View Full Version : Your Favorite Rifle?

10-24-2008, 08:45 AM
Ok we all have at least one gun in our pile that holds a certain standard above all the others. Be it sentimental reasons, one passed down from an elder, a new gun that took you a lifetime to save up to purchase, an Old reliable that never misses, the one you bagged your first deer with, you name the cliché.

I want just 1 of all your guns that you’d select as your favorite and the reason why. I know many have more guns than they can count, but here’s your chance to reminisce about that 1 special rifle in your closet. Have some fun with it! I'll chime in a little later.

10-24-2008, 09:12 AM
Well since it was posted in rifles I won't bring up my actual favorite (my old single shot 20 gauge). Instead I will mention my old Marlin 30-30. The first time I ever had to use it was this year when a pit bull attacked me in my own front yard. A single snapped shot went right where I needed it to go. That gun will put the bullets where ever it is I point it. It doesn't jam. It doesn't hiccup. It has only iron sights. It is just meat and taters. It just works.


Dan Morris
10-24-2008, 09:21 AM
Guess it would be an ole M70 in .270...thing will group 5/8 with
darn near any load I dream up. Been too many miles with it to remember all the stories and trips.

I bought it years ago from a guy whut kinda mentored me in shootin....he was one of em what walked out on Chosen Res with
1st Marine Division!!!

10-24-2008, 10:33 AM
Right now its my 6mm Ithaca, so far it has taken several coyotes, my first 2 mulie bucks, a few whitetails, my first antelope.

Its not in perfect shape, but it does its job, and with 13 rifles & shotguns in my safe it is the one I go to first at rifle season.

10-24-2008, 10:34 AM
Mine would also have to be a Winchester Model 70 in .308. It was my first rifle that I purchased for myself after borrowing rifles from friends and family in my teens at deer camp. I picked a good one.

It is really nothing to look at, a plain jane really, but after a good trigger job, lapped and free-floated barrel, & action as smooth as butter, it is "the finger of doom" to whatever game animal happens to find itself in the unfortunate position of my reticle cross-hairs of this rifle. It is tried and true.

Unfortunately, the state of Illinois is shotgun/muzzleloader only so I do not get the opportunity to hunt with it as I have in other states in the past but when I do, it's the first rifle that I lovingly reach for in my gun safe.

It shoots all factory loads, partucularly 165 gr BTSP, extremely well. I am excited to work up some hand loads for it in the future.

Great post, BTW!

10-24-2008, 11:30 AM
Converted WWII Jap. in a 257 Roberts cal.

This gun is heavy as heck but a straight shooter and fun.

Brother Rockeye
10-24-2008, 02:25 PM
eassy one-99 sav in 250-3000.beater old 4-16x40 Tasco on a plain ol iron.

been my constant companion for many years.fast enough for dogs and big enough for deer,with the right loads.built a leather buttstock cartridge holder that holds 75gr hp and 100gr sp.
great all round caliber that makes the perfect work rifle.


git er dun!

10-24-2008, 07:16 PM
This one is easy. 1910 Mexican Mauser w/cold hammer-forged barrel chambered 6.5x55 in semi-fancy walnut stock glass bedded.Just changed scope to Leupold from Tasco and am working up loads for deer hunt.


Rabid Rich
10-24-2008, 07:36 PM
-A Pre-'64 Winchester Model 70 standard weight, 30-06 (made in 1953 to be exact)
Prairie dogs to Elk..................Ah, the memories.
Gonna have it buried with me.......HAW!

10-24-2008, 09:15 PM
My favorite is my old Ruger .257 Roberts. It just wouldn't be deer hunting without it.

10-25-2008, 12:37 AM
Ruger #1 in 270 Win- waited 10 years to buy that rifle-the wait was worth every second.

Mike Moss
10-25-2008, 11:31 AM
My favorite rifle in a sentimental sense and still my go to for woods hunting is my 99F in .358 Win. I have hammered a lot of game with it since I got it in 1966.

Here it is at the range.


