View Full Version : Good Hunt / Great Time

10-18-2008, 10:53 AM
The guy that I was showing how to hunt elk and deer last season, Mark, and I hunted in the same area this year as we did last year. Mark took a nice 5 pt bull on opening morning. This was his first elk license, first elk hunt, first day, and first elk!
I'll post a picture when he sends me one. Our radios didn't work and I wasn't with him when he shot it - he field dressed it with a Swiss Army knife! (Couldn't find his hunting knife). I had a cow license and thought it would be easy to get a cow up there but never got a shot at one... Funny how things work out!
It was a great hunt and a really good time camping. There weren't many hunters around us and we had good solitude. Now it's back to being bombarded w/ politics and the economy...


Mil Dot
10-20-2008, 07:19 AM
Pass on the congrats, to bad you didn't run across a cow. If I have a cow tag I see bulls or the opposite. I had a friend hunting last week in the south San Luis Valley area last week and he saw squatt in an area he normally does well in. He and his boy dropped a couple of nice Muleys over the last couple of days though, both 4x5's. He said they had seen several bucks still in velvet which is weird for this time of the season.

10-20-2008, 09:40 AM
Here's a picture of Mark's elk:

10-20-2008, 09:44 AM
Mil Dot,
Yeah, that's the way it goes usually. When I was hunting elk on the Grand Mesa, I was seeing trophy bucks. When I tried hunting those, I never saw any during season except on private land. Congrats to your friend and his son on the mulies! Hope Dan is doing well on his hunt.


10-20-2008, 10:53 AM
Sweet! Congrats to them!

Dan Morris
10-20-2008, 04:23 PM
My congrats....east end of the area was a disaster.....few hunters and animals were scarce...guess they went to your end of
the GMU..LOL Only saw 2 cows and a very few deer...oh yeah, a couple of moose! Had a good time though!We re-coned Thursday afternoon and Friday.....thought I had a good buck tied to a tree for Joe...same spot/same time both days.....season opened and we never saw another buck......all I had was Bull tag...did pop a couple of blues with 357....ate them in camp!

10-21-2008, 01:27 PM
Can't beat that with a stick! Congrats to your buddy.