View Full Version : Success?
10-29-2008, 10:43 AM
Anyone having good success yet? I had a good first day, then with the cold weather and this nasty snow storm moving in it doesn't seem like the coons were moving the past couple of nights. The fox sets that I had made got rained out the first night, second night, then snowed out with about 2" of wet snow. So needless to say I'm 0 for on the foxes. With the warmer weather coming later this week I'm looking for some good things to happen then next week I'm moving my coon strings to some new ground.
10-29-2008, 10:54 AM
Not cold enough here yet to start.
Wish it was I have seen any number of coons, and coyotes when I didn't have a rifle on me lately.
10-31-2008, 07:24 AM
Season don`t come in untill the 10 th. of Nov. here in Oh.
10-31-2008, 09:50 AM
Season starts tomorrow morning.
I'm as pumped up as I ever was.
Just like a kid on Christmas.
Hey bigbrother.
Coons will hole up in bad weather.
Try old barns when the weather is cold and snowy.They like Hay mows and outside around big hay bales.
Best of luck
11-04-2008, 08:12 AM
Well, as luck would have it the snow only stayed for a few days. It's back to the mid 60's! One extreme to the other. I had most of my sets in the creeks as I normally do but the coons haven't moved down into the bottoms yet. I'm guessing this because I didn't pick up very many. This morning I found one in a dirt hole set for fox a mile from where it should have been. I'm switching tactics and moving my sets to dryer ground for the time being. Maybe in a few weeks they'll be down in the bottoms. Until then, I don't mind walking corn fields instead of water.
I did find a fisher in one of my sets this week. A young male that I had to release (that was fun) due to PA's protection of them. EVIL little creatures they are!
11-06-2008, 01:10 PM
About ready in Western So. Dak. but I am not sure why. Fur prices on coons right now is only about $ 8 and that is a shame as there are a ton of real big ones all over the place this year again.
11-06-2008, 03:29 PM
I sold a 5 at $8.00.
Sold a Few more yesterday a 3XL brought 10.00 ,a 2XL @8.00
3 XL@ 6.00 and a L @1.00
Now I hear they have dropped to $5.00.
Only caught 2 possums today. Worth nothing.
I'll continue to sell every other day til Sat and then skin and freeze them.
The best to ya
11-06-2008, 06:49 PM
In the last three years the price never went above $10 and they didn't care how small or big they were. Skinning is out of the question for me as my time is worth a little and it's just not there with these prices.
11-10-2008, 08:57 AM
Are those prices for finished goods or just skinned?
11-10-2008, 04:57 PM
I skinned the first 3 coon -1 of each size- to see how blue they were.
Everything else were sold in the round.
Both fur buyers I sell to dock you a dollar for unskinned.
If you grade them by measuring (NAFA) you'll
get about 1 size larger by skinning.
You will also get about another size larger by fleshing.
Measure from the tip of the nose to the squared off end of hide where you cut from foot to foot.
Just a little something to remember.
Have a good one
11-11-2008, 12:26 PM
I've been finishing all of mine and was wondering if it's worth the work. Mine are all on boards right now and I'm hoping to get enough money to break even! If not, it's no big deal. I'm not trapping to make money, I'm trapping for the fun of it. With my work schedule, before daylight is about the only time I can get in the woods except during the weekend.
Forecast is calling for more rain with freezing temps at night. Perfect for fox trapping.:rolleyes:
11-11-2008, 02:17 PM
Best off to just consider it a hobby.
I'm interested in how large your Pa coons get.
I've heard they don't get as large as our Iowa coon. ???
Do you have the NAFA wild fur sizing chart?
Have a good one
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