10-25-2008, 05:02 PM
Springfield 1903-A3. It was my Grandfather's. Sorry no pic

10-26-2008, 06:32 PM
Mine would have to be my Winchester Model 70 Sporter Varmint with 26 inch barrel in .243 caliber.

I had one just like it when I got divorced but had to sell it to pay lawyers...mine and hers. :mad:

The original put down a lot of deer. I hope the new one will too. It has taken me 15 years to find this one because not many were made.

This one is more accurate than the one I had to sell. :D

Update after deer season. 11/19/08 at a range of 200 yards, my Winchester and me took a nice button buck with one shot. Bang/flop. This one is a winner.

11-03-2008, 05:05 PM
i have ahrd time nameing just one but if i had to it would be my ruger 2506 ive had the rifle since new bought at 18 im now almost 26 so its been with me for awhile.

its killed quite a few deer and countless varmits the rifle has 24" mag contour barrel, walnut stock that neets replaced. cracked it last year, and it wears a 4.5-14x40 varix III,

the rifle has seen countless number of rds and is going strong. just this summer i put 100rds through it testn berger bullets, i also tested 115 nos bts and 115gr tripple shocks and put some 110 acubonds through. thats only paper punching.
its taken alot of yotes and rock chucks.

before im done itl kill an elk.

anyways thats the rifle id pick if i had to.


11-04-2008, 02:26 PM
Colt Light Rifle in 7mm Rem Mag. A lot better to carry afield than most others, extremely accurate a lot farther than I have any business shooting, and it "just feels right". Darn shame they don't make them any more...


11-05-2008, 03:59 PM
I had to reason this out. So I went back to my trip to Africa and the gun I took with me after a long decision process.... I build rifles and own several, like I own five 260 guns. But the rifle I took with me to Africa is the 300 WSM I built on a Montana action with a Lothar Walther barrel and bastogne walnut stock. The serial number is my name #1, I made #2 for my son.

11-06-2008, 02:55 PM
Rapier, I have the same porblem; I make my own and have too many I really like. The one you showed in the photo is very nice looking. When do you plan on checkering it? A wrap around classic point pattern would really look good and be very functional!

11-06-2008, 03:36 PM
Thanks Larry for the nice complement. Most of my guns do not have checkering as I bought the stuff; tools, patterns and vise, watched the video and said under my breath, jeez life is just to short :) But I have a couple that I must get done, the 300 WSM and 458 Lott being two that need a better grip for sure. My exhibition stocked 391 Beretta and the exhibition 410 LC Smith also need scratching. I have contacted Sherry Abraham and was going to send one or two to her, but then again, they would be gone and I would feel undressed, its hot in July, and, and, and, I just ain't got to it yet, but its on the list......:D :D

11-07-2008, 12:21 AM
Rapier, I do understand. Misery enjoys company. I had a real gentleman teach me a lot of things about checkering. He died this year; his name was Dennis Richards. He did a stock a day and I thought that was unbelieveable. If the pattern isn't too involved, I now can just about finish a stock in one day. A Winchester Model 12 factory 12b pattern takes me about 3 days and a bottle of good single malt scotch for a reward when I finish.
All kidding aside, take a few take-off stocks and practice on them. It isn't impossible if you have patience and a personality where you hate to admit defeat. There is a real sense of accomplishment when you look at a rifle or shotgun that is nicely stocked and checkered and know you are responsible.
Good scratching!:)

11-09-2008, 04:37 PM
I'd have to say my favorite is my model 99c-300savage.

It's always been "old faithful".
Not a hotrod, not a showpiece, just good, solid, dependable.

11-10-2008, 10:02 AM

My hat is off to you! That rifle in your picture is beautiful-very nice stock and work.

11-11-2008, 06:22 AM
Thank you Steve for your compliment. I saw the prototype at the shot show in Orlando and ordered two actions. At the time, pre-production you could order any serial number you wanted. Ruger did the casting and S&W did the machining, Montana Rifle Co did the final fit and finish. They came as WSM actions, set up for the cartridge by MRC. I polished the wear points to obtain a glass smooth operation.

