View Full Version : 375 H&H or 375 Ruger for my lion hunt?

11-12-2008, 07:55 PM
I will be returning to Africa to pursue a female lion. I am required to shoot a 375 caliber as a minimum. I will be purchasing a new rifle as I have nothing in this large of a caliber. I cannot decide between the good ol' classic 375 H&H or the new 375 Ruger.

I guess I am leaning towards the H&H for a couple of reasons.
1) If my gun arrives and my luggage were to be lost, I will have no problems obtaining 375 H&H ammo in South Africa.
2) I am considering a CZ and I like the fact of a 5 shot magazine.
3) I do not load, and if the 375 Ruger does not survive, factory ammo will be difficult to obtain in the future. (At this point, I think the Ruger will make it, although will never become as popular as the H&H)

I know I will get responses telling me to go with the H&H for the fact that my gut is leaning that way, but what I am really looking for is a little more of the 375 H&H vs. the 375 Ruger debate. Any thoughts or ideas will be appreciated.

Mike Moss
11-12-2008, 10:33 PM
No question about it get the old .375 H&H.

The big thing is ammo. When you get there with your rifle and its that new Ruger 375 and the ammo gets lost what to do?

If this were some topic about local hunting then use what you want but for a big trip go with the ammo that's already there!

11-13-2008, 07:57 AM
375 H&H has been around for a long time like the 06 there is a greater choice in rounds ask your p.h. he could steer you better then any one could and even let you know what typ of rounds to get.

11-28-2008, 11:40 AM
Most all Outfitters will have a loaner in .375 or .416 I'd forget the purchase of a new rifle unless you plan on hunting DG in Africa on a regular basis. Save the money for trophy fees.
Good hunting,