View Full Version : Looking for 223 loads

05-28-2009, 11:36 AM
Hey all... I am having a struggle getting my Savage Law Enforcement series 223 to shoot anything decent. Tried 45g Win factory loads (2" groups)

I loaded up some 40g & 55g Vmax (groups from 1.55" to over 3"!!:eek:)

My brother picked up some 65g Sierra game kings for me to try (man trying to get any decent 224 bullet around here is difficult) However I don't have a sierra manual handy. If anyone has a newer manul I would love to see min/max loads for the bullet with either Varget or IMR 4198 (what I have on hand, power is also a PIA to get here)

Thanks in advance!

05-28-2009, 11:50 AM
That rifle has a 1 in 9 twist so will shoot the heavier bullets a bit better. 60-69 grs..Don't have the loading data handy..but check Hogdon's site for loading data,,it's free and up to date...for the most part. Your rifle should shoot 55 gr bullets ok too..Bullets are becoming easier to find here..primers are not of course.. Bought 500 55 gr Vmax bullets the other day at the gun show for 70 bucks..which isn't too bad. BTW y'all..If you're going to need bullets..get 'em soon. Commodity prices(lead and copper) are going back up...Shot too.

05-28-2009, 12:07 PM
Thanks Skeet.. Already checked the Hog site.. nada for the 65g Gamekings...

Hopefully something will turn up from my sources, or I will have to work up from skratch using another bullets data.. always fun..

05-29-2009, 07:19 AM
My Sierra manual must not be too up to date. It doesn't list the 65 gr. Game King nor any loads for Varget powder. However it does show loads for their 63 gr. semi-pointed bullet for IMR-4198 powder: starting load is 18.5 gr. @ 2600 f/s and the maximum load is 20.2 gr. @ 2700 f/s. Based on my manual it doesn't appear that IMR-4198 is that good of a powder for the .223. Most of my manuals show IMR-3031 as giving the highest velocities (or nearly so) before reaching maximum pressures. Using that same bullet and 3031 (from the Sierrra manual) the starting load is 20.6 gr. @ 2600 f/s and the maximum load is 22.7 gr. @ 2900 f/s.

Since I have IMR-3031 and a supply of Sierra's 52 gr. HPBT Match bullets on hand, that's what I am going to try initially for the .223 rifle I just bought. It shoots great with factory Federal Premium loads which use the Sierra 55 gr. HPBT Game King bullets.

Ol` Joe
05-29-2009, 11:22 PM
Call Sierra`s tech service and I`m sure they can help with data for their bullets. 1.800.223.8799