View Full Version : 10/22 !

03-02-2009, 10:08 AM
well she works perfectly. Function is flawless, the clear mag and the black mag both gogo without a hiccup. I had an issue when I was in a hurry with the first round (first round EVER) from the black mag stopping the bolt rather than chambering. It never happened again after the first time. The clear mag didn't have that issue.

With CCI velocitors and the iron sights I shot 50 rounds into a coke can bottom from 38 yards while standing and unbraced. First three rounds you could have laid a nickle on. After that I kinda lost count.

I also took my very first big game with this gun yesterday afternoon about dusk. I heard our momma dog woofing quietly and the pups yipping off an on. When I investigated she had pulled a live possum into the yard (He was larger than the pups by FAR talk about a big ol fat possum sheesh!) She was teaching them to run in and nip at his flanks. I put several in his head to be on the safe side.

Anyway its all good. I could not have made a better purchase than this little carbine.


Rocky Raab
03-03-2009, 08:32 AM
The only problem with them is that they'll drive you broke trying to keep them fed! :cool:

03-03-2009, 09:27 AM
They are great guns.. Although I have not used mine much since I got a .17HMR...

Brother Rockeye
03-05-2009, 05:00 PM
I bought another one a while back...stainless this time.Add a bolt buffer to quiet the clack and away I go.
kinda like the clear mags too.