11-28-2008, 12:22 PM
"i agree on the urban spread theory , ignorant misinformed , non-environmental people like you not hunters, all they want is their home away from the city not caring about the impact it has on the habitat for the deer , or the rest of the animals and ecology they have displaced. The majority of the deer vehicle accidents happen during the night , misinformed person ,deer are nocturnal they travel in groups at night mostly feedind if they are traveling during the day in the fall it is the rut causing this , which leaves only the archery season going on then, and 99 percent of the archery hunters sit in tree stands so how in the heck does this cause deer to run out in front of vehicles and disrupt their patterns , maybe for a day but they resume the same dull routine just like you do the next day, except they don't yak on the cell phone while driving, or talk about their neighbors or friends behind their backs , or protest with signs like AmericanHumane & PETA supporters do ,its ok for them to be responsible for more killing of defenseless animals than us hunters are but you naturally will dismiss that because it is ethical so you claim, also drive sensible,obey the speed limits, be more aware of nature when you drive in areas habitated by Odecolius Virginiatus, keep off the darn cell phone , pay attentiom i realize its the holiday season but people like you forget the true meaning of Christmas , slow down and enjoy and observe, God Blesses all even people with mind sets like you"
sometimes ignorant people such as the one who blames us for the deer killing on roads need to be set in place, i just hope that the local paper has the genitals to print my answer , they probably won't because they are a middle of the fence type newspaper
sometimes ignorant people such as the one who blames us for the deer killing on roads need to be set in place, i just hope that the local paper has the genitals to print my answer , they probably won't because they are a middle of the fence type newspaper