View Full Version : Hunting alone?

11-23-2008, 08:59 PM
I got curious about how many people hunt alone?

With only 1 exception, I've always been spoiled by having either at least a friend or my dad hunt with me, especially during deer season. This coming fall (2009) I might have to hunt alone and I got to wondering what it would be like.

I think I would like the "quiet" time associated with it but wonder how incomplete it may feel especially if it was a successful hunt.

I'm interested in hearing what others have said.

jon lynn
11-23-2008, 09:09 PM
In Germany I hunted alone 99% of the time. I'm torn on it, at times I loved the solitude, at times I felt like the lone hunter.

But this weekend hunting deer with a family member and his friend, I wish I was alone again, the friend was a hassle.

Dan Morris
11-23-2008, 09:09 PM
Gets real quiet....you get to know your inner self pretty good.
I have been forced to do this several times.
1. Let some one know your schedule.
2. Be super cautious as to what you do and where you go.Know your limitations!
3.Getting a large animal out solo can be a pain.

It can be a nice experience......you will observe things you normally miss.


11-23-2008, 09:20 PM
I've only hunted once alone. It was okay but the whole reason I hunt is to spend time with my friends and family. Plus, the added benefit of having someone close in case something unplanned happens. But, as I said, I love going out and hanging with friends talking about the day, having a beer and eating dinner around the fire.

11-23-2008, 10:12 PM
I have done it both ways i cannot say i like it more one way or the other i am starting to get were i like to hunt with my kids more.

11-23-2008, 10:49 PM
i still hunt when i hunt alone , mainly because when i hunt alone i only have a few hours to hunt so i try and make the best of it besides a nice slow walk in the woods is good for the soul

11-23-2008, 11:56 PM
Ive done it both ways- I used to pack in and hunt elk alone- loved it, I saw alot of things others- hunting with a partner may not have seen. I've also hunted with a partner- if it is the right partner it is great- if not- well.....- I don't think I need to elaborate on that one. As for which I prefer- good question- with the right partners(s)- there are definite advantages. There are also advantages to hunting alone. I would have to say that over all I would rather hunt with a partner.

11-24-2008, 08:08 AM
Usually both, during archery season I hunt alone. As Dan sagely pointed out above, my family have contact numbers for both the property owners and surrounding neighbors at the farm that I bowhunt. My cell phone does not receive signals in the area that I hunt but my wife knows that if I do not return home at the appointed time, to call the neighbors. It's a good two hours from my house and I typically get cell phone coverage after only fifteen minutes on the main hwy out. (Usually calling my wife to inform her as to how I did and what I saw) I do enjoy the solitude by myself.

For gun season, it's all about the comraderie at deer camp with friends and family. If I shoot a deer, it's a bonus. It's just nice to be afield with friends and family during the deer firarm season. I personally enjoy pheasant hunting with friends too (it also helps that they're the ones with the bird dogs!:D )

Rocky Raab
11-24-2008, 09:07 AM
I never hunted any way but alone.

Me. Nature. Good.

On the other hand, now that my 60th has disappeared behind the bend in my life's rearview mirror, the thought of being found by some hiker next Spring has pretty much ended my hunting.

11-24-2008, 09:25 AM
I like to hunt alone, but I also enjoy the comradery of hunting with others. Love to squirrel hunt with several guys at a time. After all what good is it bagging your limit if you can't look at the guy next to you and go "You only have 4 and it took you HOW MANY SHOTS!?!?!?"



11-24-2008, 12:14 PM
Do both. Bow hunting I usually have my half sack stepson. During the firearms I normally hunt alone. Usually just about all others I hunt with have been burned out so I go alone. Like Rocky sez: Me God Nature and Guns. Its a quite time for me.

11-24-2008, 03:46 PM
Family gets on me pretty hard because of all the heart attacks and things..but when local , hunt alone..then come and go when and where want to...if long distance say for bear...have gone alone but most of the time is with a friend..(that has been good and bad times for what ever reason)...now for the kids, I don't even carry a gun when they ask me to take them out.....I enjoy the time with them..and mostly, I already have a few deer and turkey by the time they get off work and can go....and that is another reason I hunt mostly alone...before I retired, I worked dark to dark 6 days a wk and sometimes had to do a Sunday too.and that didn't leave me much time to make plans to go with someone else...so when got the time, ran to the woods.(maybe got early quit)...and did pretty well if I might say so...when I get a deer, I just make my phone calls and they all come running to help...
.....just make sure leave someone know you are out and about what area you are in....and for those that might get into trouble when alone and figure they not find you..I say just watch for all the crows the next day....and check there....and I also said I will park my behind tight in a Y of a tree....not mind the bugs in the ears...but where the opossums like to go...na...I have a problem with that enterance.....lol.....so I will be wedged tight...
.Time alone is good now and then, it does give you time to take a look at yourself and just where you need to make changes in your life...at times it does get out of control...and I get to hear my favorite sound of all....
NOTHING.....I like to hunt alone.
Now today is the first day of Pa bear season and I am chomping at the bit because of all the things got tossed on me I had to tend to today...just couldn' t wait....buddies already in mtns..well...enjoy your time in the woods...be it alone or with a friend....make a memory....we only get one chance at this ya know..

