View Full Version : When the music stops who will be left without a chair?
02-06-2009, 01:34 PM
Have you been listning and watching the garbage going on in DC? Now the slime balls have got to get up and be counted and the rats are heading for the dark corners, IRS problems galore, cheats and thieves. The greenies want fur and O'BS is demanding a waiver for environmental damage so a stimulation project can be started in under 3 years. Don't ya just love it when idiots come out to play in the real world. Missing is the whaling from Hollyworst, their hero is stuffing the spotted owl in the but-x and it is just OK and wonderful.:p
PS: A hundred billion there and a hundred billion here and pretty soon you are talking about real money..... give em a tax credit who knows they might actually pay a tax one day.
02-07-2009, 12:50 PM
Don't get me started about Obama and his "clean" administration. He has nominated 4 people that had tax issues, and Daschle is about the only one I think could have possibly not known he owed the taxes, but it was such a huge amount that he lost that appointment. What I am really upset about is Geithner because he KNEW he owed the money, and then he was appointed as the head of the US Treasury, which oversees the IRS. I really have to laugh at that. Kind of like stealing from a company and then being hired by it afterward.
The billions of dollars being spent in Washington is utterly nuts. Our children and grandchildren will be paying for our screw ups and lavish lifestyle. The music has already stopped, we just have not realized it.
Ridge Runner
02-08-2009, 10:29 AM
check out where the money is going
500 million to install solar powered water heaters in rural households in Cidra puerto rico
1 million for 2 parks so the residants of LA have a place for they're dogs to crap?
no pork barrel politics going on there!!!!
02-08-2009, 12:21 PM
fabsroman, Tom Daschle was on the committee that wrote tax rules. He did know; just thought they didn't apply to him!:mad:
Mr. 16 gauge
02-08-2009, 05:33 PM
Well, since all the jails are overcrowded, I guess we have to start putting the crooks in D.C.
02-09-2009, 10:40 PM
Don't apologize for our "lavish lifestyle", make the bastards taht didn't earn theirs (Daschle) apologize for his...
02-10-2009, 11:15 AM
That is OK, if Pelosi and O'BS have their way, our "lavish lifestyle" will be sliced and diced into portions for the illegal aliens and the poor. Everyone can help the less fortunate and feel equal, warm and fuzzy standing by the fire barrel under the overpass. Just don’t look for Pelosi, or the other crooks, they will be counting their unpaid taxes in the back of the limo, as it speeds by. Each one is just one of the people...... just scum to which the law does not apply. Teach your children well.
What post do you think you might get appointed to if you do not pay your taxes? How about the corner fence post out in the exercise yard at Leavenworth?
If I do not pay my taxes can I be the Treasurer of these United States, Daddy?
Mr. 16 gauge
02-10-2009, 02:29 PM
I wonder: do I just have to be a Democrat to not pay taxes, or do I have to be a member of Congress as well?
I have been told (by my brother in law) that I make too much money for what I do (I'm in the medical field)....If the goverment feels that I make too much money, then fine...I'll quit and they can find someone else (maybe an illegal who can't speak English...after all, communication is a major part of the job) to take call every other week, be available on the weekends (even when not on call), work long hours without a break, be exposed to communicable diseases such as HIV, hepatitis C, ect., put up with incompitent surgeons, ect.
....after all, the goverments giving away free money.
02-11-2009, 12:50 AM
Hmm... No doubt we've passed the point of TARFU and gotten to FUBAR. The biggest issue is, when are we going to say WE'VE HAD ENOUGH? I personally think that things are unconscienable, but hey - what's another pile of BS in the dump? The time to start over is here. Can we get rid all the extraneous red tape and the misanthropes who created it, and start over with the Constitution and Bill of Rights? If the Founding Fathers could see this mess, they'd be rolling in their graves. A special thanks goes out to FDR for starting this train wreck...
02-11-2009, 08:19 PM
My personal favorite was Pelosi's 30 million to save a wood mouse in her district...its all so pathetic you gotta laugh ...otherwise well I dont even want to think about it..
02-13-2009, 02:01 PM
I received an E-mail today with a video that's about two minutes and chnge in length dealing with a bill in the House granting amnesty to ALL illegal aliens. This bill will allow them stuff that we the people can't even get including not paying back taxes, total amnesty for illegal alien gangbangers and more. The Democrats want their guaranted voter base.
I don't know how to put it on here, but I feel it is important that this should be passed on.
If someone knows how to do this, E-mail me and I'll send it to you for posting.
