View Full Version : CCW at obama rally

10-10-2008, 09:25 AM

so what is you opinion?....maybe there is a time and a place to carry...or not....but what if someone else brought a gun to the rally and started blasting?....you would be defenseless.
Once they made a Lewis / Clark expedition along the Ohio river that stopped over at the point in Pittsburgh move on because Gore was to speak in Pittsburgh and they didn't want any other guns in town.......yes...believe that?....shoot down gores plane with their smoke poles.

10-10-2008, 04:58 PM
Quote:Atkinson said Noble had a semiautomatic 9mm handgun holstered on his right hip and was carrying a Bible. Noble crossed under a police tape cordoning off the park and began distributing literature.

Atkinson, who has a license to carry a concealed weapon and has been a gun owner most of his life, said he immediately hailed a sheriff’s deputy and pointed out Noble, who was arrested on the spot.

“He had every right to (have the gun), but in my opinion, this was a presidential rally, and that isn’t the right time or place to carry a firearm,” Atkinson said.

Hmm, seems Mr. Atkinson wants it both ways.

10-10-2008, 11:38 PM
During the Democratic National Convention in Denver, a fellow from Wyoming was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon. What he had done was carry a hard sided rifle case with two rifles and two handguns into the hotel lobby where he had a reservation. The problem is that is where Nancy Pelosi was staying and the secret service protecting her saw the case and
arrested him after they found out thre were actually guns in the gun case.
I had several questions. Is it really a concealed weapon if you have it in a locked"weapon case"? How could the secret service types consider it was concealed if they knew what was in the case?
Who in their right mind would consider leaving two rifles and handguns in a gun case in their vehicle while staying in a hotel in downtown Denver? Chances of having them in the morning would be a major miracle.
The charges were dropped (but I thought it was a bullshit charge to begin with). How do you carry a gun, or guns into a hotel lobby if you have a reservation there? Dangle the pistols from your fingertips so they aren't concealed?

10-11-2008, 08:52 AM
This day and age they do have to be on their toes....security...but maybe I would of went to the front desk ...told them about having to bring them in and let security do so....much like they do in Gander mtn stores....etc...security totes them to the doors for you....might be less of a hassle.

10-11-2008, 10:43 AM
The poor guy wasn't me, but could have been so because I would have not had the guns in open display but in a locked gun case. I think that is why the charges were dropped. It became ovious that he was trying to avoid trouble, and got screwed because someone was trying to get their brownie points for the trip to show they had been working.
I guess first he should have avoided Denver during the convention. Since he couldn't do that, he should have checked to see where the really "important" people were staying. Wouldn't that have really gotten him into trouble, trying to find out if Nancy Pelosi was staying there!

10-17-2008, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by skeeter@ccia.com

so what is you opinion?....maybe there is a time and a place to carry...or not....but what if someone else brought a gun to the rally and started blasting?....you would be defenseless.
Once they made a Lewis / Clark expedition along the Ohio river that stopped over at the point in Pittsburgh move on because Gore was to speak in Pittsburgh and they didn't want any other guns in town.......yes...believe that?....shoot down gores plane with their smoke poles.

I agree Skeeter, that "MOST" folks with a carry permit are folks that have had many background checks, and ajudicated responcible citizens that should be able to carry any place they go! When I say "MOST" that is in reference to some permits to carry are simply issued to friends of judges, or sherifs, and don't require any background checks at all. Blocking off a whole town, however is not even legal, if the person has a "REAL CHL license", and not just a "GOOD OLE BOY PERK" handed out by a friend.

In Texas the choice has been made in the penal code, a licensee commits a Offense if he carrys at any political rally, or poleing place, on the day of voteing. Otherwise only Gov buildings, and places that are posted with a legal 30-06 sign by the owner , are off limits for him to carry. There are few places where I cannot carry in my state, and where I can I do! The license issued in Texas is a MUST ISSUE license, and the background check is more extencive than the one done on seacret sirvice personel, and is honored by about 30 states, at last count, some of which Texas does not honor theirs!

The more I read some of the posts on Concealed carry forums, the more I realize many license to carry are issued a , to people that have zero idea of what their penal code says in regard to useing a firearm legally. No class training on legalities, or conflict avoidance, or when they may legally use deadly force!

However, the police are sometimes in the dark on the law themselves, and simply react with no law to back their action! Still they are human, and make mistakes just like anyone else. I have found if you want to get information on the law, the police station is not very helpful!


Andy L
10-18-2008, 03:58 PM
I gotta throw my .02 in.

For one, it wouldnt have been a problem for me. I wouldnt be caught dead at a Obama rally. Now if I were to go to a McCain rally, I would carry if I wanted to. Yeah, its against the law, but as I have stated before, concealed means concealed and I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

11-02-2008, 09:33 AM
Recently Michelle Obama, Joe Biden were in town. I stayed as far away as I could.
My old 4Runner has McCain stickers, NRA stickers, Ruger and Browning stickers.
My CZ75D PCR on my belt, an AR180B in the back seat, and a .38 Smith in the center console were not what I wanted any one to find if stopped for any reason. :D

Yeah, I have my rights, but you have to pick your time to exercise them.

09-01-2009, 03:59 PM
I have heard of a bill to kill your CCP if you have or had a DUI on record at anytime..... Now I do believe that getting drunk and walkin around with a gun might just be cause for something to happen...but say you did have a DUI on file from say 20 yrs ago..but don't drink now...or since..should that be reason to take the permit from you now? I have seen people not able to cross into Canada because of a DUI on record that shows up there..and one guy failed to mention it at the border because it was 20yrs ago...and they stopped him from xing ..fellow hunters went on... another time a guy had to sign papers for his buddy and post a $500 something or other for his friend to cross.. I think if this happens with the CCP..it will also show up when you buy a gun and do the IBC...does it already? Could this be another way to eliminate guns?...sort of what they are doing with the ammo...own all guns you want...just try to find ammo...or afford it... I don't drink and the way they are hitting you with DUI anymore am glad.
Ok so they do pass this DUI thing.....what will be next..anyone that has had a stopsign violation will loose his cary license?

09-02-2009, 06:14 PM
well, I would not go to a hussein rally in the first place.

09-03-2009, 08:55 AM
We also can't carry any place that makes more than a certian percent of its profit from liqour sales.

I don't think they have a valid reason to arrest him. There was a time in this country when it was a violation of the law, and a fineable offense to NOT carry a long gun, or a pair of horse pistols (with six loads for each) to a political rally, town hall meeting, or church.


everybody should read the above book. It is a REAL eye opener as to the BS the liberal media is spewing, AND it has all the references the liberal media never seems to have.


09-12-2009, 01:20 PM
Personally I wouldn't go to an Oboma rally but if I did I wouldn't carry. It seems like a good way to get shot by mistake. No thanks.