View Full Version : 32-40 smokeless loads

Brother Rockeye
10-28-2008, 12:01 PM
well having the 1899B in hand and having found dies,brass,and 170gr bullets from Hornady I'm almost ready to build a few.

I searched and found some archived posts that yielded some data,as well as a few other sources,but would like some more input.

built in 1904 the ol Sav says:Savage Smokeless Steel High Pressure Powder right on the barrel.I know the action can take some pressure,so I don't think that matching 32ws speeds/pressures should be too big a concern.I'll start light of course and work up.

Anyone load for,or have data for the 32-40 going around 2000fps?
Smokeless of course!;)

10-28-2008, 12:54 PM

hodgdon has a few loads listed, nothing as high as 2000fps though.


Brother Rockeye
10-28-2008, 02:25 PM
thanks GOB,been there.oddly they list the bullet diameter as .324 if I recall...and tops is around 1400fps I think.

here's an afterthought question-since the Savage has a rotary mag,does anybody make spire point bullets in .321?

only ones I can find are flat...

10-28-2008, 03:13 PM
Dunno even midwayusa shows the bullets as being .322 to .323, and shows 32 specials as being .321s. For the 32-40 they show only cast bullets.

Brother Rockeye
10-28-2008, 05:38 PM
yup-I get mixed data depending on the source.the diagram you posted corresponds with mine and the majority of info says .321 and that the shoulder on the 32ws is the only real difference.
I expect I'll end up usin the fp bullets but will still look for sp.


would like to hear from anyone else loading/shooting this round.

Rocky Raab
10-28-2008, 05:42 PM
Yup, the problem being that the only "thutty-two" they still make components for is the 32 Winchester Special, and those are a wee bit wrong for the 32-40, both in diameter and location of the crimp groove.

Ken Waters published an article on the 32-40 in 1972, and even then the correct components had been discontinued for some time. He discusses the problems of trying to use 32 Special bullets.

While you could likely make the components work, more or less, the right solution would be to find a bullet mould make specifically for 32-40 bullets. A roundnose wouldn't be a handicap, and in fact would be more accurate than a pointy one, in all likelihood. If you can find them, Lyman moulds 321297 and 321232 would be closest to correct, especially if they dropped bullets a bit fat and you left them unsized.

Best velocities with either of those 180-gr bullets will only be about 1400 fps, though. Jacketed bullets of 170 grains can be boosted to 1700 or so.

Brother Rockeye
10-28-2008, 10:39 PM
thanks for the info Rocky.Will likely be using the 170gr. Hornady bullets as I would like to stay away from lead if possible...
although I found lead bullets cast for the 32-40 here:


and here:
(Oregon Trail)

they list them as .322

Rocky Raab
10-29-2008, 08:43 AM
Double-check the overall length of a dummy round if you crimp into the bullet cannelure to be sure a round will fit and feed.

You may not need to crimp at all for the Savage 99, especially if you get a good tight friction fit on those jacketed bullets. Fire a magazine full, all but the last round. If it shows no sign of bullet movement (in or out) you should be fine. The 32-40 is such a light recoilling round that all should be well.

10-29-2008, 11:39 AM
Brother Rockeye, In the 43rd edition of the Lyman Reloading Handbook, the 32-40 has 7 loads listed for the 32-40 using a 165 grain jacketed bullet; all below 2000 fps. As follows:
Powder Sug Grns velocity sug max loads velocity
2400 13.0 1500 15.0 1600
4759 13.0 1420 16.0 1750
4198 17.0 1460 22.0 1890
Unique 20.0 1390 24.0 1850
4895 26.0 1810 30.0 1935
3031 24.0 1835 28.0 1950
4064 25.0 1820 29.0 1940
Maximum loaded length is listed as 2.59".
The 39th and 44th edition of the Lyman books have loads from 165 to 185 grains in cast bullets. If you need anything more, contact me direct. larryjk@tribcsp.com

Brother Rockeye
10-30-2008, 11:52 AM
thanks Larry-
those loads all have potential-I'll be experimenting shortly.There is a gun show early Nov. only a couple hours away,wanna see whats available there...maybe I'll find some component options.

thnx agin ;)