I cannot express how much rage I felt when I saw this and there isn't a smiley strong enough to epress my feelings on what I saw and heard.
Paul B.
02-13-2009, 05:40 PM
Hey Paul,
Why not just copy and paste in your response.
I just got out of the truck after hearing a Dem Congressman admit that the members of the House never even got to look at the new wording of the compromise portion for the 800 Billion bill was passed without them even reading the wording!!!!! :mad:
The house just pissed away 800 Billion and do not even know if they sold the farm or not. That to me constitutes a violation of their oath of office and any common ethic you can think of. No one in this country needs money enough to do something like that, no one. They signed you up to pay 800 Billion back and never read the note for you. Now I know exactly what being taxed without representation feels like, and I never even got kissed.
02-16-2009, 06:40 AM
Over 1,000 pages contained in that bill and Obama is rushing to get this bill passed before anyone has had full measure to read/review. This is as close to tax without representation in this modern age as I have seen. Downright scary...
02-16-2009, 08:14 AM
Even if you are the most liberal person in this country, what happened should scare the crap out of you. Congress voting on (in mass) and passing a bill without ever reading what was in it. That is how people get to visit places like Dachau.
There is at least one provision that the senate stuck in at the last minute, a records keeping law that will affect your medical care. That law gives the feds control over your medical treatment, ala Britain or Canada and creates a new huge federal medical gang. Now it is just for information, without penalty, for non-compliance. But, hospitals and doctors have a license to practice and coercion is very simple. The effect of that law will be to determine what procedures are allowed based on expense. If you are 26 a transplant is not too expensive, but if you are over 50 a transplant is way to expensive. The camel has his nose under the tent.
Skinny Shooter
02-16-2009, 11:40 AM
After pushing Congress for weeks to hurry up and pass the massive $787 billion stimulus bill, President Obama promptly took off for a three-day holiday getaway. Obama arrived at his home in Chicago on Friday, and treated wife Michelle to a Valentine's Day dinner downtown last night. The couple was spotted leaving upscale Table Fifty-Two, which specializes in Southern cuisine, with the first lady toting what appeared to be a doggie bag.
The president plans to spend the Presidents' Day weekend in the Windy City, and is not expected to sign the bill until Tuesday, when he travels to Denver to discuss his economic plan.
Both the House and Senate passed the bill Friday night.
The push to get the bill through before the holiday weekend was so frantic, members of Congress didn't have a chance to read all 1,071 pages of the document before they could vote.
"In a perfect world it would have been nice to have had more time to process it," said Ilan Kayatsky, a spokesman for Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY).
Meanwhile, Gov. Paterson called yesterday for fiscal restraint with the massive influx of federal aid. His budget office estimated that New York will receive $24.6 billion over the next two years, $4 billion more than first believed.
02-16-2009, 05:10 PM
I hate to get into these **** throwing matches but they are all the same in my book. Old Richard N. was sure one to be proud of also and this darn mess we are in with the last 8 years is not a good thing. I liked old man Bush but this kid was a wreck and to try and even blame his **** on another is stupid.
02-16-2009, 07:12 PM
Well Nulle I suggest you get yourself a new soapbox and a double handful and go get your own K-Y, cause your buddy O'BS has your back and you will need it.
I know when it is raining and I know when it is running down my back and I am being told it is rain. 66% of domestic spending is by individuals and they will get not a lump sum, but $8 per week until 2010 !!!!
75-80% of jobs are created or held in small business and they get $4 billion, cut from $67 billion. $4 Billion is less than the amount allocated for ART in the F##%^ bill..... Where is it stimulating anything but your sphincter muscle Mr & Mrs America?
02-16-2009, 11:09 PM
Don't forget who really passed the stimulus bill. Not congress. The Democrats in the House; not one Republican voted for it. The Senate was the Democrats and 3 RINOs. The Democrats have the majority and they intend to screw the country. They are trying to set it up so they always have the majority. They don't really know how pissed off some people in this country are going to be. Don't blame the Republicans for what is going to happen.
"They are trying to set it up so they always have the majority."
You mean, like Tom DeLay tried to do a few years back?
02-17-2009, 11:45 AM
Jack, I will give you part of your comment as being correct. Tom Delay did do that but with Texas. He didn't try to open the border so he could get millions of illegal immigrants here and give them amnesty, tax free, etc. so they would vote for his party. I have to wonder if you are on this site if you really care about the Second Amendment and what those jolly folks in DC who have a foolproof majority, are going to do to the Second if they are successful. Are you ready to lay down everything you have to save the country?:(
02-17-2009, 01:18 PM
Jack, I will give you part of your comment as being correct. Tom Delay did do that but with Texas. He didn't try to open the border so he could get millions of illegal immigrants here and give them amnesty, tax free, etc. so they would vote for his party. I have to wonder if you are on this site if you really care about the Second Amendment and what those jolly folks in DC who have a foolproof majority, are going to do to the Second if they are successful. Are you ready to lay down everything you have to save the country?:(
Easy Larry....
