View Full Version : Million man armed march
04-29-2009, 03:11 PM
Anybody hear about this? I haven't heard as much as I would like about it.
Basically, some guy is trying to organize a peaceful march on washington with a million or so armed folks. I really like this idea. I can't see how anything could possibly go wrong.:D
This would be great, but it'll never happen. Nothing that could be that much fun ever does.
I think I'd give one of my crown jewels just to see the look on feinstein's, schumer's and obama's faces to see several hundred thousand or more armed folks in washington.:D
04-29-2009, 03:19 PM
I'll come clear from Wyoming...and I hate Washington!!
04-29-2009, 04:30 PM
A million armed folks. I can only immagine. Do any of you think the gun grabbers would be around or in a spider hole somewhere?
04-29-2009, 06:51 PM
Yeah, that'd work all right and the military on hand to shoot us terrorists on sight. :eek::(:mad:
Still, even a million man unarmed watch might get their attention, and the attention of WE THE PEOPLE should the media actually show it.
Once they get Franken in, they'll have their almost untouchable majority.:(
As my good friend said shortly after the last election, "I fear the communists have won." :mad:
Paul B.
04-29-2009, 09:10 PM
OH yeah I'd go. If for no other reason than to meet skeet and swap Naga hunting stories:D Maybe Rocky could bring along some Corona's and lime.
Dan Morris
04-29-2009, 09:35 PM
Stay outta the Crazy Horse Bar on 9th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04-29-2009, 10:51 PM
Is that the cross dressing Drag Queen Bar??:eek::D Actually I haven't been in Washington for years so I guess if that is what that bar is...Only Dan would really know.....Unless Fabs could visit it and spread the news of all the dirty laundry. (boy is that a play on words..cross dressing and dirty laundry)I'm almost certain Fabs has never been there..Have ya my friend??:rolleyes:;) Now how do ole Dan know of this place? Please please elucidate
Dan Morris
04-30-2009, 06:20 AM
LOL...nah, CH was a hangout for Intel people.At least it was in the 60/70' least, thats what it was back then.......don't know about now!
guys i am all for a good cause, but they jumped on me for driving a truck with six wheels to close to the pentagon, and being that they have the most strict gun laws in the nation, i am gonna sit this one out, maybe next time
04-30-2009, 02:08 PM
LOL...nah, CH was a hangout for Intel people.At least it was in the 60/70' least, thats what it was back then.......don't know about now!
Dan I think(been a loooonggg time) that I remember that place or at least the mention of it. We were not allowed to go into Washington when I worked for the gummit back then. They were afraid someone would get pictures of us or something. Not that it would have really mattered:rolleyes:
Dan Morris
04-30-2009, 08:45 PM
Gettin off thread......all them spooks was workin against each other.....just like it is now..'agency turf warz'...
Adam Helmer
05-01-2009, 08:16 AM
A noble idea, but it really is a pipe dream. A LOT could go wrong with a million armed folks marching in Washington D.C. The anti-gunners could easily infiltrate a few "Moles" into the march and turn it against us. Also, a nut case could infiltrate just to stir things up. The "Mole" or nut could fire a round at the White House or the Capitol and then the Black Helicopters would fly over spraying nerve gas on the marchers. Just like on Lexington Green in 1775, "No one knows who fired the first shot."
A march would be fine, but carry placards and leave the guns at home.
Dan Morris
05-01-2009, 08:32 AM
On topic, I think a million UNarmed might be noticed! Especially if they VOTED!
05-02-2009, 01:11 PM
a march would be ok...but NOT an armed one...the anti's would like to see that.
one shot fired, for and by who, and for what reason(s) doesn't matter, and they would have what the anti would claim is an "armed rebellion" and move in with the military.
05-02-2009, 01:17 PM
I think ill set this waste of time out till the first shot does get fired......ONLY THEN ILL KNOW WERE SERIOUS ABOUT OUR FUTURE'S / FREEEDOM'S..... SIGN'S AINT CUTTING IT. (IT DIDNT WORK ON TOBBACCO NOW DID IT !.....but you can get out there and protest....while they laugh at you..I dont need to get started with ''VOTING'' see where that got us last time......IF WE WANT IT WE GOTTA FIGHT FOR IT ! bottom line....
Adam Helmer
05-03-2009, 01:49 PM
I agree with you; the gummint would declare an insurrection as the armed marchers got into DC, the area would be contained by tanks and troops and the "ticket out" would be the surrender of the marcher's gun (which would be later smashed and smelted on TV). The disarmed insurrectionists would be marched to a gulag in rural Maryland and "Process", tried and given felony sentences rendering them "Prohibited Persons" from future gun ownership.
The time for armed revolt is when they come door-to-door to seize guns. Before that time, peaceful demonstrations will at least show we tried to work within the system. If that fails, then as John Locke said, "When a government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to alter or abolish it."
Our Revolution of 1775 was an act of insurrection against the, then, legitimate gummint. The people were pushed too far and pushed back. We always have that right-it just does not have to be the first response.
05-06-2009, 08:17 PM
Hell, one more arrest for me lawfully carrying a firearm wont hurt now...:p
05-06-2009, 08:37 PM
Ive been really wondering if the Patriot's of the Revolution talked about the thing's we've been talking about lately (felony's , Peaceful demonstration's , The government becomming destructive , Prohibited from carrying any firearm's etc....)
05-13-2009, 01:33 AM
05-30-2009, 10:26 AM
maybe carry wooden or plastic mock-up guns?
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