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View Full Version : What is your favorite handgun?

Adam Helmer
04-07-2009, 07:40 PM
My good friend Mr. 16 gauge asked, "What is your least practical handgun?" The flip side has to be "What is your favorite handgun?"

We all have likes and dislikes. I really have "a fork-in-the-road" here. A wise man once said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." Ok, I did. I like both revolvers and semi-autos. I like old S&W revolvers and old Colt automatics. If pressed, I would take a Smith M27 or M28 and feel well served. My bedside comfort is a M1911 Colt. For my backyard plinking I shoot Ruger Mark I and Mark II .22 caliber semi-autos. I suppose in a free society it is ok to like lots of quality handguns.

Who else has a favorite handgun?


Dan Morris
04-07-2009, 08:09 PM
Ones I shoot most are the ones I sometimes carry..,.a 4" M19 Smith and built up hardball 45. Have a lot of others but these get the most use! Don't laugh, the hard ball is a Auto Ordinance frame with match barrel/fitted slide and bushing/match trigger and polished ramp....never a burp and it shoots right along with Kimbers.

Skinny Shooter
04-07-2009, 08:17 PM
Is there any other? ;) :D

04-07-2009, 09:00 PM
1911 also.
Colt 1911C, Charles Daly 1911/22 conversion and a 22/45 Ruger.

04-07-2009, 10:14 PM
T/C .308 ...15''BARREL....180Gr.hollow.point's

04-07-2009, 10:33 PM
Tough one to say the least. Out of the choices that I have, I'm going with the Dan Wesson Model 15. I can put a 2 1/2" Barrel on it for a CCW, a 4",6", or an 8" for anything else. I can hunt with it using a 158 Gr. Hornady XTP stuffed in a .357 Mag or take the little lady to the range with a 125 Gr. Sierra HP in .38 Special.

04-08-2009, 01:42 PM
That' a tough question. I love them all!! Ok my most accurate and favorite is my Colt Anaconda 8" barrel 44 mag shooting 240 gr handloads.

Mr. 16 gauge
04-08-2009, 02:19 PM
Depends......my favorite carry gun is my S&W M39....an 'oldie' but a 'goodie'! But I do enjoy shooting my Springfield 1911 in .38 Super.

04-08-2009, 03:00 PM
I's say my first real handgun a SW 17-2. 38 years old and going strong.

04-16-2009, 12:04 PM
Like most of these types of questions, this one causes me to get into a mental delema, a revolver, a single shot, auto, a big bore, a small bore, Hunting, target, silhouette, IPSC, Pins and on and on. You see, there simply can not be A favorite, it must for me, be a favorite by type and intended purpose or use. Example, the TC Contender is just a great single shot silhouette gun but for hunting I like the Merrill or XL much better because the Merrill is quiet, without the internal safety drop. Neither gun is worth a flip in IPSC or for Pins where I prefer the 1911 longslide in 45ACP.

04-16-2009, 12:33 PM
There are many, but I go with my first love, the S&W K-22, now the Model 17.
I am still an old fashioned guy and shoot revolvers that are six shooters. The current Model 17 hasn't been shot much, but they all had, or have, 6 inch barrels. Deadly accurate, totally dependable ,and just plain wonderful. Had the first one in 1954 and shot a carton a week; learned how to hit everything I shot at. By 1960 it was pretty well worn. Got the next one. And so on.

05-31-2009, 08:01 AM
Of the guns that I own, I'd have to pick my m1911 clone in .45 ACP. My all time favorite though, and one I've always longed to have, is the Browning High Power in 9mm Luger. I think it is the prettiest handgun of any type ever made.

05-31-2009, 07:28 PM
I have a gp100 i love the gun 6inch barrel it was first large hand gun i had bought.
I have shot it more then any othere hand gun i have and i have a lot more now.

06-01-2009, 08:35 AM
I would have to say 1911

06-01-2009, 10:36 AM
Dovehunter, I don't currently have a handgun in 9mm. If I get another, it will be the Browning Hi-Power because they are the "American" Classic 9mm. I have had Lugers and a Radom, but the Hi-Power is the classic.

06-01-2009, 11:47 PM
Man, I have to pick a favorite??? Well... after all, we have to stick with the "one that won't get away". Gotta take the 6" .357 Mag. While the 1911 clones are tempting, and the .22 lr is a darn accurate handgun, and the T/C is... well, a T/C. Ya know what? On second thought, I'll take the T/C Contender with a .222 barrel and a .357 maximum barrel. Should cover anything I'm likely to run across.


06-03-2009, 08:48 PM
Different gun for different situations, I favor what I need in a handgun at the moment.
I guess the last one to be sold would be a OM Ruger Super Single-Six I have had over 30 years now.
I Do like my OM 41 mag too, a lot.

Cousin and I both bought new SS's, I had let mine get away. He let his get away to me, with a promise " if you ever sell it I get first dibs".
Still have the box and all the goodies that came with it.

Sorry Don, I will keep this one.

07-04-2009, 05:44 PM
Semis 1911s, DA revovers old S&W 5 screws, SAs Rugers.

Joe Boleo
07-04-2009, 06:10 PM
Take care...

07-06-2009, 08:00 AM
I'd have to say my S&W M66 .357 Mag w/ 4" bbl if I had to choose just one for "everyday".


07-06-2009, 12:37 PM
If I really had to pick a favorite I would have to say my Wilson Combat 1911 45. It is as accurate as i can shoot and I have a Marvel 22 conversion for it.. BUT I do love my S&W Revolvers...all of 'em..as well as the Contenders:D