This is why political threads almost always tend to go ugly. While Jack's political flavor may be different than most here, I will guarantee you, from all the years I have known Jack here, he is all about our second amendment protection. Most people choose their political choices on more than one issue.
Perswonally I love politicaql discussions as long as things stay civil.
Larry, Tom DeLay did some maneuvering in Texas to gain 5 extra seats for Republicans in the House of Representatives. His purpose was to cement a permanent Republican majority in the House. That's what he said, not my interpretation.
As to the rest of your post, I'll refrain from comment.
02-17-2009, 05:22 PM
Lone Wolf and Jack, I apologize for the remark I made about the Second Amendment, but it is what has me so g------ mad about what is happening! All during the campaigns the word was that there wasn't going to be any going after the guns. Is the current HR45 what they meant about not going after the guns? Is there some way to stop that bill. I was raised by a Democratic father, but I know he wouldn't eat the lies that are currently no holds barred, say anything until you get elected. Tell me fellows, how are you going to communicated with your reps and senators? Are you going to tell them you are proud of what they are doing?
02-18-2009, 12:29 AM
Is exactly what I feared would happen. This HR 45 is just the start. I said this one time before here on HC..and someone said that ol Nobama would have too much on his plate to worry about guns..sure. I also said that in 4 or 5 yrs you won't recognize this country..I think I will have to change that statement to under 3 yrs. It isn't creeping is bounding Marxism. This guy Nobama is going to be the worst thing for this country ever. Even worse than the wars we have been involved in....At least they were fought to ensure our freedoms. This idiot we have had foisted on us in the name of change is a Marxist pure and simple.. And y'all thought Bush II was bad. You ain't seen nothing yet. And if you voted for him a gun owner and sportsman.... you SHOULD be ASHAMED!! You drank the Kool-aid as they say!
02-19-2009, 01:27 AM
My God, I just read bits and pieces of HR45, and the guy that wrote that must be nuts. I think the Democrats are going to push their "mandate" way too far just in this first year and come next election for Congressional seats in 2010 there will be a significant change.
The only place HR45 is going, is into the trash bin.
Every year, tons of totally ridiculous bills are introduced, that have no chance of ever being passed into law. In fact, often even the guy who introduced it doesn't want it passed into law.
Let me give you an example of how this works. Let's say the Coalition For Left Handed Monkey Wrenches is headquartered in Congressman XYZ's district. The Coalition, or CLM, wants right handed monkey wrenches outlawed. So, they start lobbying Congressman XYZ to introduce a bill. Congressman XYZ, knows that the CLM will raise hell in the next election if he doesn't introduce the bill they want - and contribute serious $$'s to his opponent, so, he introduces a bill banning left handed monkey wrenches. Now, Congressman XYZ isn't an idiot- he knows the bill is stupid. So, he quietly suggests the bill die in committee - and it quietly does. Now, XYZ can go back to his district and run in the next election, proclaiming proudly that he introduced a bill the CLM wanted, thus gaining support, and raking in campaign contributions in his district.
Bills like HR45 are used all the time to gain favor (or opposition) from one group of people or another.
02-19-2009, 04:39 PM
I hope you are right about the HR45 going to H in a handbasket...But think..There is a new Bunch of owlhoots in town(Washington) and they will rubber stamp anything that they want to go through..Just way too many liberal idiots in power now. This bill would possibly cause an armed insurrection in this country. Not a good thing!
Skeet, one tip off about a bill that's being backed by most of one party or the other, is co sponsors. If a bill has a chance to actually get through Congress and become law, a lot of politicians are going to want to take credit for it. Thus, bills that are actually going to get some action, and maybe pass, will always have several co sponsors.
HR45 has none.
The real purpose of a bill like HR45 is as a fundraiser, by both the 'for's' and the 'anti's' .
Each side will be hammering their constituency for money.
"help pass such and such- send money" or "send money so we can fight this bill".
02-19-2009, 05:45 PM
Jack, I understand what you are explaining, but we have a congress that could show how they have a great majority by passing more stupid bills. Skeet is right about what the eventual outcome to something this stupid would be.
