View Full Version : Need some expert opinions!

10-28-2008, 10:06 PM
I know this topic usually gets thrown around alot, but here i go.

What barrel length would you recommend for shooting trap?

I started shooting registered this year and plan to do a lot more of it. was averaging 92 on singles and 87 on doubles with my field grade citori. I borrowed a perazzi M8 for a shoot and shot a 97 and 96 on singles and 2 94's on doubles. I soon realized how much better things were with a trap gun. I was looking at a few combo guns and noticed there was a large selection between 28-34. I won't be buying a perazzi though, unless they let me mortgage it.


10-29-2008, 08:27 AM
Get ya a long barreled 12 guage, then buy that screw in barrel extension from cabelas. Gets ya about nine feet of overall barrel. Then ya don't need shells. Just wack 'em when they come by!

Seriously though for trap H&R makes a 30" barreled trap gun that most everybody I know who has one raves over the length and handleing.

Thats as much as I know about trap.

Well that and you get to shoot at clay pigeons. Myself I prefere shooting clay squirrel, but they don't fly as well. . . . . . . . . . . :p


10-29-2008, 06:55 PM
Trap is what I started my clay shooting on about 15 years ago. I went form the field grade Citori, which we won't really discuss because it would make this post really long, and went to a Beretta 682 combo trap gun with the single and double barrel. The single is a 34" barrel and the double is a 30" barrel. The longer barrel just allows a longer sighting plane, and does absolutely nothing as far as pattern density and velocity is concerned. You could even shoot trap with any barrel 24" or more. The longer sighting plane helps with picking up the target and the longer gun isn't quite as hard to handle in the trap game because there isn't as much gun swing going on compared to sporting, 5 stand, or skeet.