View Full Version : Obama Recriuts Renndell

11-09-2008, 01:50 PM
this got to be a joke Ed "TakeAway Your Guns" Rendell was considered for a cabinet Post? Secretary of Transportation , Bull crap ever see our highways and roads here in Pa, This Clown can't take care of a state let alone help run a nation, PennDot itself is in need of a major restructuring, they have the Pa turnpike a shambles and Barry Boy wants Eddie on his cabinet Oh Brother gag me with a spoon please someone pinch me this has to be a nightmare

11-09-2008, 02:42 PM
Ah, I see where your problem is.
You are confusing "best man for the job" with "patbacks" confused.:D

Best part I heard about that though was that he turned down the job right now because it would possibly let a republican (eeekkk) take over as governor.
Yep, we are in for real "change" now:confused:

11-09-2008, 04:03 PM
well, good news for Pa to rid itself of that scummer as your Gov, but bad news for the Nation.

11-09-2008, 04:37 PM
in other words would do well in an ass kissing not kicking contest i totally agree , well maybe someone can convince Lou Barletta to run for govenor he blew Kanjorski away in Luzerne county too bad the rest of the congressional district voted for the party instead of the right man for the job, typical coal miner attitude oh boy Kanjorski he is a polak one of us heyna no