View Full Version : KEY HOLEing

jon lynn
11-16-2008, 06:48 PM
After Gump schooled me on the term, I learned that is what the .303 is doing:(

But the smith said he will re-crown it, if that doesn't work he will refund my cash.

But I'd rather have a functioning rifle, especially this late in the year. I am still very optimistic though.

Dan Morris
11-16-2008, 07:32 PM
Look in barrel.......dark? Sound like years of corrosive ammo n no cleaning. Good luck.I once got a 3006 from an ex Air Force type......he hadn't cleaned it since 1952.......sideways on paper!

Adam Helmer
11-17-2008, 03:10 PM

What ammo are you using to get "keyholes?" Was the original GI barrel cut? If so, it may not have a proper crown. If some prior owner cleaned it from the muzzle, it may have a crap crown.

I would let the smith recrown the muzzle and start over with factory loads. If it keyholes then, I would take the gun and target back for a refund.


jon lynn
11-18-2008, 08:14 PM
I just dropped it off at a local gunsmith, he's going to re-crown it and do a test group...................I should know tommorow.

I feel like a family member in the hospital waiting room:(

jon lynn
11-19-2008, 06:29 PM
Time of death 8pm.

11-20-2008, 10:09 AM
Still keyholing?

Dang. Well there is always replacement barrel therapy.


jon lynn
11-20-2008, 11:01 PM
I posted this under "KARMA FINALLY."

The smith in OKC gave me a FULL REFUND! Because I took the target with me with all the sideways imprinted holes, when I went to visit him, his reaction was "Wow!"

So I took the money back, he even gave me back the money for the parts and machining and labor he did, and used it and $142 on my credit card and got a new Savage 10 with accutrigger in .243

I put the 3-9x VX-II on it, and got me some Federal & Remington 100 grainers for it.

I should have just done this in the first place, no more lusting old military rifles.

Aw well.......I got a deer rifle