02-19-2009, 06:16 PM
Skeet, one tip off about a bill that's being backed by most of one party or the other, is co sponsors. If a bill has a chance to actually get through Congress and become law, a lot of politicians are going to want to take credit for it. Thus, bills that are actually going to get some action, and maybe pass, will always have several co sponsors.
HR45 has none.
The real purpose of a bill like HR45 is as a fundraiser, by both the 'for's' and the 'anti's' .
Each side will be hammering their constituency for money.
"help pass such and such- send money" or "send money so we can fight this bill".
The way politics and money are all interrelated. I also understand how something so stupid can get passed without even looking at the bill. It can also be stuck into another bill to make it look better. As a very good case in point..this last 800 Billion dollar spending bill.. It isn't a bail out or anything is just a payback is a B***ch pork bill to pay off everyone who supported the present administration. All the Congressmen and Senators are back home now telling people in their state what they are going to be getting...Without really knowing themselves. They(the ones who passed the bill) NEVER EVEN READ IT. But they seem to know what their state is gonna get?? Sheesh!! Makes 'em look good but they aren't telling ANYONE how much it is going to cost each taxpayer in this country If there were 200 Million taxpayers(there ain't) they would each have to cough up 4000 bucks just to pay the principal on that bill. And we're all going to get a tax break:rolleyes: Sure we are. As far as passing the bill in question..Nobody will want to put their name on it..but they can still pass it or attach it to another good for us type of bill. Do you TRUST this bunch of thieves?? I surely don't. As I said...this stuff isn't creeping is galloping Marxism. And no matter what the bill may be..We the people are going to HAVE to pay the price...monetary or otherwise! I hope the idiots who voted for these thieves wake up and see things in the light of day:rolleyes: I doubt they will though.
02-20-2009, 07:51 PM
I kind of agree with Jack on this one. The owlhoots are already under the gun, no pun intended, for the $800 billion they already spent. The majority of Americans are for an individual right when it comes to guns, and from the poles I saw about the assault weapon ban sunsetting, the majority were in favor of that too. For them to pass a bunch of gun regulations/bans right now will surely result in a bunch of Republicans being elected in 2 years, especially if the economy is still in the tank, which I see absolutely no way it will not be come the next election in November 2010. It might be starting to swing north, but way too many people will still be hurting or smarting from the last 2 years come November 2010. I know it is going to take us quite a while to get save the wealth we had accumulated and lost in our townhouse and retirement funds.
02-20-2009, 08:03 PM
There are about 140 million taxpayers in the US, so the cost per taxpayer is going to be $5,700 for this bill and $5,000 for the bank bailout bill. God only knows when those amounts will be paid.
The country's $12 trillion debt represents $85,700 per taxpayer, not including the interest. Paying that back over 30 years with interest would be about $600 per taxpayer for those $30 years. They should seriously think about passing a bill for a straight $600 tax to everybody earning money to pay back the debt we have incurred so we don't pass it on to the next generation, and then they should balance the budget every year from there on out.
02-20-2009, 10:02 PM
I kind of agree with Jack on this one. The owlhoots are already under the gun, no pun intended, for the $800 billion they already spent. The majority of Americans are for an individual right when it comes to guns, and from the poles I saw about the assault weapon ban sunsetting, the majority were in favor of that too. For them to pass a bunch of gun regulations/bans right now will surely result in a bunch of Republicans being elected in 2 years, especially if the economy is still in the tank, which I see absolutely no way it will not be come the next election in November 2010. It might be starting to swing north, but way too many people will still be hurting or smarting from the last 2 years come November 2010. I know it is going to take us quite a while to get save the wealth we had accumulated and lost in our townhouse and retirement funds...
They aren't under the gun..they are back in their states telling everybody how much they are gonna get.. The Dems right now think they can't be voted out any longer. They will do whatever they feel they can..He!! they already stole 800 Billion from us the taxpayers..they can also steal your rights away from you. Wait till you see the new fairness doctrine bill. Heck I asked a lady in the grocery store how we were going to pay the 800 Billion back...and she said the government will pay it off. I told her when she said she was going to get 13 bucks more in her check..Well do you realize that your portion of that 800 Billion is going to amount to over 4000 dollars just in principal? When are you going to pay that out of your check?? Then I asked her if she liked paying the salary of everyone that chooses not to work? She looked at me like I had 2 heads and said huh? People just don't get it. Remember Hitler?? The big lie theory?? The dems are going to pass more feel good keep me in power bills than you can imagine..and they are gonna tell you it's for your own good. And you had better believe it because that will be an order
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