View Full Version : Traps Dipped and Ready

10-20-2008, 02:11 PM
I know most of you are probably ready to rock and roll as well and probably more so than me. I haven't spent a lot of time trapping the past few years but am really looking forward to it this year. I ran a short coon line last year just prior to thanksgiving and did okay. That renewed my interest and now I've got my traps and gear ready along with a mapped out plan for the month from Sunday through Thanksgiving week of where and when.

I don't have the amount of traps that some of you may but I need to check before work. My first line will consist of a little over a dozen coon sets with 7 fox sets. 20+ traps to check in the morning will keep me busy and should provide a good year for me. I'm planning on keeping it simple and sticking to my game plan.

Anyone else as excited as I am?