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View Full Version : reloading the 30-30 winchester

05-19-2009, 03:50 PM
The grand old 30-30. One of the loves of my life, much like the 45 longcolt. I swore that I would not reload this inexpensive to shoot deer killing son of a gun, but alas we have a democrate in office again. SOOOOO I would like to hear about ANYBODIES experience reloading this cartridge. Powders, primers, bullets (the 165grain lasercast makes me curious since I am normally a 170grain shooter) etc. I mean ANY reloading combo. I doubt there is a speer 2 ball load for it like there is for the 45LC but I am interested in any kinda of reload for it and how it worked out for you.

Thanks in advance


05-19-2009, 04:42 PM
Tagging along since I have a savage 99 that I may start loading for

05-19-2009, 06:05 PM
The 30-30 takes to lead bullets like a duck to water. Loading priciples are slightly different than jacketed bullets, but nothing difficult. By playinfg around a bit, you can come close to or reach factory velocity without too much trouble. Your gun may or may not like that much speed, but you'll have to try. to se if you gun will work that way.
First off, I cast my own bullets. I've used the Lyman #311291 bullet for more years than I care to count. it's a good bullet in the 30-30, but some people are concerned that the round nose resting against the primer might be a problem. It has not been a problem for me in well over 40 years. A very popular bullet is Lyman's #31141 or 311041 under the new number. I have two of those molds plus an NEI clone and they have not worked well for me in any 30-30 I own. (M94, M64 M54 Winchesters and a 336 Marlin.) Snother bullet that I have played with is the RCBS #30-180-FN, which weigh 190 gr. in wheel weight metal.
My loads for the #311291 are 30.0 gr. IMR-3031 or W-748.
For the RCBS bullet, 28.0 gr. of either IMR-3031 or W-748.
For the #31141/311041 use data for #w311291.
my bullets in WW metal weigh 175 gr. for 311291 and 31141.
if you're going for full power type loads, just use jacketed bulet dat starting witht he start load and work up.
For me, the #311291 has taken 17 deer and the RCBS bullet 2 deer so they will work for hunting, but I believe one must be a bit more careful about bullet placement with cast.
Bullet size is important. I cannot stress that enough. My preference is for
.310" which will work in both Winchester and Marlin rifles. A diameter of .309should work in Winchesters, but I've found that in the Marlins I've owned with Micro-groove rifling that .310" works better.
You must bell the necks just like for handgun ammo with lead bullets. I use a Lyman "M" die to do the job. If you have something like a .338 or .35 caliber spitzer bullet, you can get away with that but the Lyman die makes it a lot easier and more consistant.
I have not used the Laser-cast or any other commercially cast bullets so will not comment on them other that some people say they're too hard. Probably would not be good for hunting if they're that hard, but just fine for targets.
Anyway, that's the best I can do for you.
Paul B.

05-29-2009, 07:34 AM
I have been reloading for the .30-30 Win. for years and about the ony problem I have experienced is that this round seems more inclined towards lubrication dents in the venturi portion of the case than other rifle rounds for which I reload. However, since I have been using one of the new spray on lubes like Lyman's, I have not experienced this problem at all. My most recent .30-30 reloading experience probably won't help you because I have been loading for my Savage model 340 which is a bolt-action and using sharp pointed bullets. My favorite load is a Hornady 150 gr. spitzer over 3031 powder. I have found that sharp-pointed bullets larger than 150 gr. won't fit in the clip. I've killed several deer with it, a couple out to nearly 200 yds. This load will shoot fairly tight 100-yd. groups. If you're interested in trying this load - I see no reason why you couldn't substitute a 150 gr. RN - reply to this post and I'll look up and post my exact recipe.

Rocky Raab
05-29-2009, 09:02 AM
I also have a Savage 340, but I shoot cast bullets only through it.

I have used the Oregon Trails bullet, but got horrible accuracy with it when plain-based. The only accurate load with it was 7.0 of 700X at 1200 fps. ANY other load was "wild."

I cast the Lee C309-170-F and gas check it. That bullet (or the Laser-Cast with a gas check applied) shoot very accurately up to 2000 fps. My best load there is 20 - 21 of AA5744, but one that recently proved very good is 16.0 2400. (I may have finally found a use for 2400, which I used to hate.) The Lyman M die is mandatory with all cast loads.

For pure effort-free workup and loading, however, do try my classic 10.0 Unique with the Speer or Hornady half-jacket Plinker bullet. Oh my...!

05-29-2009, 10:48 AM
Hey Rocky..I tried that unique load in the 30-30..then I went out and bought a couple more boxes of those bullets. They shoot great out of my 340..and I tried them in my OLD 94(1897 I think). They shoot really good out of it too..and the bore is a little bit rough in it. It will also shoot 130 gr spire points loaded singly of course into angle of rabbit(at about 80 yds) which is about as good as I can hold her.

