View Full Version : 300 wsm drop

11-20-2008, 10:08 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew the drop of a 300 wsm at 500 yds id like to do some long range shooting with it... 180 grain that shoots dead on at 200yds anyone have any info it would be greatly appreciated

11-21-2008, 12:25 PM
According to my Serria manual a 180 gn. spt bullet at 2,900 fps. zeroed at 200 yrds. will be 44.21 in. low at 500 yrds. and a 180 bt. will be 40.6 in. low.

11-21-2008, 01:18 PM
I little more specifics about the load and I can run it through my ballistic calculator for you.

Give me the Bullet (make/model) so I can get the Ballistic Coefficent and the muzzle velocity (if you have it) If it's a factory load, over the counter what is on the box?

From that I can run you fairly close. Of course, only real life shooting fine tunes that drop chart since published BC's are typically too low and they tend to change as velocity changes. The longer the bullet is in the air, the lower the velocity and typically the higher the BC gets.

12-25-2008, 03:33 PM
40 to 50

gota shoot it there to know for sure every tube is faster or slower, unless a chony is used trajectory charts will vary from reality and ability