View Full Version : Success?

01-05-2009, 08:23 PM
I haven't heard from anone yet?

I've hunted 2 times since the 26th of December, both by myself and both providing opportunities at a doe.

I'm saving my tag for a one of several nice bucks I've been hunting since archery season back in October. I've passed up over 22 oportunities at different buck from archery to rifle (yeah I missed one long range hunting). Some of them were good bucks, but I have a few real DANDIES and I'd rather eat a tag than shoot a scrub. Here's a picture of a "Fresh" rub of one I've been hunting. The picture isn't great as I took it with my phone, but notice the bark at the base of the tree. This isn't the biggest of rubs I've found, but one I figured I'd take a picture of, just b/c I had my phone with me. Marks on the tree go from my head to my ankle. I've seen this particular buck a few times during archery, but never within range. I hope he makes the mistake of showing himself with my smokepole in my hands.

01-05-2009, 10:46 PM
What the heck were you doing hunting with your phone??? Nice rub though. I went out a couple time with no luck. I hope you do better. Good luck

Mr. 16 gauge
01-06-2009, 09:12 AM
Took 3 deer this year (out of state), but alas, none were taken with a muzzleloader......and I didn't get a chance to hunt the short season that MI has to offer due to work/call responsabilities. However, I do plan on taking the trade musket out for bunnies this winter, so if I get lucky, I'll post a photo........;)

Adam Helmer
01-06-2009, 12:36 PM

Thanks for sharing that rub photo.

I went afield 3 days and saw 2 does. I am holding off for a buck with the muzzleloader.

As for phones, my buddy in rifle deer season was sighted in on a big buck and just before he pulled the trigger, his phone, on his belt, blared out "The Chicken Dance!" That buck is still afield and my buddy learned to put his phone on vibrate.


01-06-2009, 02:05 PM
I always try to remember my phone just in case work or home needs to reach me. It's a habit putting it on vibrate and in my chest shirt pocket.

My wife likes to text me when it's raining hard or real cold out just to tease me. Like "your aren't getting wet are you?" or "boy, it's nice in warm in the house"

I'm pretty much stuck with my company phone since I can be on call 24-7, even with an office job. I'm in charge of all the telemetrics on our gas meters and some have alarms on them for compressors and generators on pump jacks, and the likes of. Nothing like getting woke up at 2:00 am b/c a compressor goes down and the well tender missed the alarm call. Of course, I put myself, last on the callout list, but I still seem to get a call every once in a while.

The job has it's perks though, so a call in the early morning 1 time a month is nothing to me. It's more of a comfort thing with me having two youngsters under 6. You never know when one of those kids are going to do something which require a trip to the emergancy room!

Anyhow, I'm not sure if I'll make it out any more during the week. They are calling for some nasty weather that doesn't mesh well with flintlocks. I'll make the last day, this Saturday though and then the deer have a rest until next September!

01-11-2009, 06:03 PM
I took my second muzzleloader deer of the season yesterday on the last day of season of a deer population management hunt on a state park here in Iowa. Too bad it was a antlerless only hunt. I had a 160 + class buck less than 50 yds in front of me. The doe dressed out at 108 lbs,I shot it through the heart @98 paces the deer ran about 40 yds and piled up.