BTW I did get a chance at a coyote the other day ..had the 340 close with the 1/2 jacket plinkers..It did a beautiful job at about 45-50 yds.. Not real loud either..

Adam Helmer
05-29-2009, 11:57 AM

I load the Lyman 31141 170 grain flatnose cast bullet in both my .30/30s. I load 27 grains of IMR 3031, crimp the bullet and the overall length is 63.75mm. My 150 grain jacketed load has 28 grains of 3031 and is crimped to an overall length of 64mm. Both loads shoot to the same point of aim in my guns at 100 yards. Hope this helps.


Rocky Raab
05-29-2009, 01:05 PM
Skeet that Plinker load is just about the closest thing I've ever seen to a "works in EVERY gun" combo. The only problem it can cause is if you let your kid shoot it - because he'll shoot 'em up faster than you can load 'em!

05-29-2009, 01:37 PM
Think that load will work in the 06 ok..or should I bump the load up a bit..or how about the 300 Savage? Closest thing I have to a 308(which I have no use for) and it shoots pretty good for a beat up ol rifle(722).

Mr. 16 gauge
05-30-2009, 08:38 AM
The only one I can remember off the top of my head is as follows:

LEE 170 grn cast FPGC, 27.0 grains IMR 3031, Remington or Winchester case, CCI 200 primer.

Very accurate out of my Winchester 94.

I know I have some others, but I don't have a chance to look 'em up right now......I'll try and check later and post those.

Rocky Raab
05-30-2009, 08:58 AM
Skeet, go to my webpage and read "Universal 30 Load". The short answer is 10 to 12 Unique and the Plinker works in everything from 30-30 up. (Meaning everything but the 30 Carbine, and 8 grains works in that!)

06-03-2009, 02:43 PM

Please describe the Speer/Hornady "plinker" bullet. I would like to give your load a try in my Marlin 336 (if the bullet has a flat or rounded point).

Also, I am very interested in your work with the 41 Special. A couple of years ago I had a different computer and could access your website. Can't remember when I couldn't anymore but it may have been when you made some website changes. My new PC has Windows XP and your website always comes up gibberish (Java problem?). In addition, my security software says the website has been declared "dangerous"? Go figure.


Rocky Raab
06-04-2009, 09:01 AM
Both Hornady and Speer make almost identical bullets. They are half-jacket with a round or slightly pointed nose core of almost pure lead. Hornady (#3005) calls theirs a "308 short jacket" and Speer (#1805) calls theirs "308 Plinker" on the boxes. Both weigh 100 grains.

Two things happened with my website, neither of which I'm smart enough to fix. One is when Microsoft changed the program I used to design it, the new one scrambles the old code. Second, Internet Explorer now either scrambles the code itself OR displays the pages flush right instead of left.

I'd have to completely re-do every page from scratch (and there's 50 Meg of stuff in there!) or YOU can use Firefox or Chrome browsers. Both of those read the pages perfectly.

Mr. 16 gauge
06-04-2009, 11:58 AM
Here are some other loads from my collection:

Winchester 170 grain Silver tip, WW case, CCI 200 primer, 29.5 grains of IMR 4064

Speer 170 grn FP, WW case, CCI 200 primer, 29.5 grains of IMR4064.

Speer 170 grn FP, WW case, CCI 200 primer, 32.5 grains of IMR 4350

Speer 170 grain FP, WW case, CCI 250 primer, 28.0 grains WW748

Hornady 170 grn FP, WW case, CCI 250 primer, 33.0 grains of Hodgdon BLC-2.

06-11-2009, 12:40 PM
I thought you guys would cover most of the 30-30 stuff but you skipped over my bullets and loads. I use the RCBS 150 FP and the RCBS 165 FP. I use 10 gr of Unique with both for good accuracy. I have also used H-4227, 4895 and 3031 with the 165 for good accuracy. I can not recall the 4895 load, but it was an old JD Jones silhouette load and pretty stout. The 3031 load was 30 grains and the H-4227 was 17 grains.

PS: Unique goes well with Corn Flakes.:D

Rocky Raab
06-12-2009, 08:49 AM
Ahh, cast bullets are a whole nuther samovar of sardines.

With a plain-base 150/170, 7.0 of 700X gives 1200 fps.

Anything higher needs a gas check, and with those, my pet loads are 10 Unique, 16 2400 and 20 AA5744. I don't push them above 2000 fps.

06-15-2009, 12:10 PM
Thanks Rocky, Firefox fixed the website problem. I can now read your stuff again. Re the 30cal plinker bullets: My mail order components supplier carries the Speer bullet but not the Hornady. Price (w/o S&H) is just over $14/100. Will be trying these shortly.
