View Full Version : A CCW Gun: A Story of Dumb and Dumber.

Adam Helmer
04-03-2009, 01:08 PM
A friend just got his CCW permit and came by the house. He asked if he could buy handgun ammo "in less than case lots?" I told him a case is usually 1,000 rounds and, yes, you can buy boxes of 50 rounds. "No, no" he said, "I just want 6 rounds for my handgun" ( a 2.5" barrel M-19 S&W). I urged him to buy several boxes of .38 Specials and a box of .357 Magnums and go shoot his gun to get used to it and to set the sights. "Ah, the sights", he said, "Were set at the factory."

I just shook my head as my friend left my residence. I never thought anyone with CCW intentions would carry his gun WITHOUT ever firing it to save a few bucks and remaining deficient in proficiency! Some states do require higher standards for qualification and that has to be a good thing for these "Einstein Award Candidates we all meet from time to time.

I am an old guy who grew up in a gun culture where every household had several guns at home and everyone I knew liked to shoot .22s, shotguns, deer rifles and handguns. I must accept the times have changed.

Anyone else have any Einstein Award Candidates we need to hear about?


04-03-2009, 02:23 PM
While I'd agree with you on the Einstein Award Adam, look at the bright side. We do have at least one more gun guy than the anti's.
But, hopefully I'm not around when and if he ever feels the need to utilize his weapon. :(
Here in Michigan, you have to shoot a minimum of 100 rounds during your class to get the CCW. My class did 200 - (100 to meet state certs, and then 100 to teach everyone how to really shoot during a stressed situation)

Adam Helmer
04-03-2009, 04:14 PM

Yes, we have one more gun rights person on our side. I agree, if he ever fires his M19, it may shock him so much he will drop it and run. On the other hand, I hope his 6 rounds are enough to settle the matter.


Mr. 16 gauge
04-03-2009, 05:31 PM
Anyone else have any Einstein Award Candidates we need to hear about?

Not so much for CCW, but for hunting....sure! Ran into a guy who was trying to load shells into a pump action shotgun backwards (brass first)....he wasn't having too much luck, didn't speak much English, and I quickly walked (O.K, so I ran) out of that area as fast as I could.
Ran into a group of immigrants (again, very leeetle English) that were shooting at just about anything that flew on opening day of duck season. Guns weren't plugged and I suspect that they were using lead shot as well. After I watched in disgust as they dropped thier 12th wood duck (and never bothered to retrieve it!), I left. As I was packing up in the parking area, cursing the fact that the DNR is never where they should be, a dark green truck with a gold seal on the door pulled into the parking area. I just about tripped over myself trying to show him where to go, and told him make sure his ticket book was full and his pen had plenty of ink!:cool:
Was in a Kmart store (back in the early 80's, when they still sold guns), and I guy came in asking for a box of 7mm ammo. The clerk tried to sell him some 7mm Mag. Guy said he didn't think it was a magnum, as it was 'an old army gun". Clerk said "It don't matter....all 7mm are the same".:eek: I intervened and told him to have is gun checked out by a gunsmith to determine proper caliber before buying any ammo.
I didn't grow up in a 'gun culture', per se.....I lived in the city, but my relatives lived in more rural areas, and they had .22s, deer rifles, and shotguns (no handguns). Firearms were considered 'tools', similar to an ax or a shovel. There was always a rifle or shotgun handy in case some critter decided to raid the garden or the hen house.

Personally, I enjoy shooting and have always considered it my 'civic duty' to shoot as often as possible!;)

Mr. 16 gauge
04-03-2009, 05:33 PM
BTW: Lonewolf.....happy belated birthday!

04-03-2009, 10:16 PM
Are you saying that your friend was not required to fire his M-19 to receive his CCW?? I'm confused. Assuming he did shoot the 19, then he would know where it was shooting and the comment "the sights where set at the factory" would have no relevance unless by some freak accident his pistol, in fact, shot exactly where he aimed based on "where ever the sights were screwed on at the factory".:confused:

04-03-2009, 10:50 PM
Hey Adam,

Maybe he will find his 6 rounds and keep them in his buttoned shirt pocket :rolleyes:

Adam Helmer
04-05-2009, 01:09 PM

Correct, you do not have to fire your handgun to get a PA CCW permit.


04-05-2009, 01:37 PM
BTW: Lonewolf.....happy belated birthday!

thank you sir!

