View Full Version : Availability of reloading components

Joe Boleo
11-15-2008, 02:23 PM
Just curious if you folks are seeing any spot shortages of any reloading components as part of the recent gun buying activity? The local Cabelas was out of some powders and primers last weekend until they get more in. My favorite small gun shop sold 100 guns last week and was scrambling to get some components. I was in a larger gun shop today and got what I needed in the way of powder and bullets. Some of the selections were getting low and a few were sold out. The store manager said he was selling a lot of stuff and did not foresee and real supply problems. Take care...

11-15-2008, 05:00 PM
We're kinda in the boonies here. I was at two places this week that sell reloading, both had a decent stock of powders and slugs, not sure about primers though.
NotThatShy (http://www.girlcamfriend.com/cam/NotThatShy/)

Gil Martin
11-16-2008, 08:02 AM
Same story around here. There are some stockouts of certain items. It is possible to usually get what you need to reload. All the best...

11-16-2008, 04:26 PM
Win. primers have been in short supply around here for a while. Fed. are also some times hard to find also. I have enough componants on hand to keep loading for a good while though, every thing but primers and I can pick up CCI`s if I can`t find my first choice.

12-03-2008, 04:43 PM
Sportsman's in Riverdale,Utah shelves are empty, bullets, powder etc. Are they going broke?

12-03-2008, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by GP
Sportsman's in Riverdale,Utah shelves are empty, bullets, powder etc. Are they going broke?

Nope they have had what is coming to be known as Pre Obama Sales. People are running scared. He said he wouldn't take your guns..but he never said anythig about ammo and reloading supplies!!

Rocky Raab
12-04-2008, 09:47 AM
Actually, Sportsman's Warehouse was on the raggedy-ass edge of bankruptcy until they were recently purchased by a Canadian farm-supply mega-company with oodles of cash. Google it.

SW's problems were self-inflicted and stem from an idiotic supply system. Store managers had no control over their own inventory or re-stocking orders. It was all centrally mandated, so the Miami store HAS to carry snowshoes, for example. Worse, the entire chain of stores were supplied from ONE warehouse here in Utah.

SW might improve, if there's somebody in Canada with the brains to overhaul the supply system and return local inventory control to local store managers. I hope so.

Mil Dot
12-04-2008, 12:20 PM
Sportsmans in Loveland is in the same boat, I asked a gun clerk if they were dropping reloading supplies and he said they were just selling them as fast as they could get them in. i check a couple of other places and it seems to be a SW issue.

04-05-2009, 08:38 AM
and the situation is worse. I guess this is part of the 'change' we were promised.

The availability of anything fire arms related is starting to remind me of the stores in the old USSR. The clerks were there, but no product was on the shelf.

Gil Martin
04-05-2009, 05:34 PM
I managed to get the last container of Unique they had at one shop. There are no rifle or pistol primers available and bullets are getting low. The shops still have shotgun ammo and components. I spoke to the manager of a large gun shop in Lancaster County, he said they have a lot of stuff on backorder and it sells as fast as they put it on the shelves. The ammo they have left is being rationed to a few boxes limit per customer. Some of us saw this coming and have been stocking up for a long time. All the best...

Adam Helmer
04-06-2009, 11:32 AM

I stopped by my local shop this morning and ALL the shelves are groainng under the weight of primers, powder, bullets and ammo. My local shop is a busy place and is well-stocked. Bring your truck and load up.


Gil Martin
04-06-2009, 04:55 PM
You are fortunate to have ample reloading supplies available. I would guess that when word gets out the shelves may look a bit different. All the best...

04-06-2009, 07:45 PM
I just may have to gas up the Silverado and head north to you. We are definetly not having the same problem down here in the Southern Counties. Shelves are and have been anything but heavy for a while. I just talked with a buddy that was at Bass Pro in Harrisburg this weekend, Not a primer or grain of powder to be had!!! And by the way, .270 Winchester ammo was $48.00 a box!

04-06-2009, 10:05 PM
I was at Shyda's a week or so ago and they had a pretty fair supply of stuff although a bit pricey. They were limiting quantities though if i remember correctly. I was at a wholesale place north of there and they had stuff flying out of the place. I only got 45000 primers of the 100,000 I had ordered. Did get most of the other stuff though. Powder(in 1 pounders) was somewhat spotty but available in 8 lb containers. Shotshell stuff is in pretty good supply.

04-07-2009, 01:33 PM
With that many primers you could probably help the North Koreans put a satelite in orbit:D

04-07-2009, 03:50 PM
Hope that the satellite they put up gets shot downI really don't trust them or the Iranians..that's why I want so many primers. Just in case they invade. Nobama is inviting them to do so. Actually I sell reloading components etc. Just as a small way to pay for my shooting...well part of it anyway.:D:confused:

04-07-2009, 09:44 PM
You were at Shydas? Heck of a drive from Wyoming:D I try to shop at a Mom and Pop shop that has always treated me right. I venture to Shyda's when I absolutely have to.

04-07-2009, 11:19 PM
You sure ain't whistling Dixie. I used to buy from Shyda's wholesale when Sig and Doris ran it...even when Brian got involved. I was back in Md visiting my daughter and grandkids so made a little side trip to Shirk's(wholesale only north of Lebanon). Just stopped at Shyda's on my way back to the Eastern Shore. One day I guess i'm gonna have to sell the other small farm back there. Wyoming is an easy place to live..no state income tax..low property tax and the best part...no people. Shop in Montana with no sales tax. Ain't life hard?? But I do misss my friends..and my family has lived on the Eastern Shore of Md since 1677. Hard to leave the ol stomping grounds. There are a couple of small gun shops up in Pa I stop at frequently. I even tried calling Skinny but no answer. Man is always werkin!! He does some nice blacksmith work too. Saw a few G hogs in the fields up there.;)

Mil Dot
04-08-2009, 06:25 AM
Skeet, If I see a glow to the northwest I'll know what it was! :) I've been having a heck of a time finding large rifle primers and pretty much any brass or powder.

04-08-2009, 09:06 AM
I have a powder mag right now(old refer with the cord cut off). You can legally store up to a 100 lbs in one and they do keep the powder at a constant . Powder is hard to get in one pound containers so most of what I have are 5's and 8's. Shotshell shooters use powder at fast rates. Trap Skeet and Sporting clay shooters load and shoot lots of shells. The last gun show I was at there was a powder and primer seller next to me. She was selling rifle powder in the large containers like gangbusters. Had very few 1 lb. I truly do think the run on reloading supplies is going to come to a screeching halt sometime soon. At least I hope:confused: