View Full Version : Colorado License Change

Dan Morris
02-01-2009, 04:29 PM
Went into SW today to renew my Fishing n Small Game license...thay have extended the expiration date of 08 to 3/31/09. Gives those whut have th 08 a few free weeks.
Ammo was nonexistant and reloading stuff was xtremely low.....most of you folks already know that! Glad I reload!

02-02-2009, 03:56 PM
Hey Dan,
I reload too. Maybe I should be buying the 5 lb canisters (or more) instead of the 1 lb? Is this becoming a serious situation or what?


Dan Morris
02-02-2009, 07:54 PM
If you can find em, I'd go the bigger cans and primers. I keep my stuff in sealed 20mm cans.