>))))) *>

11-26-2008, 12:30 PM
I have hunted both ways. When younger I had no problem being alone, hunting critters with four or two legs. Today, after two heart surgeries, I try to only hunt with at least one partner I can trust and with radios. I am not so much an older and wiser hunter as I am a lot less self-reliant. I know if I get into trouble I will need help quick.

I do suspect that the hunters that end up dead every year from exposure or injury were mostly hunting alone and without comunications.

11-26-2008, 01:03 PM
I always hunt alone and you hit most of the nails Dan. The only company I have while hunting is my dog on birds. I have guided hunters and will again in a month on elk but I will not be hunting.
I am 60 and getting real close to 61 and the thought has crossed my mind more then once if this is a real good thing for me to do.?

I guess the one thing that erks me the most on the guiding thing is most of them think they are still in camp and carry it to the field.
Like "shut the hell up" and listen to what old mother nature is telling you. But they have not been showed any different way to hunt that is just the way they do it. Take the gun away and give them a camera and let them sit and watch and listen and that would be great for all of us Sportsmen and women.
There How about that lol

11-26-2008, 06:07 PM
Rapier, you said one very important thing that all here should know of...and I found this out not once but 2 times...even though you are with someone, do NOT count on them to help you out unless you already talked to them about things and they know what to do if something does come up...2 times, I had people that when it was just them and me alone, leave me while I was having a heart attack and I was left on my own...I don't know if they get scared..or just didn't know what to do but like the last time, I didn't even make it into my house but laid on my porch lucky to be able to hit the door and get the wife...the guy just left while I was in need...and yes..he got a whoopin from the wife later...Now this is important also...do THEY know CPR?...I know it well but lots of people I find out do not know anything...so what good does that do for us?... ah..huh...yes...and It works...saved me last time...'self CPR' ....is such a thing and I credit this to helping me reach my door...learn more about this....and I hope all of you that read this...realize that just because you are not alone, does not mean you are safe...you better learn to take care of yourself..because there might be a time when you have to count on what you know.....PLAN.....and make sure you are with a person you can count on...is all...good luck...keep hunting and don't let the small stuff keep you from hunting and enjoying the woods...

11-27-2008, 07:51 PM
When younger and first learning from the few who would take me, I gave what they had to say a lot of weight. After several seasons though, what I took away...I would be better off by myself.

I've gone out alone for the last 7-8 years. I've seen and learned so much more in that time than the previous 10+ that it's not fair to compare the two.

11-28-2008, 01:24 PM
You had two incidents where your partners "left" you while having a heart attack ? On the times where I did hunt with others I knew them well enough in the first place that I was never worried about them leaving me to die.

11-28-2008, 06:11 PM
yes Null...out of 6 that put me down, 2 were when someone was with me..first I sat in my car and told a fellow employee as he was going to his car, to at least tell the mechanics in the garage to check on me before he leaves...I figured if I passed out they would know why I was still there..and at that time I figured the pain would go away...but he just said...I have to get home....and left...so again I took care of things myself....and he was a medic in the Army..believe that?...Oh we sure had words after all that and he took a beating from the rest of the employees..the other time was when I made it out of the woods, sat in my truck and bam...so I had to do that self CPR till got 5 miles to my house..got out of truck, neighbor that hunts but never with me...stopped and talked to me.I told him I was having problems again..(6th heart attack)..and I said I have to go and I just hung onto the side of my truck and I couldn't even see cause things were gettin dark fast..as he said..Ok..and walked away...and he knows of all the prior attacks...believe me...there are those that go out of the way..and there are those that just don't know what to do or just don't want to get involved..anyhow..a quick note,..while back in my garage once a guy stopped in front of it..said he was there because he knew I have had all those heart things and figured I would know how to help him ...so I did..he is fine now..but he said glad I was still at my garage..and yes he was having a heart attack...so....Please..make sure you talk to who you are with..and teach them cpr if need be...or at least...when I hunt with others, we find a point back in the woods and there is where we gather before any of us leave the woods...and the problem might not be mine all the time...but once a game warden was at our vehicles trying to fine us for hunting late...but we got him in order real quick..I told him I might just turn around and go back into the woods and stay there all night...nothing can do ..long as not hunting and gun unloaded.....so ....fellow hunters out there...you BEST KNOW what your HUNTING HOURS are.and time to quit....that is what saved us...if not know quitting time...he could of written us up by just saying we were still hunting..oh he got in big trouble from the main warden over that..and some other crap he had pulled on others...they even moved him to another area..but....long story short....Learn to do things yourself because you probably will end up doing it yourself and if someone does help, you can thank them...and be happy..but if do yourself, not mad because you figured on doing it that way in the first place..lmao..words from my dad....and just like our sportsmen's club.....I come to find out. that ....WE...is ME...lol..when you get we should do this...we should do that at the club meetings....lmao..have a nice hunt season all.and be safe.

11-29-2008, 12:52 AM
I prefer to hunt alone. I don't mind bird or small game hunting with someone else. I've hunted big game with another before and hated it. They're always too damn noisy, too jittery and never patient enough. I like the silence and nature, it's a private thing for me...

lone elk
11-29-2008, 11:43 PM
I grew up hunting with my dad. He no longer hunts. I hunt in serveral states and usually hunt alone. I guess, I prefer it? Although it would be nice to have some help packing meat.