The MRC action is quite different in that they combined the M-98 and pre-64 M-70 actions into one action, taking the best of both, (98= one piece triggerguard, no cone or extractor cut barrel), (70= Safety, bolt release, trigger) of course the MRC action is a controlled feed and the ones I ordered are stainless. The actions are very strong and the guns perform well. Due to recoil, I mounted a medium magnum barrel of 26 inches in each gun. The 180 Sierra Game King gets along at just over 3,000 fps and produces groups at .70 inches, the 168 HPBT Match does 3,200 with sub .50 groups.

jon lynn
11-11-2008, 09:23 AM
Well my favorite was my sporterized Mauser in 7 x 64, but most of you know I couldn't bring her back from Germany:( (snif). But my Savage (10 in .308), also in Germany is a close #2, but not here in Oklahoma.

But as of today I guess it will be the sporterized 91/30 I am going to pick up from the gun smith in OKC. He chopped the barrel to 24" for me, and did the bolt handle and scope mount base, and he worked the trigger for free. It sits in the new synthetic stock, although I am going to save for a Boyds walnut stock for my birthday.....................I'll find out next weekend if it's deer worthy!

jon lynn
11-15-2008, 08:18 AM
I hope after tommorow the .303 Lee Enfield will be my favoriate!;)

jon lynn
11-23-2008, 11:13 AM
Okay-okay-okay.....................we have a winner. The three day old Savage 10 in .243 with a VX-II

Dan Morris
11-23-2008, 02:20 PM
OK, so you've had some bum luck with rifles...LOL....now, let us know how it shoots. I've had older 110 Savages and they shot great! The 243 is a nice all around Oklahoma gun!

11-23-2008, 06:13 PM
dang jon, hope that one works well for you.
savage 110 .243 will work just fine for anything in okla.

11-23-2008, 10:20 PM
7400 rem in 30-06 wife bought it for me when we were dateing i dont get to hunt with it near as much as i yoused to.

11-29-2008, 09:50 PM
This is easy, my Marlin 336CS. Have had it for over 15 years. It is light, compact and just fun to shoot. I like it in the woods because it is easy to move through the thick brush we have in the South.


01-21-2009, 03:37 PM
About fifty years ago I knew my favorite rifle. No more, to many rifles under the bridge. If I had it to do all over again I'd get one really good rifle and stick with it. My son would be able to tell his kids that this was your grandpa's old rifle. Now all I've got to leave is a lot of plastic, gimicks and other unessary crap. No matter what you buy it will be out of style in a couple of seasons. The firarms industry is now in the same class as mattress and auto sales, all gimicks and other unessary crap.

01-21-2009, 03:58 PM
I believe my favorite would be a Remington Model 700 is 280 Rem.

Bought it in about 1987. Have shot a lot of stuff with it. Really don't use it much anymore cause I have a Browning BAR in 06 that seems to fall in my hand when the time comes.

General purpose bullet is a handloaded 140gr Nosler at shall we say is a little hot. Have an old Redfield 2x7 widefield on top. This may get changed soon.

I still love the 700. If the day ever comes that I get the opportuinity to hunt out west you can bet the 700 will be with me.

This is one that will go to one of my grandkids(notice I didn't say sons)

01-21-2009, 05:26 PM
That is exactly why I started building my own, I did not like the direction that the Mfgs and writers were pushing everyone towards and I never have developed a love for plastic.

01-22-2009, 12:36 PM
Still haven't decided. One of the 22 rfs around here; I guess the caliber and all of the fun I have had with them. For big game, the old .338 Win has not let me down in the last 35 years. It took everything I pointed it at. Only used two shells on one elk to keep it from getting into a very bad canyon. I had let a fellow hunting with me have the first shot and I was shooting at escaping elk. Broke an old cows front shoulders with the first shot but she was wheel-barrowing toward the drop-off. Shot her again high in the shoulders to stop the flow of impulses to her rear quarters. Sure did raise heck with the front half.