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11-03-2008, 07:11 PM
How many rounds do you carry while hunting?

11-03-2008, 07:30 PM
3 in the mag, one in the pipe.. usually 4-5 on the butt stock.

In the truck I usually have 20 to 50 just in case... lol

Skinny Shooter
11-04-2008, 06:24 AM
About 40 for each gun taken along.

11-04-2008, 07:17 AM
It depends on how long that I will be hunting, the game, and of course, the gun. Typically, I would say that I have whatever firearm that is in my hands fully stoked-whether bolt, semi, lever, etc. for fast follow-up shots-should they be needed. There is typically then 5-10 additional cartridges on my persons with another 20 or so accessible in my truck or the cabin, as needed.

The reality though is that I have never had to dig into a second pack or box of rifle ammunition while hunting and safely return the majority back to the ammo cabinet upon my return home.

Now shotgunning for birds is another story...:rolleyes: Back the truck up and get that liftgate down!:D

11-04-2008, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by Steverino
Now shotgunning for birds is another story...:rolleyes: Back the truck up and get that liftgate down!:D

Good answer! Sounds familiar, as I usually bring more shotgun shells than I need, especially for bird hunting. (Though admittedly for dove hunting I often use them all!) 12+ for rabbits and squirrels, a handful for deer (slugs in Ohio).

11-04-2008, 07:44 AM
Now I suppose that if I hunted in a state which allowed personal carry too with a sidearm...well there would be at least a full clip and two spare magazines to add to the list too!:D

Would definately be new belt shopping!;)

11-04-2008, 08:43 AM
I usually carry the gun full plus a few, but it depends. The question is kinda vague. When I am hunting whitetail? about a full box of 20. When I am hunting squirrel or rabbit? assuming I am using a 22 then about 200 rounds just in case. If I am hunting hog? As much large caliber ammo as I can carry without bogging up to my knees, and still be able to climb a tree. etc etc



11-05-2008, 11:53 AM
Normally carry 10-12 wheter hunting deer with a SG or Rifle. Normally have a box in the truck or cabin. Most every fired in one day was 9 but we wouldn't get into that. Normally a full weapon plus a full replacment will do.

Dan Morris
11-06-2008, 07:27 AM
LOL, I blew that one....said 9-12. that is in rifle and on me. In camp, I've generally got 2 boxes for primary and backup. Also have my range bag w/bore sighter.

Adam Helmer
11-06-2008, 07:54 AM
I usually carry a full magazine and two refills for deer because there are many coyotes about.

For small game with the shotgun, I load up and carry a dozen more rounds in the pocket loops.


11-15-2008, 05:01 PM
Magazine holds 5, usually 5-10 more in my pack and 20-40 in the truck.
Redhead Cams (http://www.girlcamfriend.com/webcam/redhead-girls/)

11-22-2008, 05:10 AM
I usually take 8 rounds with me. 1 in the chamber and 7 in my butt stock shell holder- there is usually a full box of 50 in the truck- my reloads- or however many happen to be left in that box.

11-26-2008, 11:51 AM
Well I should have read the comments then voted. I just thought rifle and answered the question. I did not indicate the model 66 that I always carry on the belt with two cylinders full or the shotgun shells if bird hunting. If I take my clays cart bird hunting, which I normally do, then I can and do carry several flats of shells of different velocity and shot size. No sense going to a pigeon shoot or crow hunt with the wrong shells...:D :D

11-26-2008, 05:56 PM
The 308 model 100 Winchester holds 5 in the clip and I carry 2 clips.

The 284 only holds 4 in the clip so only 8 total with two clips.

11-29-2008, 08:47 AM
Usually around 12 counting 6 in the .44 ruger redhawk and 1 in the spout of my kimber 270 wsm and 2 in the mag. with 3 extra 270 rounds in my pocket. But for one of my antlerless rifle seaon tickets this year Im going to try my new toy. A CZ550 magnum in 416 Rigby I tested some loads for it yesterday. They consist of 300 gr Triple shock X bullets over 92 grs of Imr 4350. A 3 shot group went into 1 1/4 " @ 100 yds 3 " above point of aim. Which is right on at 200 yds. usings the iron sights on the rifle. Man I cant wait.

Mil Dot
01-26-2009, 08:36 AM
Usually full gun + 10-15 on person; If I'm out in the hills(back country) I will also carry a sidearm loaded and 20 rnds on person.

It's really dependent on circumstances, like what I'm hunting, how far out I'm going or potentially going, weather and length of hunting trip.

02-25-2009, 03:34 PM
My marlin holds 8 rounds in the tube, The tube stays full so 8 and the rest of a box in the truck.

02-26-2009, 07:04 AM
3 in the rifle and 2 in the fanny pack.

Rocky Raab
02-26-2009, 08:53 AM
Can't answer that. The ammo that would last me a few years of big game hunting would be gone in a day of predator hunting - and wouldn't last the first ten seconds of a prairie dog hunt.

Then again, I don't carry PD ammo ON me, either. They don't make pockets for full ammo cans.

03-06-2009, 05:20 PM
I hunt with a T/C Encore pistol with one in the tube and one in my hand (most of my hunting buddy's think im nut's too....but i dont care i dont miss ! (especially them big black bear's)

03-12-2009, 10:20 AM
600 for the 22-250 and 400 for the 223. all the ammo is in the the truck 50 feet away.
South Dakota has a lot of P-Dogs.

06-10-2009, 07:54 AM
I assume we are talking about metalic cartridge guns here, at least that's the way I responded to the poll. I have been none to take 3-4 boxes of shotshells on a dove shoot.

06-14-2009, 03:10 PM
As some said, it depends what im hunting...

Big game I usually have full gun, full pocket....up to another 50 in the truck.

Coyotes I usually would have 100 or so, plus some 00 buck for the 12guage back-up.

Gophers....well I went gopher shooting over weekend(Was supposed to be a 5 days shoot but we got snow/rained out)I took with me approx. 20,000 .22LR rounds, 800 .204 Ruger rounds, 25 .270Win rounds, 100 .50cal BP loads, and 350 12gauge rounds.

And that was just my stuff :)

I went through 100 .204 rounds, 150 12gauge rounds, and about 1000 .22LR rounds :D

If it hadnt rained us out I woulda used ALOT more!! LOL!!

12-16-2009, 07:32 AM
Hunting what?????????? When deer hunting with a muzzle loader I will carry as low as 3. When coyote hunting with my AR I never carry less than 40. The last coyote I got I put 14 or 15 rounds down range before I knocked him down the first time and had to knock him down 2 more times before I got close enpugh to head shoot him and kill him. The first shot was at around 150 yrds. acrossed in frount of me and he had already been shot at and missed so he was smokeing when I started unloading on him, and the last knock down at over 300 yrds. They never get to far out for me to shot at if I have a clear line behind them.

12-16-2009, 09:18 AM
54Roundball-You might want to rethink that CZ, might be a little light for anything except rabbits.

12-17-2009, 07:52 PM
Always a box here...(20)

02-22-2011, 07:58 PM
"It depends" is the answer that makes sense to me.
Deer hunting, I might have as little as 4 rounds, total. Probably no more than 10, usually- depends on the rifle, too.
Woodchucks? Probably more like 50 for each rifle.