View Full Version : Powder suggestions

03-12-2009, 05:25 PM
Okay, I recently purchased a Lee 100 in 45 ACP. I have some Berry Bullets 185gr., Federal brass, and some primers. I'm trying to figure out a good powder that gives me a good case volume and a mediocre speed for general shooting/plinking. I'm looking for a clean burning and good metering powder. The Berry's bullets are what's giving me a headache. Nothing published specifically.

Any ideas and loads would be appreciated.

Ol` Joe
03-12-2009, 09:01 PM
Good volume and mediocure speed don`t go together in a 45 acp. Try Titegroup, W231, Clays, or VVn320/310 for target/plinking loads.
Unique or PowerPistol under any bullet wgt do a good job if full power hunting or self defence loads are wanted.

I use 4.8gr of N320 with a 200 gr LSWC in mine for plinking and a heavy dose of PowerPistol with 185gr Sierras HP for woods carry. I don`t actually hunt with the pistol it is only for finish work or popping tree knots, rabbits ect.

Rocky Raab
03-13-2009, 10:14 AM
Plated bullets like Berry's are NOT suitable for full-power loads because the plating is so thin. They don't work well with heavy roll crimps, either, but that's not a concern with the 45 ACP.

I'd recommend Accurate #5 because it was developed for the 45 ACP and is a ball powder. Next would be Hodgdon Universal, which matches Unique in burn rate, but measures much better and burns cleaner. Either will fill more of the case than TiteGroup, Clays, Bullseye or other suitable powders.

For data, plated bullets are kind of between cast and jacketed bullets. You can safely compare loads for both and split the difference, especially at less than full power.

03-25-2009, 09:36 AM
Thanks Rocky. I've read in some other places that mentioned and talked about AA #5 use for the 45. I've ordered a couple pounds and will work it out.

Now, I just have to wait for my primers to show.

03-25-2009, 12:18 PM
Rocky, with a .45 apc I don`t think you need to worry about high power loads as they don`t go that fast any way. With a Colt .45 it would be the way you said, do push them to much.