View Full Version : 22. calibers

04-20-2009, 06:46 PM
my old 22. is pretty good but the stupid remington 22 thunderbolts are junk. when I tried to sight in a scope I had somany misfires that I dumped the whole case in the creek(literly).
In the old ammo safe I found some remington 22 viper but i don't want to spend another day in the woods dumping packs in the creek!
Does anybody know about a affordible and reliable 22 caliber cratridge?

04-20-2009, 08:29 PM
I have had plenty of Tree Rats fall to the run of the mill Remington Golden H.P. You may want to move this thread to the Rimfire section to Get more info.

Gil Martin
04-21-2009, 04:29 PM
I have been very pleased with the Federal 550 round bulk packs from Wal-Mart. All of my .22 rifles love them. All the best...

04-21-2009, 05:40 PM
After working on guns for so many years I found that most of the problems with 22 ammo was usually the gun itself. About 6 of 10 22s brought to me to be fixed were usually fixed by a GOOD cleaning. 22s have an awful lot of wax on them and they sometimes gunk up the works. The Remington Nylon guns were really prone to that. Anyway..it might not be the ammo as much as you think. Old guns quite often become a bit worn too. 22s mostly from neglect along with the use. BTW..never dump ammo in a stream....give it to someone else. Their gun might shoot it. I had a Remington 12 that wouldn't shoot the Rem Vipers either...cleaned that devil and it goes just fine with anything

04-21-2009, 11:23 PM
Stay away from the high velocity stuff, alot of 22s don't like em too well.

04-22-2009, 02:46 PM
After working on guns for so many years I found that most of the problems with 22 ammo was usually the gun itself. About 6 of 10 22s brought to me to be fixed were usually fixed by a GOOD cleaning. 22s have an awful lot of wax on them and they sometimes gunk up the works. The Remington Nylon guns were really prone to that. Anyway..it might not be the ammo as much as you think. Old guns quite often become a bit worn too. 22s mostly from neglect along with the use. BTW..never dump ammo in a stream....give it to someone else. Their gun might shoot it. I had a Remington 12 that wouldn't shoot the Rem Vipers either...cleaned that devil and it goes just fine with anything

thanks I never knew 22s had a lot of wax on them! maybe I should clean'er up. i didn't actually dump it in the creek because they might go off at any time!

Rocky Raab
04-22-2009, 06:04 PM
THE best cleaner/solvent/lube I have EVER found for 22 semi-autos is a product called CorrosionX.

Clean the gun well, spritz in some CorrosionX and let it dry completely. Afterwards, almost ALL ash, wax, lube and burned crud just falls off and out of the action like magic. A short squirt every thousand rounds ever after is plenty.

Lacking that, clean well with regular bore solvent, but do NOT lube the action. Bullet lube/wax is more than enough to keep the gun running well. It gets blown everywhere, don't worry!

04-22-2009, 08:52 PM
Sometimes us ol dogs do learn new tricks. I just picked up another Nylon 77(no mag)for 25 bucks but it sure do be a bit...ugly shall we say. I'll try some of that stuff and try finding a mag. Might be able to make her run.

Mr. 16 gauge
05-02-2009, 05:16 PM
I'll try some of that stuff and try finding a mag. Might be able to make her run.

Here you go, Skeet!


Have one of those 'ugly' guns myself!:D

As for ammo, I've had good luck in all my rimfires using CCI minimag HP ammo. Also had good luck with the Federal American Eagle ammo (as far as accuracy), but lately that stuff seems to be dirtier and leaving more residue than I remember.
Either way, I've stocked up on .22 rimfire ammo from both manufacturers......getting harder and harder to come byANY .22 rimfire ammo anymore, let alone the brand that you want to purchase.

.....um.....what creek was it that you dumped that ammo in?;)

05-02-2009, 07:59 PM
I was just lookin at the shelves in my vault. Gotta put a little bracing under a couple of 'em. I happen to have about 8000 rounds of 22 ammo. A whole lot of it I got at yard sales and estate & farm auctions. Even have some 22 WRF and maybe a 1000 22 mags. Have been looking in the stores and the 100 packs of 22 LR are going for 6-8 bucks. Holy crapo!!:confused: And there really isn't a whole lot of them. Can't figure it out. Am the gummit trying to un-ammunitionize us or sumpin?? I was at Wally World while momma was grocery shoppin and I have more ammo than that store has....including shotshell stuff. Hopefully if the gummit isn't behind it the whole mess will fix itself. People are selling primers on Gunbroker for up to 80 bucks per M...plus shipping. Sheesh! I just bought a whole bunch and when I went to sell 'em for a normal profit I had one guy wanted to buy 'em all...and I had 100M. I let him buy 2M. He almost didn't get them as he acted all bent out of shape. I kept 2000 of each and sold the rest for an average of 32 bucks a 1000. Took a whole day to do it too. People are really going a bit nutz on this reloading stuff. Going to a gun show at the end of the month in Central Wy and there is a guy there that sells magazines for most everything. Maybe I'll get one there. If not I'll do Gun parts. Thanks for the link What I'd like to do is find one of the Nylon lever actions...and I don't know why:D

02-03-2010, 10:19 PM
Best ammo Ive ever used is the big-box Winchester 40grain Power Point. Half inch at 50yds with my Marlin. Only 2 duds in a 500 round box. Lotsa dead gophers, magpies, and blackbirds with that load.

02-04-2010, 05:43 AM
Best bulk .22LR I ever used was Winchester Dynapoint in the white box. I have a pic of my Winchester 75T target rifle with two targets - each a five-shot half-inch group at 100 yards. Very consistent ammo! But our local Wally's stopped carrying it.
Nowadays I prefer CCI Minimag - more spendy but they shoot very good.

Remington Thunderduds - yep, garbage. My semiauto .22's choke on them. Very inconsistent power makes for a lot of vertical stringing, and the duds add insult to injury!

Federal 550-packs ammo is functionally good, but doesn't shoot the tight groups I like. Good for plinking with the semis though!

02-04-2010, 08:27 AM
I have had plenty of Tree Rats fall to the run of the mill Remington Golden H.P. You may want to move this thread to the Rimfire section to Get more info.

I too have had good results over the years shooting this same ammo but using solid points. Years ago when I had plenty of time and more disposable income I tried everything I could find in all my 22s. Admittedly there were others that did better in individual guns but usually did worse in others. The Remington "Golden Bullets" always seem to do the best all around in all my guns, so I have been using them exclusively for probably 30 years now. Another advantage is that you can usually find the Remington "Golden Bullets" anywhere.

I have tried but have never had good luck with what I consider the promo ammo such as Thunderbolts, Lightnings, Yellow Jackets, Wildcats, etc.

jefferson herb
09-07-2011, 12:46 AM
The remmington ammo from the past was good,I think that the 550 bulk pack has given Remmington a bad rep to it's ammo.
Fed Lightning,CCI Blazer,Win Wildcat,Kids Favorite ammo of the 70's,especially if you had to pay for your own.