View Full Version : Preparations have started

Skinny Shooter
03-19-2009, 12:39 PM
Last year I didn't get too reload much at all and hunted groundhogs even less due to work.
Only reloaded enough to get my 243 to the range with 105gr amax bullets and thats where I left off.
Recently I've been dusting off my reloading equipment in The Bunker.
Started taking inventory of components, cleaning and checking guns and going over reloading notes.
I was shooting 210M primers and only have a few hundred left. Stinks that you can't get any anywhere.
More WLR primers are needed and since Varget works so well I may spring for an 8lb jug this year.

Aways back I planned to reload for some pistol calibers. May give that a try also.
Wildcat Bullets is in the process of being sold and the new owners may make .224 dia varmint bullets. Their main focus is going to be big game bullets to start.
In the meantime I might try some Berger bullets.
Ballistic Tips have worked well but want to try something different.

03-19-2009, 02:43 PM
Preparations are in the works at my house too! Bought a Tikka T3 in .204 Ruger, waiting on the scope to get here...started working up loads for the 26Gr varmint grenades...some components are a bit scarce! Hoping my supplier can scrounge up another 400 or so brass for me!!

Skinny Shooter
03-21-2009, 12:19 PM

Picked up some 95gr VLD .243 and 168gr VLD .308 Begers from Cabela's last night that I had to order in and their reloading component section was a wasteland.

Called Shyda's gun shop this AM and they had 7K 210M primers.
I reserved some for a friend and myself along with the pistol primers I needed.
Went to the shop and ended up grabbing 8lbs of Varget right away too.
One pound of Varget is $19.00.

While I was there some guy came in and wanted 10K primers.
Shyda's would only sell him 5K.
The guy starts getting angry and threatened the guy behind the counter.
He eventually left in a huff never to come back again... :rolleyes:

Was surprised to see 4 AR's in stock which is unusual. Average price of $900.00 for them.
Price for the 210M primers is $37.99/1000ct.
WLR primers were about $10/1000ct less.


03-21-2009, 12:35 PM
OH my a AR rifle on the rack.

03-26-2009, 10:31 AM
I have been out hunting Groundhogs 3x now. It's slow but worth the wait! I got 8 so far and I am heading out tomorrow, beats work....
Have a good one

04-06-2009, 10:38 AM
I was out 1 week ago, hunted 2 days and spanked 8 more. Just wish this weather would change for the best, rain then cold. Anybody else having any luck with the Groundhogs.

"Groundhog, the other white meat"

04-11-2009, 07:36 AM
I have 2 days reserved in June for a SD dogtown trip. I'm mostly all set, just a custom 22-250 to go. This gun should be done in early May. I have plenty of ammo loaded for the 223s,204, & 22-250.

04-16-2009, 10:31 AM
Well I added 5 more last weekend, taking the Lady friend out 2 morrow, it's time for her 2 start. She had 12 last year and nailed 1 at 530 yds.. First time she ever hunted, handled a firearm. So I will play guide and try to get her some shooting.


04-17-2009, 12:57 AM
Congrats to the early birds! I'll hit the fields with the son mid June.

04-21-2009, 10:22 AM
Well I had the Lady out hunting Groundhogs Friday, nice day, some breeze. She got shooting, got 3, must of seen 11 pigs. She did shoot 1 that was mainly Black, had a light colored belly. I'll take the Swift out and see if I can find one that is Black as coal. Would make a interesting mount, big Groundhogs all ready.

# 21

04-21-2009, 12:39 PM
I saw my first of the year in the clover field yesterday. I thought the coyotes had oicked them all off.

05-30-2009, 06:34 AM
My new custom 22-250 has arrived, just in time. We leave the 8th for SD. I will be packing some today since I work a bunch before the trip.

05-30-2009, 08:49 AM
Count up two more to the .222. I have to get one from under the nieghbors barn also. I think the 22 mag will get that one.

06-14-2009, 11:13 AM
Made it out yesterday, even with the high grass I managed to get six of the varmints. The ground needs a chance to dry out so I can start hunting the bean fields. Two of the fields are 600 yds. long and another is 400 + long. Off work Friday, see what the weather brings.

# 52 Bob

06-21-2009, 09:07 AM
Well Friday was a good day, closest was 1 yd., farthest was 258 yds.. Could not get to the Bean fields I wanted to, muddy. I did hunt another farm with
Beans and got 10 for the day. Things need to dry out, water laying in the fields then rain Saturday.

# 62 Bob_Pa.

07-08-2009, 10:43 AM
Got some hunting in over the 4th, shot some huge Groundhogs in the bean fields Thurs. and Monday. On Friday I had some long range in mind, now it appears the scope might be snafu, hope to find out Sat..

# 78 Bob_Pa.

07-14-2009, 10:12 AM
I got out Saturday and the hogs were running wild. They were everywhere, some were out of bounds, some just to fast. I re-sighted the rifle in for 330 yds., used a bowling pin for a target. The Swift took 6 and the Norma was good for 1. Friend at another farm shot 9, they were running wild.

# 85 Bob_Pa.