View Full Version : Oops

12-27-2008, 12:50 PM
So, I'm on my way back from base and a truck has just slid off the road. We've been getting pounded by snow the last couple weeks, at least by Mtn Home standards. My truck does pretty well on snow as long as I take it easy. This truck, Toyota mid-size SUV (I don't remember the model) should have done ok in 4wd. They had pulled off the road for some reason and instead of backing up the way the came they decided to go forward not knowing about the ditch they were about to drop into. I pulled over to help out and that's when I realized it-I never put my winter gear back in my truck. I have one of those heavy-duty plastic bins with a snatch strap, heavy duty tie down straps, chains, gloves, a shovel-all kinds of goodies. All I could do was try and give them a push. The other guys were all wearing dress shoes so I was pushing by myself. Long story short-if you have stuff like that make sure it's actually in your vehicle where it will do you and others some good.

12-27-2008, 01:07 PM
I know the feeling... however I don't care if you are wearing dress shoes or not... get out and help push... been there, done that...

12-27-2008, 02:12 PM
Yeah, that's why I left them to their cell phone. There were 2 other guys who could have helped but they just stood there watching. Finally, I said to hell with it and took off.

12-27-2008, 08:08 PM
Good for you... sometimes that is the way to do it...

12-27-2008, 08:53 PM
The guy kept saying "I don't know why we can't get out. This thing's 4wd" I finally had to tell him that 4wd can't compensate for street tires; they had no grip whatsoever. These guys had touring tires on their truck. Fine. But don't be surprised when you get in some deep snow and can't get out. I'm all about helping folks out of a jam - I've been there myself and have been to have someone help me out - but at least do something to help yourself. Don't let the guy who stops to help do all the work.

12-28-2008, 11:06 AM
For sure.. I have been stuck a few times, and I am out in the mud or snow to help the guy helping me, no matter what I am wearing...

12-30-2008, 01:18 PM

Some people just have no idea how to help themselves. Those guys in dress shoes would have probably broken themselves somehow trying to help. They would have either slipped underneath a spinning tire or slipped, fell hard, and cracked their head open. At least they knew their limitations. The driver should have known his limitation of driving in the snow. You should see the number of morons around here when it snows.

12-30-2008, 01:36 PM
It's the same thing every year; people forget how to drive in the snow. Most of the wrecks and slide-off happen with the first snow of the year. After that folks see cars and trucks sliding and crashing all over the place and they seem to calm down a bit. It was the same way up in Anchorage when I was there. Anyway, I'm prepared now so next time I'll just pull them out.