View Full Version : Which Dillon press?

Skinny Shooter
11-25-2008, 11:53 AM
First of all, can I get one in John Deere green? ;)

Was thinking of getting the 550b next year.
I want to load pistol and some rifle ammo. Mostly 223 to start with.
Is that a good press for the dollar.

Have always heard Dillon has the best customer service in the business.

Anyone load 223 and get consistent accuracy like you would from a Rockchucker?


11-25-2008, 02:42 PM
I have a Dillon "Square Deal B" for pistol reloading and a "650" for everything else. Over the years I've had to replace parts and Dillon difinitely has a "no BS" policy. Great people to work with.
As far as the 550, I've never used one but have a brother-in-law that swears by his. If I had it to do over again I would probably buy a 550. The "650" is more press than I need. Maybe you would like to take the "650" off my hands, heh Skinny??;)

11-25-2008, 03:00 PM
Sure you can get in John Deere green. Just go over to the JD store and pick up a can of Paint.

I have a converted Dillon 450. I was going to up grade from the Lee presses I was using. I have 3 Pro 1000's, 2 Loadmasters and 2 turret presses and a Hornady LNL.

Just my personal opinion but I am more pleased with the Lees. They are a lot cheaper to buy replacement shell plates, tool heads and other equipment for.

I prime all my rounds by hand in a separate operation. I don't like it when things get to busy in loading operations. Yes, I know you can buy the 1050 and equip it with a 454 blown Chevy engine and produce 6000 rounds per minute.

I also found out through my own ignorance you can produce a lot of really crummy ammo in a hurry if you don't pay attention to details and follow destructions.

Nothing wrong with the Dillon really, just not my cup of tea.

Let THE FLAMES BEGIN. :p :p :p

Best wishes, Bill

Skinny Shooter
11-25-2008, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by BILLY D.
Sure you can get in John Deere green. Just go over to the JD store and pick up a can of Paint.

I have a converted Dillon 450. I was going to up grade from the Lee presses I was using. I have 3 Pro 1000's, 2 Loadmasters and 2 turret presses and a Hornady LNL.

Just my personal opinion but I am more pleased with the Lees. They are a lot cheaper to buy replacement shell plates, tool heads and other equipment for.

Already have the can, guess i'm set then.
I'll look at Lee also.

Muledeer, I can only go as high as a bucktwoninetyeight for it, when ya wanna do the deal?

Rocky Raab
11-25-2008, 04:34 PM
You have to outbid me. I'm at twoforty-leven. And I'm closer to him. Know where his house is, even.

Hey muledeer, how was the Big Reno Show? I heard it was mobbed but prices were jacked sky high.

11-26-2008, 10:45 AM
I have been using a Dillon 550B for quite a few years, but only on ammo I mass produce for league shooting; 45ACP, 45AR, 38Spec, 357 and 38/45. Most of the large magnum I still produce on the single stage Rockchucker. Do not load any rifle on the 550B. Also load 12 ga. on a PW 800B. I have a habit of keeping an eye on the powder level in the cases as I load on the Dillon 550. Have been thinking of putting a machinists mirror on the Dillon so it is easier to see the powder level. DO NOT REMOVE THE ROD THAT MAKES SURE THE POWDER BAR RETURNS. That can get you some hot loads and some sqibs. Local gal didn't think it would make any difference. New barrel coming up on a Browning High-Power.

11-26-2008, 11:18 AM
I find it hard to believe that someone can think that a progresive press that weights less than the handle on my Dillon is better than my Dillon. :confused:
Skinny, If your going to load extreemly large amounts of 1 or 2 different round get the 650 Dillon. If your going to load for alot of different round go with the 550. I`ve been useing a 550 since the early 1980`s. I do only load ball powder, because they meter so much better, but have loaded for several rifles that consistantly shoot under 1/2 moa with the ammo loaded on my Dillon. I do agree with Billy on 1 thing,
( I also found out through my own ignorance you can produce a lot of really crummy ammo in a hurry if you don't pay attention to details and follow destructions. )

Skinny Shooter
11-26-2008, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Larryjk
Do not load any rifle on the 550B.
Hi Larryjk, why do you recommend against it?
What about loads for an AR15?

11-26-2008, 05:53 PM
Skinny Shooter, I didn't mean that as a warning. I should have prefaced it with "I", as "I do not load any rifle on the 550B". There certainly isn't any reason why you couldn't load rifle on it, especially the .223. If there is any serious resizing to be done, I think a more substantial press might be in order. I just have never tried the 550B on rifle.

Skinny Shooter
11-26-2008, 05:59 PM
Larryjk, I roll my varmint gun loads on a Rockchucker and figured I could use a progressive to crank out AR rounds.

11-26-2008, 08:29 PM
You know I have a bunch of stuff so when I say I have 3 650's you know it ain't cause they suck. The ones I have are set up in 223 for my AR(just bought another one) the 2nd is set up for 45 auto and the third is being changed to 45 colt as I type this. The 550 is a good press also and I have one set up for 30-06. For serious hunting ammo I load 'em on my really old RCBS A2 press..but that amounts to a whole couple of boxes or 3 . If wanting a serious press for lots of ammo the 650 with case feeder is the way to go..but you'll probably be just as happy with a 550. Dillon's service is great. Just got the housing for the low primer alarm that was broken on the 650 I just bought locally. Called 'em Tuesday..Got it today..gratis. BTW the Dillon dies are expensive but in the pistol calibers are worth the price. They also make a carbide set in 223 but I think they are Redding:)

11-26-2008, 09:09 PM
I think you need to talk to skeet since he has three "650's".. I want at least twelvethiry for mine. Holly "Klaatu Barada Nikto" Skinny
Didn't go to the "Big Show". Recovering from umbilical hernia surgery. Heard that it was packed though. A friend was telling me that on Saturday you could barely move in the isles and he left after a few hours.

Rocky Raab
11-27-2008, 10:04 AM
I tried to tell you all that time in the gym would hurt ya. Or did you finally shoot that .50?


I don't think I'll ever own a progressive, but if I did, it would be a 550B. That's actually a semi-progressive because it doesn't self-index. I think that's probably safer - it gives you a chance to inspect things before you pull the handle again.

11-28-2008, 06:14 PM
I've been out three separate times with the Barrett. You should have seen me taking the first shot.:D The first time at the range it was so busy I had to wait for a spot. One finally opened up next to a guy shooting a muzzy. My first shot blew all his patches and crap all over hell. We both laughted. The range officer said this isn't going to work and moved me to a end location next to another guy with a 50. We had a ball shooting at a 55 gal drum at 1,000 yds. I've been out now three times and probably shot 60 rds.
Oh I gotta tell ya about the last time. I went to one end of the shooting stations (approx. 50-60 total). This guy and his wife were sighting a 300 RUM. I set up next to them and they gave the Barrett the once over. I shot and nocked over his cleaning kit and blew a full soda off his shooting stand and about three feet to the rear. We all laughted and he asked to warn him before I shoot. Yah, Rocky it's a BLAST to shoot
:D :D

Rocky Raab
11-29-2008, 08:54 AM
Told ya.

Well, there's all we need to know for your Christmas present, huh? A can of 50 BMG ammo.

Of course, you'd need another hernia fix...

12-05-2008, 10:39 AM
I bet they said under their breath, Gee, I love having that guy shoot next to me......:)