View Full Version : Reading on stand

04-19-2009, 08:19 PM
I was watching tv were the guy was talking about takeing a book on stand with him and reading.
At one time i youse to stay on stand all day and take books and food and water and coffee?
And was wondering if anyone else does this and if so what do you take do you take papper and magazines or just a book?

04-19-2009, 09:13 PM
I do all the time... sitting in the bear stand from 6 till 10 can be a long wait... the book or magazine makes the time go by faster... Some nights you may not have one bear in... the next you could have 20... the book is for the night that there is not many.

I do read in the deer blind as well... again to pass the time until something comes by.

04-20-2009, 08:05 AM
I take a paperback book- not too bulky, and it helps to pass the time.

04-20-2009, 08:16 AM
I have a small walkman and like to listen to the race/football game on stand in deer season. One earpiece down low.

I will take a book and have been know to study for tests back when in school.

Now i tend to still hunt more than stand hunt. So the book is a no go/

04-20-2009, 10:54 AM
I take a apaper back, and also look through the internent on my phone.

04-20-2009, 07:27 PM
If you know of a veteran who has got injured in the iraq they has passed a new law on the sgli service men group live insurance that if a service man got injured they can get some money for pain and suffering. it was told to us today in our brief before we go to iraq also you dont have to be injured in war to get this.

Chief RID
04-26-2009, 07:52 AM
I read a lot on stand for deer, especially on evening hunts for some reason. I have found I fidget less while occupied with something and when the hunting is slow reading helps. I usually keep a small Bible in my pack anyway and it gets used a lot but if a unread magazine is in camp I will pour over it.

04-27-2009, 08:14 AM
I always read while on stand. And I fall asleep!

04-27-2009, 09:44 AM
Guess I squirrel hunt way too much. I enjoy watching them little buggers more than I do looking at paper on the stand. So no I don't do it, but I know others who do.


04-27-2009, 11:09 AM
I try to take something to read. Its about the only peace I have in my life anymore. Then again there is nothing like a good nap when your on stand.

04-27-2009, 11:16 AM
lol now I HAVE been guilty of falling asleep on the stand. It's very VERY restful out there. No phones, no cars, no electric hums, nothing.


04-27-2009, 01:51 PM
I to have fallen asleep something about a early morn blind both my sons dose off while they are hunting we even have it worked out as to how i will wake them if a deer comes threw.
Squirrels are great just as you seem to be falling asleep that is when you will here them running threw the trees.

04-27-2009, 02:19 PM
Speaking of fallin asleep. I rarely if ever fall asleep while hunting, BUT just this weekend I was watching over a nice field I knew a couple of longbeards liked to hit mid morning. The sun was up, pushing mid to upper 70's..nothing gobblin..about 11 am, and I find myslef dozzin' off under this big ol hemlock I'm perched up against. All of a sudden I feel something jump off my boot...wakes me right the heck up. After some bark hits me in the head, I look straight up to a pine (red) squirrel staring down at me 5 ft above my head. I'm sure we both starteled one another...That's what I get for sleeping on the job.

It was comical though. I wish I could have seen him bounce off my boot, instead of being so rudely woke up that way.

As for reading...no. I do carry a Dell Axim palm of which I pull SD card from trail cams on the way into a stand. I like to view what I've been missing while not in the stand...plus it's got some cool games on it! This is only during early archery when you can sit on a stand for hours and not see anything.

04-27-2009, 04:06 PM
I suppose it's a good idea not to take along any reading that's especially interesting or else you might not look up often enough and you could miss something.

It reminds me of a time I went duck hunting with a friend. I didn't have camo gear at the time so I sat next to a tree away from the water. I had some reading to keep me busy while my friend waited for the ducks to arrive. He didn't have anything to read and so he waited, and waited and a few hours later when he got really bored, he came over to see what I was up to. That's when the ducks showed up. Of course when he tried to get back into position they scattered.

04-27-2009, 10:25 PM
I youse ground blinds most the time becouse i dont like to dozz of in a tree stand.
Yukon i actually have a system when reading on stand i read a page and look around then read the next page.

04-28-2009, 09:34 AM
My hunting buddy did just about everything you are not supposed to do in a stand, talked on his phone, smoked, ate, read, etc, etc. He shot deer before anyone else and usually ended a season with 4 to 6 deer (legal here). Course with a family of 6 he went through a deer pretty fast. But he was bad to talk on one of those aggrivating hand held radio phones with the loud beeps. Deer would walk up to him in his tree stand while he was talking on the phone, amazing.

04-28-2009, 10:12 AM
I, too, like to read when in a tree stand. When I'm scouting in the off-season, I sometimes use my portable, climbing stand to spend a few hours up in a tree looking around for any activity. On those occasions, I like to bring a book (or magazine) that has something to do with scouting or hunting, trying to pick up some tips or hints on what to look or listen for. It also helps me look forward to hunting season. When I hunt from a tree stand, I am usually too tuned-in to what's going on around me (the sights and sounds of the woods - like squirrels, birds, etc.) that I am afraid I will miss something if I have my head in a book.