanced gun, and I shoot it rather well. Shells are harder to find in most local small shops, and many of the big box stores don't stock 16 gauge because it doesn't sell fast. Catch 22. They don't sell it and don't stock it because it doesn't sell. Duh!
Go to your local sporting goods store and tell them you need to special order a flat or two and get what you can. Federal makes some 16s that are good. For me, good shells doesn't mean they are the highest velocity, or throw the largest payload. I like 16s that are 1 oz. or 1 1/8 oz. If I need more shot, grab the 12 gauge instead. The 16 gauge is a real walking gun because they are made on a smaller frame than a 12 gauge and weigh less. And remember the laws of physics. If it weighs less and throws a big shot charge, it will recoil more.
09-21-2008, 08:42 AM
I'm with Gil Martin, I'll buy any 16 made on it's own frame or a 20 ga. frame. I have them in semi autos, a pump, and SxSs. Great shotguns lighter than a 12 and great upland guns. I have a one pump in all my shotguns and it is a Rem. 31L, nice and light. My only real requirement is that thy are not built on 12 ga. frames. For ducks over decoys this year I have an E. German SxS marked only Suhl that is going to see a lot of use. Years ago I bought 2 flats of Kent Matrix 6s on sale, great decoy load. Two more weeks for this part of the State.
09-21-2008, 09:57 AM
I think dom said he has a 870 16gauge i also think they were a limited run acouple years back.
That being sayed i dont think you will see it for that price again
the 16 gauge is a real nice upland game gauge and more populer with the upland game croud and across the pond were shot guns are for upland and rifels for big game.
I have a a5 browning in 16gauge my dad gave to me it was the first gun i shot.
09-22-2008, 09:53 AM
Dad loves his and the academy sporting goods in Texas carry the ammo all day long. So do the local wal-marts. They are about .70 cents more a box than 12 guage.
also you can order it all day long from cabelas, midwayusa, and cheaperthandirt. Ordering it only DOES get very expensive.
If you like the shotgun get it, you'll have fun with it so you don't need any more excuses :D May be a bit harder to get 16 shells but over time you can acquire enough to shoot it whenever you want. 16ga is quite popular over here and absolutely no issue getting as much in any variety you want. I've only got one 16, it's a side by side with an 8x57 under it ;) (drilling). I picked up a Win 101 20ga o/u for upland, Waidmannsheil, Dom.
P.S. Popple -- I've got your big brother, a 12 sxs Suhl (DDR), double triggers, no chokes. Right after the wall fell got it new for 300-. Not the smoothest or prettiest but I don't hear of too many around either.
09-24-2008, 11:07 AM
I forgot to mention that when I visit Cabela's in Sidney, I usually try to grab a few boxes of what are hard to get locally. They usually have what I can use.
10-17-2008, 10:52 AM
Anyone who owns a 16 loves it, though we all struggle with the ammo situation from time-to-time. You might use that story to negotiate a better price, though in reality acquiring ammo isn't that difficult ... unless you wait for opening day of hunting season.
I own two and really like the gauge. Having said that, however, if I were buying a new (not pre-owned) gun, I'd opt for a 3", 20 ga. It will do anything a 16 will, without the ammo problem.
10-19-2008, 05:47 PM
You missed the point. I bought the Model 12 in 16 gauge to almost complete a set. I do have a 20 guage 3 " that I usually carry, but the 16 gauge fits me so well.
10-19-2008, 05:48 PM
You missed the point. I bought the Model 12 in 16 gauge to almost complete a set. I do have a 20 guage 3 " that I usually carry, but the 16 gauge fits me so well.
10-19-2008, 05:49 PM
You missed the point. I bought the Model 12 in 16 gauge to almost complete a set. I do have a 20 guage 3 " that I usually carry, but the 16 gauge fits me so well.
12-20-2008, 10:01 AM
I don't think I missed the point. I was responding to dadsbuckshot's original post ;) .
Mr. 16 gauge
12-20-2008, 12:16 PM
If you really want a 16, then get it....but be aware of a few things: If it's a newer manufactured 16 gauge, it is built on a 12 gauge frame, so you wont have any weight savings. Ammo will be difficult to find; stores (even the bigger sporting goods ones) are reducing their inventory to what sells, and the 16 gauge doesn't fall into that category. You will definetly have a minimum of choices when it comes to ammo (unless you reload)....if you do reload, you will do better, but you will have a minimum of components to use, and they will most likely have to be special ordered.
...I love my 16 gauges, and use them on just about everything. However, this is not a gauge for everyone.
Waterfowl loads are very hard to find and slug loads are pretty much limited to Foster slugs.
Personally, I've never felt hampered by foster slugs in any gauge; as for waterfowl loads, steel in the 16 gauge is abysmall! Stick with TM, or the newer hevishot classic doubles.
05-29-2009, 08:30 AM
Buy it!!! You won't regret it. I have three 16s: a Rem. 870 Express, a J.P. Sauer & Sohn SxS double, and a Lefaucheaux under-lever SxS double. I too am a dovehunter and love my 16s. To me they have the punch of a 12 ga. and carry like a 20. I reload for mine so I can just about brew up anything that I need. My favorite dove load is 1-1/8 oz. of shot. Regarding factory ammo, I have never had a problem here in Central Virginia buying whatever 16ga. shells I need. Between Gander Mountain, Bass Pro Shop, and Green Top (a locally owned large sporting goods store) I can usually pick up whatever I need. They also had extra accessory choke tubes for my 870. Buy that Wingmaster. I'll be willing to bet, once you have used it, particularly for doves, that it'll become one of your favorites too.
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