View Full Version : Can you hunt on town land?

03-31-2009, 03:23 PM
This might seem a dumb question. But I was wondering about the legality of hunting on land owned by a town. Near where I live in eastern Massachusetts, there is a forested area owned by the town (it might be about 100 acres or more) in which I have found some deer sign and actually seen deer. I have even seen turkeys in this forest. The land is not posted (at least the parts that I walked through and the point at which I entered), and there are not many houses in the area. I had thought about calling the town offices, but I thought they would instantly say NO! Isn't town land 'public' land? Does anyone have any knowledge or experience dealing with this subject?

03-31-2009, 08:25 PM
If the land is inside of the city limits I would guess that it would be closed to hunting by an ordiance.

04-01-2009, 11:34 AM

Being from Mass you have to be careful. A lot of the town have No Hunting Regulation and some just don't advertise it. One of the small towns I hunt in has a closed state hospital. I do hear gun shot near it plus on a river that run thru it however they guy that owns the land I hunt on not 1/2 mile from there gets reamed everytime he fires his handgun. Its a individual thing.

In Weston and Lincoln you can hunt if you have written premission. These towns are really close to Boston.

In Dover you can kill deer with a certerfire rifle if you have deemed them a nusiance and advise F&"G about it.

These a big money towns with Multmillion Dollar homes.

I would check with a gun friendly cop in your town. You would be most likely to get a straight answer.

04-01-2009, 11:56 AM
Thanks buckhunter. The area I am specifically referring to is in Middleton. I may do some more research/investigation into zoning and such. I intend to bowhunt the area, so I am not too worried about firearms-discharge distances. I just know there are alot of 'antis' out there who would immediately say "no" to any kind of hunting, even though it may be legal.

04-02-2009, 11:29 AM
You are in a good area. There is a lot a open land in your area that you can hunt on. I hunt in Haverhill some. Firearms are OK if its in a wooded area however shoot near a house and you'll get a visit from the boys in blue. Another area is Harold Parker State Forest in Andover. I have seen a lot of deer in the Essex - Ipswith area however not sure about open land. Anyway check it out and have fun.

04-02-2009, 11:36 AM
The location I was thinking about is actually in Lynnfield - it's the Keenan Conservation Land. It's an 'in perpetuity' open space land. I looked up the regulations on the Lynnfield town website, and it specific says (in bold) that there is no firearm, bow, or any other type of hunting allowed. Oh well....guess I'll move on. I wonder if the deer (and other game) can actually read these regulations - maybe that's why they all run to these "off-limits" areas (hehe).

I'm actually a member of the Andover Sportsmens Club, located right in the middle of Harold Parker State Forest. Most of the guys I talk to say to stay away from HP, as most of the people who hunt it are wackos who will shoot at anything that moves. I prefer to do my hunting in Maine and New Brunswick.

04-02-2009, 03:15 PM
I'd figure that Lynnfield is a dead issue. Yes Harold Parker does have waco's but hunting the archery season you would be fine.

This a awesome spot but doesn't sound like it. At Rt 93 and Rt 495 n Lowell, hunt right before ou get to 495. Either side of the highway. There are a pretty good piece of woods on both sides. There are deer in these pockets. Had one of my bud's miss a nice 8pt and fork horn. A lot of doe's.

Another spot is Rt 3 south in Bedord(about a mile from 128). A lot of Bow Hunters but I have seen a lot of deer there. Looks like a parking lot opening day.

I have pretty much given up hunting Maine. I see more deer locally that I have ever seen in Maine. Nothing against the state but the deer just aren't there anymore. Same goes for NB. Lot of bear but not many bucks.

Good Luck on your upcoming Bear hunt.

04-02-2009, 03:21 PM
Do you mean Rt 3 and $95 in Lowell?

04-02-2009, 03:22 PM
Rt 93 and Rt495 intersect in Andover...

04-02-2009, 03:39 PM
Yes Andover, 93 and 495. Its been a tough day.

04-08-2009, 11:32 AM
I'd figure that Lynnfield is a dead issue. Yes Harold Parker does have waco's but hunting the archery season you would be fine.

This a awesome spot but doesn't sound like it. At Rt 93 and Rt 495 n Lowell, hunt right before ou get to 495. Either side of the highway. There are a pretty good piece of woods on both sides. There are deer in these pockets. Had one of my bud's miss a nice 8pt and fork horn. A lot of doe's.

Another spot is Rt 3 south in Bedord(about a mile from 128). A lot of Bow Hunters but I have seen a lot of deer there. Looks like a parking lot opening day.

I have pretty much given up hunting Maine. I see more deer locally that I have ever seen in Maine. Nothing against the state but the deer just aren't there anymore. Same goes for NB. Lot of bear but not many bucks.

Good Luck on your upcoming Bear hunt.

The deer are getting smart up here they dont just sit around and wait for ya to shoot em'' I use to hunt in Bedford when i lived there some great deer there fer-sure. But the waco's outnumber'd the reason's to hunt....So i moved out.....

04-08-2009, 12:16 PM
Gold Pan

Plan on doing that myself in a few years. I've retired 2 times already and the next time it will be for real. NH is looking fine for the spring summer and fall. Florida is looking good for the winter.

I never hunted Bedford but I have been told there are a few around there. I see them all the time. I usually Bow hunt Medfield on private land. See a lot of animals and sometimes even manage to shoot a few.

When SG season rolls around its off the the Birkshires. Don't see much, deer or hunters anymore but who care. Just enjoy being out. Gave Maine up. Do hunt Northern NH some which is not too many deer and fewer hunter.

04-12-2009, 09:24 PM
Buckhunter ,
N.H. is a great place to hunt too and retire... got a few good friend's there.... good luck on your Retirement this time....Happy hunting