View Full Version : 100 shots on Fuller BEF and still going...

03-07-2009, 12:57 PM
Held a sunrise service with the .40cal this morning...had already used the flint for one 50 shot session week before last without touching it...knapped it twice during this morning's 50 shot session.

That's 100 shots on one 3/4" flint in a T/C lock and looking at it I'm guessing I could probably nurse another 20-25 shots out of it...but I'd rather shoot then knapp so it went into the used flint jar after I cleaned it.

Beautiful morning...51 degrees, light gentle breeze, Eddie May's .395's went where they should have, saw 3 deer, life is good

Adam Helmer
03-07-2009, 02:44 PM

Excellent range report. Was that "Bevel Up or Bevel Down?"

I am still trying to get the knapping business right here on the farm and have a bit of a way to go. I do currently use a whetstone to get the bevel near right.


03-07-2009, 05:09 PM
The Fuller black english flints I use are 3/4"W x 7/8"L, and in medium size T/C lock, they do best with the bevel up...if I put them bevelo down, that throws the edge up to high and they hit too 'square' on the face of the frizzen...with bevel up then hit down lower and at a slight downward shaving angle