View Full Version : New rifle reloader needs help (22-250)

Karl Peterson
02-24-2009, 03:35 PM
I am a new reloader. I have a Mossberg SSI-1 heavy barrel in 22-250. Can any one suggest a good load and bullet to start loading. Quite honestly, after reading all the tech manuals, I am getting dizzy. I shoot mostly coyotes fron 50 - 200yds. If you can recommend a middle of the road basic load to try I would appreciate it.

02-24-2009, 04:10 PM
First off, any load that works well in one rifle may not in yours. I suggest you pick a bullet that weighs 50 to 55 gr. I would go with a solid if you want to save the pelt or a V-Max or the like if you really do not care about the hide. I have had really good luck with Reloader 15 and H380 in the 22-250. Go by the book of the bullet manufacturer on loads!!!! Start low and work up, look for signs of pressure !!!! All that reading is for your safety, Keep getting dizzy :)

Adam Helmer
02-24-2009, 04:58 PM

Welcome to the Forum; I see this is only your 4th post.

I agree with Pre-64, let your rifle tell you which load is best in your rifle. Pick a good bullet and begin at the Starting load and work up in 5 or 10 round lots until your groups begin to open up on the target. Keep good notes of both good and bad groups and fine tune your accuracy load in your rifle.

Again, welcome to this site.


Ridge Runner
02-24-2009, 06:24 PM
try around 38.0 gr of H-380 behind a 55 gr bullet of your choice, thats why its called H-380

Karl Peterson
02-24-2009, 06:28 PM
First off, any load that works well in one rifle may not in yours. I suggest you pick a bullet that weighs 50 to 55 gr. I would go with a solid if you want to save the pelt or a V-Max or the like if you really do not care about the hide. I have had really good luck with Reloader 15 and H380 in the 22-250. Go by the book of the bullet manufacturer on loads!!!! Start low and work up, look for signs of pressure !!!! All that reading is for your safety, Keep getting dizzy :)
All good advice. Start with 50-55 gr. I like VMAX and don't care about pelts. Start low. Load 10 rds at a time, and work up. Have also been told by others that H380 is a good one. Thanks again. KP

02-28-2009, 09:48 PM
ive had two, both shot 38gr of h380 and 55gr noslers into little groups. its not fast load but it works great

03-01-2009, 08:50 PM
I too shoot H380-38 grs. in the 22-250 with 55 sierra soft points ,if that doest work for you try 4064,ck your reloading manuals.

03-15-2009, 11:42 AM
Try some 50 grain V Max's fueled by H-380 or Varget. I keep mine in the 3700fps range