04-22-2009, 01:42 PM
I have just been reading through this thread, and I must say that I'm supprised that somepeople can buy handguns and not know the first thing about them it seems. Oh well. As I'm from England and we're not allowed guns, I am doing a lot of research into different handguns (caliber etc) before I buy one. I was trained in the British army to handle, clean, and fire a rifle, so I didn't do as much research into the 30-06 I own now. I think you guys will be pleased to hear, that there is one sensible foriegn guy out there buying guns, LOL And I have joined the NRA.

Adam Helmer
04-22-2009, 05:09 PM

Welcome to the Forum; I see this is just your 6th post.

Are you a U.S. citizen? If you are a Resident Alien, what guns are you allowed to buy? I thought only citizens could possess arms in the USA. Please enlighten us.

Again, welcome to this site.


Mr. 16 gauge
04-22-2009, 06:16 PM
As Adam has said, welcome......

When you go to buy your first handgun, I'm sure you will get lots of advice from these forums, if you so choose.

I have a pen pal in Scotland.....kind of amazes me that here in the States, we can own handguns, but folks in the U.K. cannot, and that folks in the U.K. can own/use silencers, but we here in the States (for the most part), cannot. We are restricted as to night shooting (lamping), but not in the U.K., and that in the U.K. ones shotgun must be physically altered to hold no more than 2 shells in the magazine, yet here in the States a plug is sufficient.
Kind of a crazy world we live in......seems to be getting crazier all the time.

Again, welcome to the forums............

04-22-2009, 10:00 PM

Welcome to the Forum; I see this is just your 6th post.

Are you a U.S. citizen? If you are a Resident Alien, what guns are you allowed to buy? I thought only citizens could possess arms in the USA. Please enlighten us.

Again, welcome to this site.


Adam...a resident alien can buy and use firearms in the US. Even Mexicans and middle eastern types. But they probably can't take 'em home.

04-23-2009, 02:47 PM
I am not a citizen yet, you guys want over $700.00 for that privalige ;) But I am a permanent resident. To answer your question, from what Im told I can own and take home a handgun. I just need to go through all the usual background checks and be a permanent resident. I already have a rifle and a shotgun at home, and now I cant wait to get a nice easy to handle hand gun, something like a .38 nothing too big.

Speaking of size :eek: I saw a 500 in the gun shop the other day, you would need a tripod or forklift truck just to carry that monster.

Thanks for the welcome guys.

Adam Helmer
04-24-2009, 11:00 AM

Thanks for the information. A nice .38 Special or .357 revolver with adjustable sights would be a nice gun for you.

As for "cannon" handguns, the .500, and others, are a real handful. There is the single shot handgun called the Contender that goes from .22 caliber up to .45/70; depending on which barrels one buys. I have shot .30/30 and .35 Remington Contenders and they were enough for me.


05-20-2009, 07:43 PM
I am a licensed dealer in Georgia.
I have always had a carry permit. I always felt that anyone who wanted one should be able to get a permit.
After I became a dealer I Have changed my mind.
In Georgia all you have to do is clear a background check and you will get a permit.
I see people get a permit and buy a pistol and don't know the first thing about handling a gun safely. They have never even fired a weapon.
I am in favor of training before carry permit. You should see some of the people who want to buy a gun.
I have refused to sell to some on them.
Georgia and any other state that has not training requirements should consider implementing mandatory training.

Off of my soap box

Adam Helmer
05-21-2009, 04:37 PM

I hear you loud and clear. I agree there should be s requirment for basic handgun experience. Unfortuately, when handgun training is mandated, the anti's make sure NO Firearms Training Class is held, so then NO ONE can get a CCW.

I guess we should be glad that the rights apply to all and we just need to educate those with greatest need. I run several gun classes every year.


10-30-2009, 12:08 PM
Im back. I.v been off for a while, I had a nasty accident at work, fell from the top step on my tracktor trailer flat on my back, I'm still in a lot of pain and still not working after 10 weeks off, doc says its the end of my driving. Well I did end up getting a Hi Point 9mm and a holster. Its very comfortable to wear, and I also went to the range and used a box of 50 to sight it in and have some fun with targets. Next step is getting the CCW. I'll have to wait till I can get around better for that.

Adam Helmer
10-30-2009, 01:25 PM

I am sorry to hear about your injury. I hope you heal soon so you can get in more trigger time at the range with your 9mm.
